[18], Nearly five years after the launch of Google Apps, on April 26, 2011, Google announced that organizations with more than 10 users were no longer eligible for the free edition of Google Apps. d)    It allows testers to become involved early in the project. [10] Further enhancements came, on June 25, 2007, when Google added a number of features to Google Apps, including mail migration from external IMAP servers, shared address books, a visual overhaul of Google Docs and Google Sheets, and increased Gmail attachment size. b)    test planning. d)    a human action that produces an incorrect result. c)    Faults found during system tests can be very expensive to fix. For details, see the next section on assigning user-based licenses. Her user account is a member of several groups and has permissions and rights to a number of forest-wide resources. True or False? The function has a positive y-intercept ⇒ 5th. At least seven of these ten statements are false. a)    Incident resolution is the responsibility of the author of the software under test. b)    To assess whether the software is ready for release. Security Accounts Management Database (SAM). [106], PC Magazine's Eric Grevstad wrote that "what's online is what you get", adding that "configuring them to [work offline] is a rigmarole". [3], The Starter plan includes email addresses with custom domains (@yourcompany.com), video and voice calls, calendars, 30GB storage, collaborative documents, spreadsheets, presentations and sites, controls for security and privacy, and 24/7 phone and email support. d)    The more stages we have, the better the testing. Directory contacts are managed by the administrator. 7    Which of the following is NOT true of test coverage criteria? [7], From February 10, 2006, Google started testing "Gmail for Your Domain" at San Jose City College, hosting Gmail accounts with SJCC domain addresses and admin tools for account management. [19], On March 28, 2012, Google launched Google Vault, an optional electronic discovery and archiving service for Google Apps for Business customers. c)    is that the tester knows everything about the software under test. ), a: User must change password at next logon, Which of the following account options can't be set together? d)    A minimal test set that achieves 100% statement coverage will generally detect more faults than one that achieves 100% branch coverage. 4    Which of the following requirements is testable? You need to assign licenses if one of these statements applies: You can assign licenses to individual users, to everyone in an organizational unit, or to everyone in your Google Cloud account. For other Google services, such as G Suite, licensing is user-based. [13], Google introduced Google Sites on February 28, 2008. [4] Enterprise-level customers receive S/MIMI encryption, noise cancellation in Meet, and as much storage as they need. c)    can be performed by inexperienced staff. a)    A minimal test set that achieves 100% LCSAJ coverage will also achieve 100% branch coverage. Example: Say you purchased 20 G Suite licenses and 5 Drive storage licenses. Changes are saved automatically, with a revision history keeping track of changes. G Suite: Pricing and setup. b)    the reviewing of test plans. Chinese Traditional / 繁體中文 This option in AD Users and Computers will allow you to see folders such as LostAndFound, Program Data, System, NTDS Quotas and TPM Devices. Storage space varies because "Office 365 gives users 50 GB of space in Outlook and 1 TB in OneDrive. d)    the intrinsic complexity of the code. a)    System tests are often performed by independent teams. Hungarian / Magyar You have hired a new junior administrator and created an account for her with the logon name JrAdmin. For services that include additional services, a user only needs a license for the parent service. A user can have a license for more than one service. German / Deutsch a)    Features to be tested b)    Incident reports c)    Risks d)    Schedule, 24    Which of these activities provides the biggest potential cost saving from the use of CAST? This system remained unchanged until the American Revolution. 7. b)    They are used to capture and animate user requirements. [84] In August 2019, Google announced that it would be shutting down Hire in September 2020, instead choosing to focus on "other products in the Google Cloud portfolio". French / Français For applications developed by Google, see, Federal Information Security Management Act, "Announcing Google Workspace, everything you need to get it done, in one location", "Google Launches Hosted Communications Services", https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/07/google-g-suite-passes-6-million-customers.html, https://blog.google/outreach-initiatives/education/meet-for-edu/, "Google Announces Education News at Educause", "Google Introduces New Business Version of Popular Hosted Applications", "Google Apps Gets Mail Migration, Dozens of New Features", "Google improves 'Apps', offers organizations clear path off Exchange, Notes, etc. In contrast, Office 365 has a multitude of plans (six as of September, 2013) which can be both good and bad since it provides flexibility but also involves some complexity to figure out the best choice". House of Burgesses, representative assembly in colonial Virginia, an outgrowth of the first elective governing body in a British overseas possession, the Virginia General Assembly. At least two of these ten statements are false. Particularly public-facing Pages and +1 buttons were pushed as effective marketing strategies. Slovenian / Slovenščina These are the building blocks of the AD structure in a domain. Like the British House of Commons, the House of Burgesses granted supplies and originated laws, and the governor and council enjoyed the right of revision and veto as did the king and the House of Lords in England. 32    Integration testing in the small: a)    tests the individual components that have been developed. b)    test high risk areas. Which two of these statements are true about directory contacts?