I ran into a section of a Kelsey Grammer related website devoted to the voice actor that was named “Kelsey’s Korner.” Doubtless other examples can be produced; for me, it must wait till after my coffee! The idea is to represent the new value $x_k$ value by a part that is equal to the previous mean $\mu_{k-1}$ plus the remaining part $x_k-\mu_{k-1}$. A cursory look beneath its gorgeous surfaces reveal all manner of cultural correspondences and themes that make it look like a crucial cynosure of 20th Century concerns. Let's say you already have the mean $\mu_{k-1}$ for the elements $x_0,...,x_{k-1}$. Maybe Dave Chappelle Should Host Every Election Week Episode Of 'SNL'? 'Some Came Running' is also so gamey and rancid in its concentration on sex that it seems like the work of an adolescent obsessed by the Kinsey reports. The first recorded use of the phrase to run amok in English dates from the 1670s. In Reply to: What does the phrase "Running numbers" mean posted by Jason on September 07, 2000: Can anyone tell me what this means I heard in 70's cop shows all the time as in "Shorty's running numbers for the mob" but never understood it. To mask his jealousy he says: “Laura dear, I cannot stand these morons any longer. What We Know So Far, Yes, Dudley Dursley Is in 'The Queen's Gambit', 'The Queen's Gambit' Cast Guide: Who's Who in Netflix's Chess Drama. Somewhere, anyway, i got the idea that I should use amuck like, “I did intend to finish the project by 4, but then my niece arrived, so that went amuck.”, Ray Woodcock, Dreaming of running towards something. $$. Webb struts up to Gene Tierney (Laura), after seeing her with Vincent Price’s character at a prestigious social gathering. Note please, that $n-m$, that is the total count of elements in the average can be a constant number. He occasionally walks around town at night trying to peep into people's windows. Since we usually don't know the total number of experiences here, we multiply by a small learning rate rather than dividing by $k$. \widehat{a_{n-m}} = \frac{a_{m}+a_{m+1}+a_{m+2}+\ldots+a_{n}}{n-m} 366, This story has been shared 365 times. Three girls who work at the town brassiere plant, Rosalie, Mildred, and Ginnie, also hang around the local bars and are sexually available to Dave and his group of friends. What if n is so big that (using finite precision float point numbers) $$\frac{a_n - m_{n-1}}{n}$$ gives us zero? But we're not talking about the swatting that means "to hit with a sharp slapping blow." –Dryden Thy waiters running mucks at every bell. What does the phrase "Running numbers" mean. Dave Hirsh is a cynical Army veteran and an occasionally published but generally unsuccessful pre-war writer, who winds up in his hometown of Parkman, Illinois after being put on a bus in Chicago while intoxicated. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. The movie’s a personal favorite of mine—on the night I got canned from my job at the website for the defunct Premiere magazine back in 2008, I started a blog that I named after the movie. I think you’re right about how ‘amok’ came to be misspelled as ‘amuck’ these days. Set in 1948, it tells the story of a troubled Army veteran and author who returns to his Midwestern home town after 16 years, to the chagrin of his wealthy, social-climbing brother. In order to dynamicaly calculate average for new element we need previous average $\widehat{a_{n-m}}$, first element of the previous average $a_{m}$, number of the elements we include in the average $n-m$. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Seems that I was wrong, at least in part, but it does seem likely that many kids had only ever seen this word spelt out in the title of the cartoon, and assumed it was right, thus propagating this odd spelling and giving it the edge in today’s baby boomer writers’ work . To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Before the phrase came into use, the word was used in its Portugeuse form amouco or amuco to mean “a frenzied Malay.” The OED points out two uses by Dryden and Byron in which the word was used erroneously (without the prefix a-): And runs an Indian muck at all he meets.