A Virgo would not survive a horror movie. California residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data. You move into a new house, and your daughter starts talking to the TV. Take this quiz with friends in real time and compare results. While there, you find an old book in the basement with some weird words in it. We’ve all watched horror movies and though, “oh my god, why are you doing that?! This isn't very funny. Now I don't know what I am lol, Have you ever tried to ya know... stop doing that? <3, I get tripple points for being a girls day baby #win. I can barely stand to watch them! Pro Tip: NEVER. I just can’t help myself, I’m terrified! Two excellent sequels, and then a terrible fourth movie that completely destroys the whole franchise. In a creepy antique store, you find a monkey paw that will grant you 3 wishes. Second, maybe third. What do you say? client=ms-android-att-usIt happened a week or two ago. According the article, us Virgos will not survive. My friends are probably just playing a prank. Set the popcorn aside and take this quiz to see if you would be able to survive until the credits rolled in a horror movie of your very own! Please. First, but that’s probably because the captain thinks I’m hot. New Line. I've seen this in the movies way too many times. Sagittarius (November 23rd to December 21st) Let’s be honest, we all love Sagittarius people, but they definitely aren’t going to survive. This post was created by a member of the BuzzFeed Community.You can join and make your own posts and quizzes. What do you do? Stay in the car while everyone else looks for a gas station. google. Read them out loud because it'll freak everyone out, I let my friend read it aloud even though I'm a little nervous. When you ask her about it, she says, "They're here." It is based on if you were a character would you survive. BuzzFeed Quiz Party! Lock the door. . “What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger,” by Kelly Clarkson. The average person would probably be the first or second person to die in a horror movie. Me? You and your friends find a ouiji board in your attic. A mysterious tape shows up in your house. Maybe it’s bae looking for me…? Wander off into the woods…maybe I can get better cell service there. I’m okay at dodgeball, I suppose. We’ve all watched horror movies and though, “oh my god, why are you doing that?! Hahaha, like I went to gym class. Scary movies, of course. My friend reads it aloud without telling anyone, and we all get mad at him because WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? I don’t wanna die! Phew! You answer it, but there's only ominious breathing on the other line. by Adam Ellis. It’s hard to imagine a Virgo being so impractical as to find themselves in any setting in which a horror movie would take place. What do you do? I’m not taking any chances. HE’S GOING TO GET YOU!” Everyone thinks they would wise up to the villain’s plan right away, but is that really true? Surviving in a horror movie is likely easier said than done. What weapon do you bring with you to check on them? Search, watch, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place! ", "Nope. a pretty funny way to die, so yea sure . No? ", "Listen. I dunno about that. Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life. Never miss a thing with GirlsAskGuys notifications on your browser. I used to be a scorpio but apparently my sign changed to something sucky. If you think you know how to out-smart the killer in a horror movie then you'll probably do well. SPLIT. What do you do? lmao i yell at an old lady for being slow and then get killed. Loudly announce that you’re about to take a shower. itechpost. Want to test your survival skills when you're up against a killer or demon? I go back to sleep — it’s probably just the wind. Watch your friends play, but you don't go anywhere near it, Just leave it where it is and don't touch it. Remember, never say "I'll be right back." The phone rings. Question 1 … Peek through a crack in the door. >:D yessss muahahhahaahah I'm a survivor! Sorry about the link. ", I hang up immediately and call the police. ://www. How wonderful! What if they have feelings? How long would you really survive in a horror movie? ,':). Indeed, you can find a naïve person, a genius, a funny guy, a douchebag, and a hero in every movie. How long would you really survive in a horror movie? A Scorpio would survive a horror movie, but only because they are willing to put up a hard fight to get through it. I'm probably the killer. Hide under the bed. You can join and make your own posts and quizzes. You know, just in case. Something for everyone interested in hair, makeup, style, and body positivity. Well, there’s only one way to find out… Dodgeball? Serious question as a Non-American, will there actually be a recount of legal ballots by the court? I'm an Aries and yes after grabbing my shot gun I'm going to find out what's going on! Gemini would be the first to disappear from the scene. I'm a Libra. Sign up to the BuzzFeed Quizzes Newsletter - Binge on the latest quizzes delivered right to your inbox with the Quizzes newsletter! We all saw it coming tho, First kisses and those scary little three words - date #9, If the light that is within you is darkness - Bible talk. I’m everywhere, just like a good host should be — this is my party, after all. Reporting on what you care about. Sure, okay! How long would you survive? Call out, “is anyone there?” Maybe someone will answer! Horror movies, just like all other genres, always include archetypes of our own personalities. by kellyd1993. Find Out Once And For All If You Could Survive A Horror Movie. Stop prank calling me, or I'm calling the police. Stay quiet, of course. I'm a Gemini.. guess I'm gonna die first. How long would you really survive in a horror movie? They would never get lost on an abandoned road, feel tempted to explore a now defunct insane asylum, and they’re savvy enough with real estate transactions not to purchase a house that was built cursed burial ground. Would you survive a Horror movie based on your Zodiac Sign? Michael Myers has escaped the containment facility in your town. Your zodiac sign can reveal a lot about your personality. We are used to many types of ranking of who dies first in a horror movie, why not make one about how the order of murder in scary movies is according to the sign of the characters.. 1. You hear a strange sound outside. com/amp/articles/35312/20161002/13th-zodiac-sign-astrology-news. Your link does not work well, had to revise and submit it.https://www.snopes.com/ophiuchus-zodiac-change/Astronomy and Astrology do not go hand in hand anymore, nothing is changing. ( '-') remember me as the hero I was. Um, does recess count? We all sleep in the car until morning, when it’s safer to go get help. I've got a gun, and I'm not afraid to use it. Gemini Source: Horrorpedia. How about lunch? They will fight tooth and nail to survive. There's this tape going around rumored to kill you 7 days after watching it. It's late at night, and you're getting sleepy. As usually, horror movies have cliche character types :) "Very funny. Obsessed with travel? Hey! I don’t know what’s out there! We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. No sequels…but someone will remake it twenty years later. But if I go down I'm taking something with me! Being Scorpio with 5 planets in Scorpio when I was born I'd not only survive but I'd turn the tables and conquer, I'm dead yo Like... That just described me so well, Sagittarius peace out ✌️, Bitch please I'm a Scorpio, of course I would survive. Community Contributor. What do you do? This quiz isn't meant to be taken seriously. It says I'd survive. Which Chinese Zodiac Sign Matches Your Personality? https://thoughtcatalog.com/christine-stockton/2016/03/heres-exactly-what-would-happen-to-you-in-a-horror-movie-based-on-your-zodiac-sign/, https://www.snopes.com/ophiuchus-zodiac-change/. Well... at least I go out like I lived... Cracking jokes and choking people with my sarcasm. Zeroing in on my big crush, planning my next super suave move. UP. You hide it away, but then it randomly starts playing on your TV anyway. How Long Would You Survive In A Horror Movie? on the other hand, maybe zombies serve a useful purpose? I convince everyone to just leave it alone. Make 2 wishes and then hide it where no one will ever find it (not even myself), Give it to someone that kinda sucks and let them do what they will with it, I've heard stories about those things, so I don't make any wishes. At least ten, with varying degrees of quality. Well, there’s only one way to find ouShow More, We’ve all watched horror movies and though, “oh my god, why are you doing that?! HE’S GOING TO GET YOU!” Everyone thinks they would wise up to the villain’s plan right away, but is that really true? It's not very nice, Sadly I'm in it to deep, to late to stop, going to have to use my newly discovered creative skills to display the body's *sigh*, XD I get double points for being a Valentines Day baby!!! Everyone takes turns keeping watch that night, just in case. You're a counselor at Camp Crystal Lake, and all of your cabinmates have gone missing in the middle of the night. I'm an arise to but come on do the smart thing stick together and move together as a unit don't go running off in the classic horror fashion. What precautions do you take? Do some research on this Freddy Krueger person your best friend mentioned right before dying. BuzzFeed Staff. It can also tell you how you would end up if you were in a horror movie. Whimper uncontrollably. Why would I bring a weapon? Scorpios are scrappy. Grab a knife from the kitchen. You live on Elm Street, and your best friend across the street just died the other day in their sleep. All the police found were mysterious claw marks. I forged a doctor’s note. Take this quiz and find out! Let’s be honest…I probably wasn’t invited. XD. Probably last, which is crap, because I’m actually pretty good. Your friend invites you and some friends to their cabin for the weekend. com/amp/www. What do you do? "Um... we're getting out of here right now.". Hanging with my small group of friends, laughing, maybe doing a shot or two. Endless combinations of sequels, spin-offs, and remakes. htm? Think you can last the entire movie or will you be the first to die? :P, Hey I'm a Leo, so I'd probably be the killer. Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! How do you proceed? Not only would I survive, I'd end the zombie apocolypse with my double-barreled shotgun! How do you respond? We Can Guess Your Personality Type Based on the Shape of Your Fingers, We Know Which Hobby You Should Pick Up During Quarantine, Answer Our Would You Rather Questions and We’ll Guess How Old You Are, We’ll Predict How Successful Your 2020 Love Life Will Be.