He has worked in R&D for medical device corporations and in IT for large financial institutions. The priests gave him 30 pieces of silver (Mt 26:14-16) for his trouble. With that thought filling his mind, he took the bag of money and tried to give it back. NWSpiritism’s BitChute Channel Judas was in charge of the disciples shared purse (Jn 12:6). Jesus, being a superior spirit, saw what would happen and therefore used Judas to lead His tormentors to Him, so his death on the cross could occur. The story of Judas is in the Bible for many reasons, not the least of which is that before we take anything for granted, we at least ask the question the other apostles asked that fateful night: “Lord, is it I?". Memories flooded his mind. 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Pahrump, NV: Square Circles Publishing. The Last Confession of The Vampire Judas Iscariot by David B. Vermont. In desperation, Judas cried out, “I have sinned for I have betrayed innocent blood,” (Matthew 27:4). Their guide bid them to stay in front of a throne and asked them to wait for a Seer, who will speak with them about their mission. The Life Beyond the Veil. And before we consider these questions, consider this: The more religious you are, the more likely you are to do what Judas did. How Can I Be 'Slow to Anger' in Today's World? How much is the Son of God worth to you? He was one of the leaders of the apostolic band. Is he in heaven or is he in hell? After all the discussion is over, we still don’t know exactly why Judas did what he did. If I am a Christian at all, it is because I am trusting in Jesus Christ and him alone for the forgiveness of my sins. It led instead to suicide, the ultimate proof that Judas died an unforgiven man. But the chief priests laughed at him. He betrayed Jesus for money. He ate with Jesus, talked with Jesus, walked with Jesus, and listened to Jesus day after day, month after month, year after year. What happened to Judas Iscariot? 7 Powerful Psalms That Teach Us about Love, This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright © 2020, Crosswalk.com. Judas, wishing to atone for his mistakes, took various lives, but the most historic character in which he returned to earth, is Joan of Arc. Judas Iscariot's Accomplishments . The answer is that Judas was like all of us on the inside — torn by opposite impulses. (And Is There a Chance He Ended Up in Heaven?),Dr. He was eager and yet in feat of those eyes into which he never had been able to look with comfort at any time. In the shadows one man, now forgotten, watches, his face strained, his eyes puffy, his head slightly bowed. In the end, most of us who call ourselves Christians will search our hearts and conclude that Yes, although we fail him in many ways, we do love Jesus and claim him as our Savior. Unsurprisingly the Gospels don’t cast Judas in a very positive light and no-one else has since. Even when we had passed through into the place beyond, we found we were in no wise within the great hall itself, but only in an ante-chamber. He was right there, always by the side of Jesus. In that moment it came to him in a blinding flash: He had made a great mistake, the greatest mistake of his life, so great a mistake that he must somehow find a way to make things right. Through the long night he had waited, hanging around the edges of the crowd, listening for some word of how things were going. Once one of Jesus's most trusted disciples, Judas became the poster child for foundations of the Christian faith: Jesus's arrest, his trial, his death by crucifixion, . The assemblage of religious leaders set out to take Jesus before Pilate, the Roman governor. As the guide finished, the Seer walked to the group: “He was taller than our guide, and around him as he moved there seemed to be a mist of blue and gold, set with sapphires. And still the voices hummed on and taunted him and cajoled him more gently, and at length, in the gloom about the place, he rushed away and let out his life in a place where he found solitude and a tree. Click on Image to find his books - I recommend you read The Book of Spirits first. He lived with Jesus for three years and still went to hell. If he can’t take me to heaven, then I’m not going there. What Happened to Judas? Perhaps the place to begin is at the end of the story. The final act is about to play itself out. He, along with the other apostles, was sent out to preach the gospel. After all, if one can be an apostle of Christ and still be lost, what about you and what about me? I was listening to an episode of “The Big Conversation” the other day, and this issued was raised by Bart Ehrman.. Ehrman insists that the accounts of Judas’ death are an example of a clear contradiction in the Bible.. I’m actually somewhat surprised that Ehrman chose this particular example. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Yes, he did and it was this that seems to have been behind the theory that Judas thought to provoke Jesus into some kind of bold Messianic declaration. He saw all the miracles of Christ in person. Ray Pritchard - Read more about spiritual life growth, Christian living, and faith. Facilitating learning is constantly emphasized in the spirit realm. He watched Jesus walk on the water and still went to hell. Would you betray him for a date to the prom? So voices came about him, and he strove to believe them and to look into the face of the One on the Cross. Owen, R. G. (2012). There’s an interesting aside in Jn 8:21-22. After he left, he went straight to the chief priests to make the final arrangements. He would come early, sit near the front, sing the hymns with gusto, clap during the choruses, and say Amen during the sermon. He did not leave him comfortless all his days, but sought him out and gave to him the blessing of His pardon in the bitter anguish of his sorrow.”[iii]. No one noticed him now. A more accurate rendering is “seized with remorse.” Although Judas was gripped with the wrongness of what he had done, he never asked for forgiveness. He might be sitting next to you in the pew. It’s not exactly out of keeping with human nature. I’m not in favor of constant introspection about whether or not you are a Christian. None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction so that Scripture would be fulfilled” (John 17:12). It was Judas’ own decision to betray Jesus encouraged by the devil (Jn 13:2), and God used the evil schemes of man and the devil to accomplish His own purposes. They had no more use for him or his money. Please submit your request to join. I do not doubt that he wept bitter tears as he threw the money back into the temple. Then the rumor spread that Jesus had been condemned to die. Each of us is being prepared for ascending into this land of completeness and connectedness. Suicide was also thought to put your soul out of reach. G. Vale Owen, went together to the Temple of the Holy Mount on the tenth level of heaven. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel:(LiveStreams Sundays and Tuesdays at 5 pm est) I wish to say clearly that as I have considered the matter this week, the thought occurs to me that if I am a Christian at all, it is not because I am a pastor, an elder, a church member, a husband, a father, or a doer of good deeds. Sometimes he simply doesn’t do what we think he ought to do. But is that so much different from the way we feel when we think God has let us down? Someone says, “Surely not you, Pastor.” That’s what they said about Judas. As Judas turned to go, the 30 pieces of silver stayed behind. Luke explains what happened later, after Judas' body began to decompose. It wasn’t until they looked back after the fact that they could see the negatives. Posted on April 17, 2019 by thekidsbible. In both cases (Mt 27 and Acts 1) a field was bought, was called ‘the field of blood’, and Judas died an unpleasant and ignominious death. They were greeted at the door by a glowing spirit. Get Kardec Radio – for your iPhone or Android device, The group has been created to discuss Spiritism to those who seek understanding and knowledge about the Spirit World. ", Spiritual Growth and Christian Living Resources, 10 Verses about Fear and Anxiety to Remind Us God Is in Control, 10 Ways You Need to Detoxify Your Soul Right Now. But someone else may ask, “Did Judas go to hell because he committed suicide?” Good question, and the answer is once again No. So they two died on a tree both on the same day, and the light of earth went out for them both at the same hour. Judas volunteered to come back to earth, to set in place the boundaries and territories between England and France, knowing full well, he would be doomed to die – burned alive at the stake. The group walked into the Temple and there: “We found we were in a long colonnade, and, on either side, the pillars supported a beam running from the porch to the bowels of the Temple itself. Why do you serve the Lord anyway? For others, it comes from a failed marriage or children who turned against you. This makes sense in that. His motives are unknown although Luke says ominously that at that moment ‘Satan entered Judas’ (Lk 22:3). John in particular reveals some unpleasant details about Judas. As I recall, he told the story of Judas and then talked about himself—how he had grown up in the church, attended Sunday School for years, gone to a Christian college — and if my memory serves me correctly — had even become a pastor before he realized that he had never truly been born again.