Viridiana's origin is Latin, and its use, Italian and Spanish. advertisement advertisement Quick MenuInformation About The Name ViridianaPrononciation Of ViridianaThe Meaning Of The Name ViridianaStatistics Of The Name … Das Gespenst der Freiheit | "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.". [citation needed], Viridiana has never ranked in the top 1,000 female names outside the United States. Viridiana is a frillier version of the medieval name Viridis, meaning green. Erwachsenen zum Nachdenken und möglichst auch zur Aussprache in kirchlichen Kreisen empfohlen.“, Ein andalusischer Hund | Das junge Mädchen | [1], In der deutschen Verleihfassung wurde der Film nach Intervention von katholischen Filmexperten um etwa elf Minuten gekürzt. See also the related categories, latin, italian, and spanish. Viridiana has also been used as a girl name. We're excited that you have an opinion about the name Viridiana. Oktober 2020 um 09:29 Uhr bearbeitet. Er versucht, Viridiana zu einem längeren Aufenthalt zu bewegen, doch sie beharrt auf der baldigen Rückkehr ins Kloster. You will receive an email (no more than once per day) summarizing any new mentions of Viridiana on Nameberry. Without fun you can not breath. The origin of the female first name Viridiana comes from the Latin word "viridis", meaning "green". Just for fun, see the name Viridiana in Hieroglyphics, learn about ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics and write a Hieroglyphic message. Viridiana | See more. To rate names on Nameberry, please register for an account or log in to an existing account. See also the related categories, latin, italian, and spanish. Sein Testament benennt als Erben des Gutes Viridiana und Don Jaimes unehelichen Sohn Jorge. Viridiana is a variation of Veridiana (Italian). You are the most emotional person. If you didn't find an alternative name that you like better than Viridiana, try our name generator. 231/1962, „Die böse Vorahnung und das kurze Glück des Generalfilmdirektors – Der 18. Children named Viridiana are often helpful and honorable but most of all they are read more >>. Viridiana (Spanish, Portuguese, Latin), Viridianne (French, English), Verdiana (Italian) is a female given name of Latin origin as well as the name of an Italian saint. † English pronunciation for Viridiana: V as in "vow (V.AW)" ; ER as in "hurt (HH.ER.T)" ; IY as in "eat (IY.T)" ; D as in "day (D.EY)" ; AE as in "at (AE.T)" ; N as in "knee (N.IY)" ; AA as in "odd (AA.D)". The origin of the female first name Viridiana comes from the Latin word "viridis", meaning "green". The meaning of Viridiana is "pure, divine". Einer der Bettler schlägt Jorge nieder, ein anderer versucht, Viridiana zu vergewaltigen. Robinson Crusoe | Our Baby Namer - Origin and Meaning of Baby Names, Books, Gifts. Lots of nickname choices. Dieses obskure Objekt der Begierde, Herausgegeben vom Evangelischen Presseverband München, Kritik Nr. What will your new littleViridiana be like? In der Schlussszene kommt Viridiana dazu, als Jorge gerade der Bediensteten Ramona unverhohlene Avancen macht. Learn about nautical flags and see your name or message written in nautical flags, on the Viridiana in Nautical Flags page.