This frame rate is a high frame rate mostly used for slo-mo. They can affect each other inversely. V60, V90) for video which is suitable for 4K and higher. Let’s say you have a high frame rate camera capable of 30 fps. You can shoot at lower frame rates at lower resolution, but it won’t look the same when you try it with higher resolutions. Frame rate stems from film and the very first silent films. The Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE), How To Improve the Live Streaming Quality of Professional Videos, Top 5 OTT Hosting Solutions for Video Service Providers, RTMP and HTML5 Video Players – What Broadcasters Need to Know, Comparison of the Top 10 VOD Platforms: What You Need to Know [2020 Update], How to Develop a Live Streaming Strategy to Grow Your Business, How To Build a Live Streaming App on iOS and Android, Great to slow down video shots during sporting events. Cameras have a base frame rate, which you will need to check in your settings before you start capturing content. There are two types of encoders – software encoders and hardware encoders. Frame rates are used in digital cameras used on DSLR, mirrorless, and smartphone devices. The speed determines how fast you can write data to your storage device while filming per unit of time (seconds). The speed of the SD card is important when shooting high frame rates. When we watch a movie, we see the projection of video on a display screen in front of our eyes. Finally, that streaming content reaches your viewers via top-tier CDNs. Whether it is just for YouTube or a short film, considering high frame rates is also good for slow motion video. Let’s find out. The question is do gamers really need 240 fps and high refresh rate displays? However frame rates will continue to increase along with improvements in technology. Incorporating better slow-mo on the reel always makes good visual content especially when you are capturing something that is too fast for regular viewing. They finally came upon a standard to use 24 fps. For example, if you have an OLED display with 60-120 frames per second, it will show the content much better compared to an LCD display at 24-30fps. But, the file sizes have also grown exponentially. Each frame rate has a specific use, so it entirely depends on what you’re shooting. This is the maximum frame rate that most monitors and TV’s can display. You can surely see the wings movement in details and all the action taking place while the hummingbird is in flight. But, the file sizes have also grown exponentially. Close up is a shot composition where the frame is filled almost entirely with the subject’s face. Since there are three major frame rates to consider for uploading business video content online, we’re giving an explanation of each. So it is displaying these digital images at certain rate on the display that creates motion to the viewers eyes. Anything above that is really high-end and that could be a more niche market of gamers and graphics fanatics. This brings the various types of live video encoders to light. Let’s say your camera can shoot 4K video at 30 fps. When the live stream concerns something fast-paced like a sports event stream or a concert, a stream with higher frames per second will produce better video. The following settings are recommended for optimal live streaming, regardless of your selected resolution and bitrate: Select one of the following configurations and ensure your encoder is set up with these exact settings for optimal live streaming: Generally, this requires gathering a few pieces of information. Each image represents a frame.