But long before he served in Washington, he called Scranton "home" as a child. Election Day 2020 in Southwest Virginia calm with steady turnout ... At Union Primary School near Big Stone Gap, election official Tina Morgan … Washington Building 1100 Bank Street, First Floor Richmond, VA 23219, ©2020 Virginia Department of Elections. “The eyes of the American public and the world are on election officials as we administer free and fair elections during this unprecedented time,” said New Mexico Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver, who also is president of the National Association of Secretaries of State. With Democrats dominating the early vote, Republicans were expected to comprise a large share of Tuesday’s voting. They also warned that isolated incidents of voter intimidation were possible given the level of political rancor this year, but that safeguards are in place and voters should not be concerned about casting a ballot in person. Millions of people rely on Vox to understand how the policy decisions made in Washington, from health care to unemployment to housing, could impact their lives. Most Popular “But despite those unprecedented strains, the system was able to pull it together and accommodate this incredible surge in voting. Election officials across some 10,000 voting jurisdictions scrambled to purchase personal-protective equipment, find larger polling places, replace veteran poll workers who opted to sit out this year’s election due to health concerns and add temporary workers to deal with the avalanche of mail ballots. "Virginia Democrats aren't taking their foot off the gas. The increase in Democratic enthusiasm has been seen elsewhere this election cycle. The group has been working with the National Association of State Election Directors to help states hammer out plans for protecting against foreign and domestic cyberattacks, countering misinformation and strengthening an election infrastructure tested by massive early voting and pandemic precautions. Given that a few states, including Texas, had already exceeded their total 2016 vote count, experts were predicting record turnout this year. How do we cover it when it’s happening here? Daten über Ihr Gerät und Ihre Internetverbindung, darunter Ihre IP-Adresse, Such- und Browsingaktivität bei Ihrer Nutzung der Websites und Apps von Verizon Media. Former Vice President Joe Biden, who won the state decisively, said Tuesday night that "the turnout turned out for us" in Virginia, and "there is some evidence he is correct," The Washington Post reports. Live: Virginia State Primary Election Results 2020. President Donald Trump has returned to the White House and a very different Washington, D.C., after losing his reelection bid. RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) – While the race for the White House has been called for Joe Biden, President Donald Trump supporters gathered in downtown Richmond calling for a more transparent election process. President-Elect Joe Biden has lived his life in the political spotlight now for nearly a half-century. Joe Biden received more than 53% of those votes, while Bernie Sanders got about 23%. This unprecedented surge in turnout is undoubtedly a sign of high Democratic enthusiasm, which has propelled Democrats to historic victories across the Commonwealth since 2016. You can help by supporting Vox's explanatory journalism with a financial contribution today. She was anxious as she walked into the clerk’s office, but as she walked out she felt something different: hope. Registration statistics for Virginia voters are updated monthly. Turnout in Virginia's Democratic primary surged to more than 1.3 million voters, from about 783,000 in 2016 and 986,000 in 2008. Virginia’s turnout this year was nearly double what it was in 2016, Trump is attempting a coup in plain sight. Virginia has been trending increasingly blue in recent years, especially since Trump took office. On Tuesday, lines will be extended by social-distancing rules and could get worse if large numbers of voters who requested a mail ballot show up at the polls after deciding they would rather vote in person. Most states, even ones with broad mask mandates, stopped short of forcing voters to wear them at the polls. Dave Chappelle’s SNL monologue was shrewd and political — but more chill than expected. Get The American Independent in your inbox, Former senior investigative reporter at ThinkProgress and former head of money-in-politics reporting at the Center for Public Integrity. Both the New Hampshire and South Carolina Democratic primaries broke their respective all-time turnout records back in February, and Nevada's Democratic caucus came close to doing the same, easily exceeding 2016 participation rates. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Statistics are broken out into segments including, but not limited to, Congressional District, State Senate, House of Delegates and locality. Dies geschieht in Ihren Datenschutzeinstellungen. Harris wore all white for her victory speech, honoring suffragists. After Democrats swept statewide races in 2017 and picked up three of the state's 11 House seats in 2018, they won majorities in both chambers of the state legislation last year for the first time in decades. AUSTIN (KXAN) — Mere hours after the news of President-elect Joe Biden's historic win in the 2020 Presidential Election, Austinites of both parties gathered at the Texas Capitol in downtown Austin to celebrate or protest. 1 digital platform for progressive news, reaching millions of people each month. Surges in Democratic turnout over the past few years have propelled us to massive victories, and these results are another sign that Virginia Democrats are fired up and ready to beat Donald Trump," said Democratic Party of Virginia Communications Director Grant Fox.