Which is too bad because I’m sure Welcome to The Circle would have been more effective if I had a better idea just what was going on. ( Log Out /  Cinemark These words are addressed to anybody finding their way into an isolated woodland community whose few residents – Rebekah (Cindy Busby), Lotus Cloud (Heather Doerksen), Sky (Andrea Brooks) and Mathew (Michael Rogers) – are clearly the wide-eyed members of a cult. Throughout Welcome to the Circle there are crazed little montages of spliced together black and white photos and stock footage of the founder of the commune. Unbeknownst to all is that there's an infiltrator in the cults ranks. He actually wrote four full length films before Welcome to The Circle. Welcome to the Circle IMDB: 2.8 A random bear attack during a family camping trip leaves Greg (father) and Samantha (daughter) trapped by demon worshiping cult known as The Circle. By continuing to use TMDb, you are agreeing to this policy. The image is an example of a ticket confirmation email that AMC sent you when you purchased your ticket. After their tent is attacked during the night by what appears to be a bear, the injured Greg (Matthew MacCaull) and his young daughter Samantha (Taylor Dianne Robinson) end up being accommodated and indeed welcomed to the Circle – but Greg is quick to pick up on the place’s strange vibe and to worry for his daughter’s safety. Get new posts delivered directly to your inbox. Your Ticket Confirmation # is located under the header in your email that reads "Your Ticket Reservation Details". Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. All rights reserved. The main plot may be unexciting, but the confusing lore hiding in the background kept me watching for more. Movie & TV guides. | Rotten (2). The same can be said of Grady. But most viewers will be left wondering what they just saw. Helped (if that is the word) by Rebekah’s husband James (Matt Bellefleur) and their friend Gabriella (Hilary Jardine), intense, unhinged Grady returns to the place that he once fled, to face the part of himself that he abandoned there. & why? |. By opting to have your ticket verified for this movie, you are allowing us to check the email address associated with your Rotten Tomatoes account against an email address associated with a Fandango ticket purchase for the same movie. Coming Soon. David Fowler’s debut is a cult film par excellence, dismantling the viewer’s grip on reality. The percentage of users who rated this 3.5 stars or higher. Unbeknownst to all is that there's an infiltrator in the cults ranks. I found the author's personal story inspiring, and I thought it gave a lot of credibility to his advice sprinkled throughout the book. And then the cult’s dead leader Percy Jones … Coming Soon. Siamo un’azienda agricola con un modello di sviluppo sostenibile e competitivo che produce cibo ed energia, senza alcun impatto sull’ambiente. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. We don't have any reviews for Welcome to the Circle. A random bear attack during a family camping trip leaves Greg (father) and Samantha (daughter) trapped by demon worshiping cult known as The Circle. However, while much of the cults beliefs appear to be crazy, it does seem there is some truth hidden behind the facade of madness. By Anton Bitel And how it would all play out. The films first act trundles along perfectly sensibly, with it appearing the movie would all be about Greg and his attempts to escape. Which may explain some of this film’s dialogue, he may still have been trying to think like a penguin when he wrote it.Greg (Matthew MacCaull, Black Fly, Hailey Dean Mystery) and his daughter Samantha (Taylor Dianne Robinson) are on a camping trip when they’re attacked by what appears to be a bear. We use cookies to help give you a better experience on TMDb. Greg awakens to find himself at a strange commune out in the woods, being looked after by some female cultists. Welcome to the Circle has a fascinating idea hidden beneath the layers of constraints and restrictions of an indie horror. Just leave us a message here and we will work on getting you verified. Just below that it reads "Ticket Confirmation#:" followed by a 10-digit number. Grady's plan is to lead a small group of rescuers into the heart of The Circle. confounds insider and outsider perspectives on a cult's workings, and deploys irrational spaces and koan-like arguments to break down any defences that we might have against its beguiling mumbo-jumbo and paradoxical fancies. And then the cult’s dead leader Percy Jones shows up, he’s not just dead, he’s died many times. I found the author's personal story inspiring, and I thought it gave a lot of credibility to his advice sprinkled throughout the book. Start by marking “Welcome to the Circle: The Mental Health Book” as Want to Read: Error rating book. If you’re looking for something weird and have the patience and/or drugs for it, Welcome to The Circle might be your film. We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your account. They won't be able to see your review if you only submit your rating. A man and his young daughter encounter a demon-worshiping cult in the remote wilderness. But The Circle may not let any of them go. He soon learns his daughter is fine, maybe too fine, as upon discovering the cult is not as wholesome as first appears he struggles to convince her to make an escape with him. Please click the link below to receive your verification email. and to receive email from Rotten Tomatoes and Fandango. But despite that, and some imaginative imagery it’s not very compelling without a context or framework to put it in. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. and the Terms and Policies, If you haven't heard of record-smashing singer and songwriter Mariah Carey, is there any hope for you? You're almost there! Grady's plan is to lead a small group of rescuers into the heart of The Circle. Much as the Circle lacks a middle, the film’s narrative too comes decidedly decentred, with the story of Greg’s panicky efforts to escape soon giving way to a different story in which former Circle member Grady (Ben Cotton) leads an attempt to infiltrate the Circle and rescue Rebekah for deprogramming. She is communication with a former member on the outside named Grady. Your email address will not be published. The rest of the cultists are made up of mannequins, the in-film explanation being that the commune doesn’t have as many members as it once did, and so these are stand-ins for actual people. Their insistence that the two stay goes from annoying to sinister overnight when Greg sees them eating someone alive. The acting here is so hammy, I could almost smell bacon sizzling. Much of the film seems like it is taking place in an alternate reality, it is hard to explain what is going on, but includes the idea that mirrors hold some strange power, that people can be changed into mannequins/mannequins can be brought to life, and the whole location being some sort of an inescapable circle. The whole vibe of the film reminded me of a dream sequence episodes in an established series, such as the ones in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and The Walking Dead. And I at least stayed curious up until the end as to what was going on. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. I was class treasurer, member of the homecoming court, varsity wrestling champion, head of my academic class, and a distinguished college graduate. Learn how your comment data is processed. Who else has sold more than 200 million... To see what your friends thought of this book, Welcome to the Circle: The Mental Health Book, This book is a combination of essays, poetry, and lists addressing the experience of mental illness and caring for the mentally ill. horror, Your AMC Ticket Confirmation# can be found in your order confirmation email. The result is an ever more disorienting trip through locations that we are repeatedly told are a mere ‘façade’ (and whose interconnections make no sense), in search of an overarching meaning that cannot exist. And the message being the meaning. A random bear attack during a family camping trip leaves Greg (father) and Samantha (daughter) trapped by demon worshiping cult known as The Circle. Menu. The basic concepts are certainly interesting, especially the ideas of circles of reality.