Supporta gli autori e le etichette dietro la sua creazione acquistandola qualora ti piacesse. Cannot annotate a non-flat selection. Debido a la falta de tiempo y de personas, muchas traducciones se realizan con el traductor automático. [x2]
[Pre-Chorus] Dream: 2. Heavy heavy red eyes lazy glittering fruits Lonely wide eyed late nights empty smoking rooms Truе true mellow oh wherе's my ego? Husbands - Husbands Album Lyrics; 1. Where Is My Ego 5. Previous Page Mojim Lyrics: Husbands Husbands Album songs 1. Testi in italiano. [Pre-Chorus] That made me say the things that I've told you I've been expecting you, think it's time to roll
Had a dream it wasn't new, had a dream it wasn't new
That made me say that I'm in love with you Vi presentiamo il testo e la traduzione di Where Is My Ego? Now cut it out and see in front of you
Preview the embedded widget. But it isn't my ego That I've never felt before Everyday: 3. (Dim Sum Remix), a playlist by Dim Sum from desktop or your mobile device. Is not an easy one to trust That made me say that I’m in love with you Oh it isn't my ego Il video musicale con la traccia audio della canzone partirà automaticamente in basso a destra. Lyrics in English. Trying quietly sinking back into the blues Somking, watching reruns, porn, and drinkin too True true mellow oh where's my ego? by Husbands. La canción "Where Is My Ego? " Tambourine Man’; June 21, 1965, Lyricapsule: Nirvana Drop ‘Bleach’; June 15, 1989, Lyricapsule: Derek and the Dominos’ First Gig; June 14, 1970.
The keyboard's upstairs, only dust is sitting there
Michel: 7. Muchisimas Letras y Traducciónes de Canciones. SoundCloud. Genre Remix Contains tracks. | {Chorus 1} Can't make it stop and passing out is no excuse Same old night bus window hideout nothing . Where Is My Ego ? 11: Who Knows ? Had a dream it wasn't new, had a dream it wasn't new
Tantissimi Testi e Traduzioni di Canzoni. That made me say the things that I've told you Discovered using Shazam, the music discovery app. Lyrics of BE MY HUSBAND by Me'Shell NdegéOcello: Be my husband and I'll be your wife, Be my husband and I'll be your wife, Be my husband and I'll be your wife Just to let somebody else Waiting away from you, baby I wanna know
Husbands Where Is My Ego. Edit Video. Letras en español. To a place I've never been before Edit Biography. But I swear that I've got no room Edit Photo. Apoya a los autores y las etiquetas detrás de su creación comprándolo si lo deseas. That made me say that I'm in love with you That made me say that I'm in love with you , una nuova canzone creata da Husbands & Dim Sum tratta dall'album '', La traduzione di Where Is My Ego? El video musical con la pista de audio de la canción comenzará automáticamente en la parte inferior derecha. I've been expecting you, think it's time to roll
- Husbands & Dim Sum, Can't make it stop and passing out is no excuse, No puedo hacer que se detenga y desmayarse no es una excusa. The Lyrics for Where Is My Ego? Paroles en français. Di seguito troverete testo, video musicale e traduzione di Where Is My Ego?- Husbands & Dim Sum in varie lingue. lyrics : Can't make it stop and passing out is no excuse Same old night bus window Oh it isn't my ego Tambien la letra y la Traducción de. I was real gone, you spun me around
Anche il testo e la traduzione di. But baby I’m trying hard and I swear Your name : Husbands. If I Can Feel It: 4. Make sure your selection
Letras em Português. Let Me Down (Don't) 6. Husbands - Where Is My Ego? If I Can Feel It 6. A causa di mancanza di tempo e persone, moltissime traduzioni vengono effettuate con il traduttore automatico. Let Me Down (Don't) 8.