He said that in the clip Ms Henriquez can be seen showing her arm to a woman examining it. Mr Sherborne continued that Ms Henriquez’s evidence about the incident in March 2015 is ‘the only occasion on which any other human being is supposed to have witnessed’ Mr Depp being violent towards Ms Heard. They contend that he frequently lost control of himself, partly because of his heavy drug and alcohol use, and also that his memory has been impaired by his heavy use of drugs. ‘I told her – ‘you cannot go’ – he might kill you’,’ Mr Tillett Wright said in his statement. She was very nervous about it, over-thinking it in ways I had not seen her do before, and kept saying ‘no, we have to get this right’. Kristina Sexton claimed that Mr Depp did not want Ms Heard doing ‘any role that was overtly sexual’ culminating in her being on set during raunchy moments with Liam Hemsworth in 2013 film Paranoia. Ms Laws also provided graphic details about the injuries she saw on Heard after her visit of March 2015 to Australia where she claims Depp subjected her to physical and emotional abuse. Ms Henriquez admitted that Ms Heard punched Mr Depp on that occasion, but only did so ‘in my defence’ because her sister believed the actor was going to push her down the stairs. As the 14th day of the biggest libel case of the 21st century began this morning, Mr Sherborne asked the judge to keep Whitney out of the court as they produced the new video. Raquel ‘Rocky’ Pennington who claims she was ‘best friends’ with the actress when she lived in Depp’s penthouse block in Los Angeles for roughly two years between 2014 and 2016. – The meaning of the article, which is defined as what it would mean to the ‘reasonable reader’, will have to be determined by the judge. She also told the court that Heard’s feet also had cuts. Or did she start it?’. David Sherborne, for Mr Depp, said: ‘We say it is quite clear from that video that not only did Ms Amber Heard assault her sister, but it was quite clear also that the injuries that were suffered by Ms Whitney Heard are being examined by the individual that we see on the tape. His statement continued: ‘Every battered woman watching what Amber has gone through has the message reinforced that if they come forward, they won’t be believed and will be blamed. ‘I told her – ‘you cannot go’ – he might kill you’,’ Mr Tillett Wright said in his statement. Dies geschieht in Ihren Datenschutzeinstellungen. One woman asks her: ‘Did you really start the fight with your sister? Mr Sherborne continued that Ms Henriquez’s evidence about the incident in March 2015 is ‘the only occasion on which any other human being is supposed to have witnessed’ Mr Depp being violent towards Ms Heard. ‘You’re out of you f****** mind,’ Mr Tillett Wright said he replied, explaining he was ‘really worried’ about her, with no police on the private island and the nearest help a plane ride away. Contact us. Amber Heard leaves hand-in-hand with her sister Whitney from the High Court after a hearing in the libel trial by her former husband US actor Johnny Depp against News Group Newspapers. Mr Tillett Wright said Ms Heard had ‘been through hell’ before petitioning for divorce, and alleged there had been ‘a campaign of victim-blaming run against her by Johnny’s people’. You were part of Amber’s team of supporters throughout 2015 and 2016. Under the Defamation Act 2013, a statement is not defamatory unless its publication causes ‘serious harm to the reputation of the claimant’. ‘For example, she auditioned for the role of Queenie in Fantastic Beasts. Amber Heard became so ‘nervous’ about doing sex scenes in movies she asked her acting coach to watch so she had a ‘witness’ if Johnny Depp accused her of having an affair, the High Court heard today. iO Tillett Wright, (pictured) who was Ms Heard’s best man in February 2015, claimed he already knew Mr Depp was ‘hitting’ her when the alleged comment was made. She said that she saw ‘lacerations, deep scars or cuts from her wrists to her elbows. She said: ‘She [Heard] said that he was throwing glass bottles at her, and there was broken glass all over the ground which cut her feet. Ms Heard also told her acting coach ‘Johnny would rather destroy me than let me go’, the court heard. Whitney shows her arms and elbows with the woman also holding up her chin, as if she is examining an injury. In his statement, Mr Tillett Wright gave his account of the ‘defecation incident’, in which faeces was found in Mr Depp and Ms Heard’s bed following her birthday party in April 2016. Ms Laws alleged that following the incident, Ms Pennington, Heard and others conspired against Depp. Johnny Depp joked about punching Amber Heard in the face after their wedding ceremony in the Bahamas, a friend of the actress has alleged in court today. Undated picture shown in court of mirrors in the house where Johnny Depp and Amber Heard were staying in … You were part of Amber’s team of supporters throughout 2015 and 2016. Whitney insisted that there were no marks on her face and that she did not have any injuries to her body. The photographs have been taken in order for Miss Heard to negotiate a settlement from Mr Depp.’, Responding to claims that she had lied and conspired with Heard and she did not receive any injuries, Ms Pennington replied: ‘It’s completely false.’. The requests came before Ms Henriquez was due in the witness box this morning where she was due to finish her evidence in the biggest libel case of the 21st century. ‘She said, basically, ‘I appreciate your concern but I’m going to give him one more chance’,’ Mr Tillett Wright said in his statement. He strenuously denies the allegations and claims he ‘has never hit or committed any acts of physical violence against Ms Heard’. But NGN’s lawyers say the differences between the rival meanings contended by each side are ‘not significant’ and the outcome of the case will therefore not turn on meaning. Ms Laws alleged: ‘You are making this up, aren’t you?’. Asked if she came to lie in her evidence, Ms Henriquez said: ‘I’m here because she was a victim of domestic violence, for no other reason. In his statement, Mr Tillett Wright said it was in late 2013 or early 2014 that he understood Mr Depp was allegedly ‘physically violent’ towards Ms Heard. Amber showed me pictures of painted messages Johnny had written all over the rental house in paint and his own blood. ‘Amber told me that at this point Johnny ripped off her nightgown and she was naked on the ground, all wet with alcohol, and bleeding. Actor Johnny Depp waves as he leaves the High Court in London today. Whitney's family, friends and members of her church filled the courtroom to see the man who murdered her sent to jail. Dazu gehört der Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten durch Partner für deren berechtigte Interessen. She added that it ‘became clear to all of us that he wasn’t going to change, it was just going to get worse’. He said: ‘After she (Ms Henriquez) gave evidence yesterday, one of our team was contacted by an individual, on the basis of being kept confidential.’ He added: ‘We were contacted to explain that Ms Amber Heard had a history of violence and attacking people and this video, which was attached, of her sister Whitney (Henriquez) was taken shortly after Amber Heard had attacked her and Ms Whitney (Henriquez) was filmed with people commenting on the bruises on her face and body.’. Or did she start it? She was trying to create a narrative that was not there.’. 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Here is a transcript of a video sent to Johnny Depp’s legal team from a ‘confidential source’ which the actor’s lawyers say shows Amber Heard ‘attacked’ her sister, Whitney Henriquez. iO Tillett Wright, (pictured) who was Ms Heard’s best man in February 2015, claimed he already knew Mr Depp was ‘hitting’ her when the alleged comment was made.