A: Halloweenies! A: Demonade! But my girlfriend seems to think I'm hording them. Thank you for stoping by i hope you liked our collection of zombie jokes if you got some zombie jokes share with us in the comment section below we would love to hear from you…. If you are attacked by a pack of ravenous zombie Clowns.. go for the juggler. A: Chase! A: The LIVING room! Q: What should you call a polite, friendly, and good looking zombie? A zombie is trying to get his kid to eat their dinner "Eat your food, there's people in America with no brains at all" News headline indicates there's been a zombie outbreak in North Korea Q: How do zombies celebrate Halloween? Do you bring the Cheez Whiz or do you carry some bologna and bread with you? Q: When does a zombie sleep? Q: What is a baby zombie’s favorite toy? A: They both have empty heads! Q: Why did the zombie go to the hospital? Q: What does a zombie do when he loses his head? Why did the scarecrow get a promotion? Q: What do they have for lunch at Zombie School? A: He spent all day gargoyling! Feed it vegetarians until it dies of malnutrition. A: I’ve been dying to see you! A: He didn’t have the guts! A: This tastes funny! Q: Where do zombies go swimming? "Eat your food, there's people in America with no brains at all". Looking for zombie jokes because You don’t want to be the person that everyone thinks has no sense of humour. A: Do not talk with someone in your mouth! Q: What did the zombie say to the human? Q: Where’s the safest place to be during a zombie invasion? A: A deady bear! Q: Why did the police officer give the zombie a ticket on Thanksgiving? Q: What does a zombie mother say to her kids at dinnertime? Q: How do you stop a zombie from smelling? A: Nobody! A: He was chasing the chicken! A: The witch has eight kids! The owner says "do you know how many PHP programmers I kill to get. Either they are dying up there, or they are killing it. A: A DEADY bear! Q: Who won the zombie beauty pageant? A: A failure! Q: Who won the zombie war? A: The living room! Q: What is the hardest thing about making zombie soup? The survivors boarded themselves in an old furniture store. A: Do you want a piece of me? Fantastic Beast 3’s Jude Law Reveals What It Feels Like To Be A Part Of The Harry Potter Universe, DWTS Wife Accuses Gleb Of Cheating, Forcing Chrishell Stause To Defend Against Rumors, Borat 2's Poster Is Causing Outrage And Not Just For The Lack Of Clothes, Jim Carrey Crosses Joe Biden Impression With Ace Ventura To The Delight Of SNL Fans, What Happened To Black Widow And Hawkeye In Budapest? Q: What was the zombie’s favorite TV show? Q: What kind of vehicle did the zombie purchase? Imagine making everyone laugh so hard that they are gasping for air, crying, and possibly peeing in their pants! Q: Where do zombies shop for clothes? A: They paint the town dead! A: Dead ends! A: The monstore! Thank you for stoping by i hope you liked our collection of zombie jokes if you got some zombie jokes share with us in the comment section below we would love to hear from you…. The zombie gets confused and asks the store owner why PHP programmers' brain is so much more expensive. There are logistics involved in surviving. Tweet This Joke Click here for the answer Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaains! All the girls wanted him and everyone respected him. Q: What kinds of streets do zombies live on? A: The Dead Sea! Q: What was the zombie’s favorite game? Dealing with a zombie apocalypse is no easy matter. Q: Where’s the safest place to be during a zombie invasion? Make this Halloween season one full of the best vampire jokes out there. He’s not the same man he once was. A: Stirring it! I mean, do you take your favorite pair of jeans and suede shoes or do you settle for sneakers and sweats? Q: What do female zombies do at parties? A: A purple people eater! What does a vegan zombie eat? A: Life Savers! A: A nun being eaten by a zombie! Q: How can you tell if a zombie has a glass eye? Joke Permalink Tweet This Joke Click here for the answer Ate! A: Anything you like because he can’t hear you! The winner is the last one standing. A: When he’s dead tired! A: He exceeded the feed limit! As he stared into this mirror now a some odd fifty years later- the juxtaposition of, H: "Honey, even if I really turned into a zombie, I will never eat you.". I went to a dinner party at his house.