Don’t you understand that Science! Yes, Tony, threats like that: fascist policies like “free” healthcare and government retirement plans; racist policies like the minimum wage and unionization. You’re so special! Are you defending this system? She did not get a lawyer to charge him falsely, or anything like that. There are two ways of accomplishing that: (1) government rationing of healthcare or (2) free markets. Relatedly, claiming victim status can lead observers to hold a person less blameworthy, excusing transgressions, such as the appropriation of private property or the infliction of pain upon others, that might otherwise bring condemnation or rebuke. True believers on the Left have been de-carbonizing themselves. Truth isn’t a treasured value with those people, and I don’t believe Trump has a great deal of control over either the DoJ or the relevant US Attorney’s office. A few college students protesting statues would be fine, if that’s all that was happening. It all came crumbling down after Michael and I were married. Tulpa has said that she likes to slurp down her own maggot-laden yeast-infected twat juice! I don’t believe anyone should lose their job for what happened in the heat of an argument between two shrill dicks. That’s the first worthwhile post you’ve made in months. Supposedly “liberal” FACTS are dismissed out of hand, when the cite is a “liberal” source, which is anyone other that Ann Coulter, or Attila the Hun! Trump isn’t on the flight manifests to Epstein’s island, Clinton is. Don’t make me look bad, by being better than me, or I will kill you! Are you sure that is really the statement you want to be making? Even black people are all ‘whatchyou ‘talkin’ ’bout, Willis?’ seeing this crap. The message is that we can get back to where we were prior to Democrat governors locking down their states to most all economic activity if we just don’t lean into the authoritarian leftists giving us the worst unemployment rates ever. I thought spoofing the employees was one of the very few things here that got you the banhammer? She’s a woman who was sexually harassed by a white male, as her ‘breasts’ were fondled. Not true. I knew it would be a slippery slope down to where they’d let mushrooms marry plants. Like the music and the lyrics, it’s decent and enjoyable, skillfully done, but completely un-challenging – the music sounds just like the music from Moana, but with some occasional lite rapping (more Neneh Cherry than NWA). wasn’t Reagan. It takes a lot of deep thinking, pulling back of curtains and daring to challenge the brainwashing but the effort is well worth it. And I get it too. People like you think Y2K was blown out of proportion, and that’s why it was a non-event. My minister, fairly progressive from Oregon (western at that) even admitted the NFL playing the “Black National Anthem” before the real National Anthem is just white savior complex and empty virtue signalling, and harkens back to segregation. Heres what I do… Click For Full Details. Oh goodie, here come the Trumpistas covering each other. Peaceful protestor: I’m a demonstrator! An amazing number of Trump-adoring comments are to be found here, and VERY few of them are from any kind of individual-freedom-loving perspective. This is a weird sentiment when it comes to systemic justice. Anybody who claims they speak for “God” is either crazy, a liar or an idiot. Two women arrested after a May 31 protest in Indianapolis are suing local police in federal court for allegedly excessive force. We look back at past centuries and wonder how they could have been so stupid. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm …… thanks but we all knew this. Saliency detection is considered to be a key attentional mechanism that facilitates learning and survival by enabling organisms to focus their limited perceptual and cognitive resources on the most pertinent subset of the available sensory data. The Ds are afraid black voters will start considering what their votes have gotten them over the past decades. It took almost twenty-five years but one day Mom spilled the beans. It does NOT need to be “zero sum”! In my case, there were various classes beginning with “Study Skills” class in 4th & 5th grade, which introduced methods for evaluating sources of information – methods which were reinforced by subsequent classes in later grades and college. I must’ve been, oh, about nine years old when my father launched into one of his first très awkward, one-on-one, father/daughter sex talks. So if the truth helps the left, the Times is a perfectly good authority to appeal. Likewise, the virtue signaler might emphasize behaviors, like volunteer work or spiritual proclivities that substantiate their moral superiority. The vets gave the dog a clean bill of health and the dog was returned to her. It’s meant to be used against the triggered snowflake librulz. I am still hoping for the movie theatre chains (AMC, Cinemark, Regal) to reopen in time for Unhinged, HERE►…ReadMore. This is several weeks old, but I just saw discovered this guy and I had to post it here in case anyone else hasn’t seen his stuff. go to this SITE for more INFO just copy and past…ReadMore. To them the virtue is not about other people, it’s about them. Her name was dragged through the mud, and I’m guessing she lost her job. Gender non-conforming woman means a dyke who isn’t a lesbian. Reportedly wearing corona masks out of concern for fellow intersectionalists, the social-justice-crusading shooters could not be identified.”, “treated as a composite, the Dark Triad traits were significant predictors of virtuous victim signaling.”, I knew it. That one might be loosely translated as, “Don’t feed the trolls”. I merely expect a higher level of tolerance from people who claim to want a society of maximum individual freedom. John can defend himself, or not. I have been working from home for 4 years now and I love it. By the time I woke up to the truth I was privy to the way she smeared my name to clients I sent her way, and recognized how her ‘inspirational mentorship’ was designed to disempower me. How much rent could you charge if your building looked like a vagina? You keep using the word “protesting”. He said that there was a general understanding in the ‘black community’ that they didn’t really quite pass the ‘sniff test’ of blackness. And we all know why he won’t say funding. And I’m not saying that there aren’t good Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc doing good works out there. In case the above is “TL;DR” for morons, here is the SHORTER version: “What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander”. You say black lives matter? She likely is lying. This is just Manhattanites moving to the Hamptons, right? Check this one out —, “Heavily-armed domestic terrorists operating under under the progressive-approved BLM banner opened fire and murdered an 8-year-old black child in Wendy’s parking lot. Think Jo Jorgensen Is a Spoiler? • Good news on occupational licensing reform in Pennsylvania. I know this and it doesn’t matter that you don’t. Journalists who talk about racism in comics, doxx people, blather on about injustices etc. Then come the partisan policy wonks, the Democrats, the Dr. Fauci types, China-friendly Bill Gates’ kinds, the anti-Trumpers and pro-Joe Biden-ers with their safety recommendations and health advisements and medical suggestions. Does God have a suggestion box? ", "that a dimension referred to as amoral manipulation was the most reliable predictor of virtuous victim signaling. Just like the virus knows not to infect people protesting against “racism”, it also knows not to infect sacred illegal aliens. If you see giant penises when you look at a cluster of buildings then you might have other problems Conclusion: While there’s sufficient evidence to conclude I’m indeed responsible for my actions, the evidence is inconclusive I actually did anything wrong. “But since we’re all potential victims of a falsely reported crime, it gives me a sense of trust that there are systemic consequences if you falsely report someone.”. (See also: "Robert Kraft and Florida Massage Workers Are Still Fighting Unconstitutional Surveillance Video. And we have the manifests of very plane that went to that island and Trump isn’t on them. Prostitution is not a crime. !$ – Tony when he’s told EMTALA makes his point look retarded. I mean, Joe Biden’s literal message is America is racist and he will end and transform America. Hand-me-down projection. Socialism is Communism’s life long bachelor uncle. We used to just call them “Tom boys.”, always loved tomboys but to us they were more the soccer players and chicks from small towns who could shoot guns, Real question, not trying to be a complete asshole (just a partial one) but what does “gender-nonconforming woman”. She made it up because her ‘story’ positions her as someone standing in solidarity with the BLM protests (the fictitious other protesters in her story were black and she says she felt obligated to participate as the only white person there to show support) and not as a member of an outside, mostly-white organization using the protests to further their own agenda by turning them into riots. Her friend is on record saying he thought she only wanted the bottles to throw at police, not that she was going to turn them into molotov’s. Just like my Baptist school, the familial message was clear: You can gossip, lie, steal…and God will forgive you. “Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Manipulators Are More Likely To Engage in ‘Virtuous Victim Signaling,’ Says Study”. >>The so-called “dark triad” personality traits. You have dumbed yourself down quite far enough, but I have no doubt you will continue. “But if it’s COVID-19 pneumonia, then it’s $13,000, and if that COVID-19 pneumonia patient ends up on a ventilator, it goes up to $39,000.”, I met a kid a few years ago. Psychopathic, manipulative, and narcissistic people are more frequent signalers of "virtuous victimhood.". If someone signals that they are virtuous, then I just test them on another issue. As was pointed out the other day, it’s really about what Koch wants published, so it probably won’t matter. The cult of victimhood does nothing but condemn people to misery and powerlessness over their lives. Will you let him exercise his own agency? There’s nothing inherently logical behind it, just the baseline question of, “to what extent does this degrade the presence of white people”? No way. And these people are fairly common since they are not full on pedophiles, which are fairly rare and only find a thrill in having sex with pre-adolescent children. Of course they would. It is pretty obvious what they are. At first banging high end hookers or groupies is great. What part of that do you not understand? I have. Video of the incident shows officers pushing one of the women to the ground and hitting another one with a baton. So: Here's some fun new research looking at "the consequences and predictors of emitting signals of victimhood and virtue," published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Or are you somehow attempting to claim they are generally neutral in their reporting? Trump Says Mail-in Votes Are Suspicious Because They Overwhelmingly Favor Joe Biden. A lot of things in the Bible make sense because they make sense–rather than just because they’re in the Bible. ", "evidence of how these signals … can predict a person's willingness to engage in and endorse ethically questionable behaviors …. See thus is Tony in a nutshill, Americans have access to the best healthcare in the world, but he pretends “access” means “funding”. I would never call a woman “gendernonconforming” because she didn’t act like I thought she should.