Behind on rent payments or facing an eviction? For this reason, it is often referred to as the "People's Court". The 36th District Court is dedicated to administering justice in an equitable, impartial, and timely manner in accordance with the rule of law. The Eighth Judicial District is further divided into two superior court judicial districts, 8A and 8B. Coleman A. Attorneys are required to e-file in this county; others are encouraged to e-file. The Clerk's duties include running the business arm of the local court system; accounting for all monies arising from fines, fee, court costs and fees required by law for specific services; service as clerk of the commission responsible for arraying county trial and grand juries; providing oversight and administrative support to the county board of tax equalization; and protecting and permanently maintaining citizens' court, land and other important vital records. PAY TRAFFIC TICKETS ONLINE: WWW.WAYNECOUNTYTICKETS.COM. Criminal: Felony offenses from arraignment through preliminary examination and misdemeanor offenses. Cell phones, pagers and purses are not allowed in the courtroom. Get official and provisional data about the types of cases filed and disposed in courts across the state. Court Administrator LaWanda Crosby provides daily oversight for the non-judicial functions of the Court and approximately 350 staff. All Civil filings can be submitted via the website, fax, or U.S. Mail to: 421 Madison St Detroit, MI 48226 Attn: Civil Division. Wayne County Courthouse 174 North Brunswick Street Jesup, Georgia 31546 Telephone: 912-427-5930. Jesup, Georgia 31546
Wayne County Courthouse
The County Clerk is clerk of the Circuit Court and clerk of the following boards: the Board of Commissioners, Board of County Canvassers, Concealed Weapon Licensing Board, and County Plat Board. Records available through the division are: The Wayne County Superior Court Clerk’s office is proud to announce that effective April 1, 2017, Real Estate documents may be filed online. The day's celebrations ended at midnight when a fire broke out in the courthouse. The temperature of the courtrooms may be such that you may need a jacket so please be prepared to bring one. In an effort to provide ease and convenience, the Wayne County Superior Court Clerk’s office is proud to announce that civil cases and pleadings may be filed online. I appreciate you visiting the Office of Clerk of Courts both online and in person. Felony offenses from arraignment through preliminary examination and misdemeanor offenses. Welcome to the Wayne County Office of Superior, State, Juvenile, and Drug Courts. The Wayne County Courthouse was built in 1902-1903 to replace the wooden courthouse across the street. Contact the local court directly with questions about jury duty, an upcoming court date, or getting a copy of a document in your case if it isn't available online. Chief Judge William C. McConico presides over the Court and oversees 28 judges and 5 magistrates. You are invited to use this web site to obtain needed information and services from the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, the State Court, the Juvenile Court and the Drug court of Wayne County, Georgia. As an impartial county officer, the Clerk provides some of the most important checks-and-balances needed in both local county government and the state's judicial system. More people have contact with the district court than any other court. In 1911, the town's name was changed to Wayne to conform with the local custom of referring to the town as Wayne Court House or, if in a hurry, as Wayne. The Judicial Division serves the following courts: The Division is responsible for receiving, filing, storing, and retrieving civil and criminal court records for Superior Court, State Court and Drug Court. Traffic: Misdemeanor citations/tickets including statute and ordinance violations and civil infractions. For local court contact information, visit the county's official website or see our directory of courts and clerks. For this reason, it is often referred to as the "People's Court". Copyright © 2020 State of Indiana - All rights reserved. The division is also responsible for managing juvenile court records. All other local court rules are adopted without Supreme Court approval. Wayne County Supreme & County Court 54 Broad Street Lyons, NY 14489 Phone: 315-665-8117 Fax: 315-665-8111 Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. In an effort to provide ease and convenience, the Wayne County Superior Court Clerk’s office, in conjunction with the Georgia Superior Court Clerks’ Cooperative Authority, has developed an online electronic filing portal. This is the official web site of the Wayne County Clerk’s Office in Jesup, Georgia. The Court facility remains closed at this time, except only for the payment of bonds and for certain criminal matters. Civil filings not requiring a filing fee may be faxed to 313-967-7551 all other filings must be made by mail or the web. Each county has a courthouse. Filings may be submitted to the Wayne County Superior Court Clerk’s office either through or in conjunction with the following value-added submitters: For more information, go to The Wayne County Clerk is also charged with establishing and maintaining a central archival records system for the non-active records of all county departments. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the eFile process, please contact the Georgia Superior Court Clerks’ Cooperative Authority customer support at 1-800-304-5174 or If you have questions concerning a scheduled virtual proceeding, or for any other matters, please call 313-965-8700. The 36th District Court is the largest district court in the state of Michigan and one of the busiest courts in the United States. Clerks of Superior Court have been elected county constitutional officers since 1798, when framers of Georgia's constitution created the office and provided for election of a clerk in each county of the state. Juror Questionnaire: All juror questionnaires should be completed and submitted to the clerk's office prior to the court date. Click here for assistance. Please remember we are here to help you and if I can ever be of service to you, I am available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Wayne County Courthouse Wayne's first courthouse burned down on July 4, 1884. But when you're done reading it, click the close button in the corner to dismiss this alert. 174 North Brunswick Street
The Indiana Supreme Court approves local court rules in only these areas: selection of special judges in civil and criminal cases, court reporter services, caseload allocation plans, and service as an acting judge in another court, county, or district. The 36th District Court shall provide the public and other agencies it serves with an accessible, safe and respectful environment in which to conduct business and resolve disputes. More people have contact with the district court than any other court. Temporary Suspension of In-Person Matters, Court Closure Notice: Veterans Day - Wednesday, November 11, 2020, Frequently Asked Questions: 36th District Court Eviction Moratorium. Learn the basics and get started. Misdemeanor citations/tickets including statute and ordinance violations and civil infractions. He or she is not an employee or appointee of any county or state commission or any agent or agency of the judiciary. In order to eFile real estate documents in Georgia, users must have a participant ID. General Civil: Lawsuits seeking damages up to $25,000. House Counsel Application- For Attorneys Only, Video: Answering the Call for Jury Service, Payable Misdemeanors / Waivable Violations, File a Motion for an Existing Civil/Landlord-Tenant Case, Traffic Civil Infraction – Online Scheduling Service, Southwest Detroit Community Justice Center Newsletter. Filings may be submitted to the Wayne County Superior Court Clerk’s through It is a constructed cross planned courthouse 2 stories high and features a tall pryamidally capped clock tower with an open belfry that rises over the entrance. Telephone: 912-427-5930. Find case information and some documents at In an effort to provide ease and convenience, the Wayne County Superior Court Clerk’s office is proud to announce that civil cases and pleadings may be filed online. Small Claims: Money disputes up to $6,000. Disputes between a landlord and tenant(s). Landlord-Tenant: Disputes between a landlord and tenant(s). The Wayne County Clerk Records Division is located at: Wayne County Clerk Records Division. The Eighth Judicial District is comprised of Wayne County, Lenoir County, and Greene County. The 36th District Court is the largest district court in the state of Michigan and one of the busiest courts in the United States. Civil E- File. Wayne County is 517 square miles bound to the north by Cabell County the east by Lincoln County to the south Mingo County and the west by the Tug and Big Sandy Rivers. Young Municipal Center, Rm LL-61 2 Woodward Ave Detroit, MI 48226 Phone: 313-224-5530 The 36th District Court has exclusive jurisdiction over the following matters occurring within the City of Detroit: Location Information. All other local court rules are adopted without Supreme Court … The Clerk is accountable only to the people who elect him or her. All records are open for public inspection and copying except juvenile court records, to which access is limited to juvenile intake and probation officers and officers of the juvenile court (judges, clerk and clerk's staff).