The question then, is not, “Wasn’t my faith strong enough?” But rather, “Is my faith strong enough to trust in the Lord and in His ways?”. Jack was our oldest son Who had his whole life ahead of him. Your email address will not be published. Because we have faith in Christ, we can become perfected, exalted beings. It was conference weekend in October and of course it was raining. While I was flying one day this pilot called me very upset that he had flown over a funeral! Was any physical law from this world “surpassed by a supernatural power?” No. Of far, greater value are the miracles that Jesus performed and continues to perform pertaining to our eternal salvation. Kathleen, Your story has touched my heart so deeply! Tanzania, New Testament Matthew 6-7, My Easter Miracle: The Night that Jesus Raised Me from the Dead. Like chocolate. I couldn’t believe it! They become moot after death. Three years later, I moved to Temecula–a garden community. Change ). That’s when I saw the tire tread marks running along his upper back and shoulders. One morning, a hundred years ago, I was going through model homes with a friend of mine. But I haven’t. The final explanation for why a Divine intervention occurs is in the mind of God – and we sure can’t go there. When we witness or experience an earthly miracle in mortality, we say, “Praise God.” For it is a marvelous, outward sign of our inward faith. The sacraments (21): At the table with Jesus and the disciples, Pastoral care gives as much as it can. I believe it requires an enormous amount of faith to submit our will to the will of the Lord–to trust in Him fully when we don’t receive the miracles we so desperately desire. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. The common denominator in each of these instances has been obedience to their faith, a strong trust and commitment to what their faith promised. Can 21st Century people believe that the hand of God touches people in today’s world? Too often, when I hear this statement, I begin to doubt my faith. She asked if I would pray with her, so, standing in the middle of the sidewalk, she offered up a sweet, sincere prayer. “Let those who believe in Me be one.” – “That is a sign that Jesus Himself defined.” This means that we must be. God has done this for me numerous times. To this mom, it was not only a miracle, but it taught me a critical lesson. I don’t know about you, but I have never moved a mountain. My friends were staying with me after they sold their home, for a couple of days until they could move into their new house. How can we learn to trust God through our challenges? All Rights Reserved. Healing and other miracles are still found in the Church today, though they aren’t always dramatic and aren’t always spoken of publicly because those who experience them hold them sacred. Because we have faith in Christ, we can be cleansed from our sins. Click here to view the post: Am I Guilty of Priestcraft? No one knows because we cannot go there. Again, that’s a more complicated question than it appears to be. In fact, according to Hume, reports of miracles are never believable because the possibility of a miracle actually having happened is always lower than the possibility either that the reporter is somehow mistaken or that the reporter is just lying. Today, I live in Cedar City, and though the color of our house is … brown (whaaaatttt? Why they happen for some and not others. She began to panic when I drove her back to her car and she couldn’t find her keys. © Copyright 2019 Melinda R Morgan. It was a virtual event rather than a personal visit: since his trip had to be cancelled, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider conducted the divine service originally scheduled to take place in East Africa on 16 August 2020 from France. Kenya, I would love to hear some of your stories, because I have no doubt you have a life full of faith building and faith promoting experiences. I find your story about your son getting rolled over by a car and calling it a miracle painful for me. But I am truly grateful that your son was not injured because no one should have to live their earthly life without their child. They are all in different ways products of the secular age in which we are living. As I pondered the chapters in this week’s Come, Follow Me lesson, I became fixated on the question of miracles–why some receive or witness them and others don’t. He, in turn, promises that He will walk through the fire with us and that through Him, our suffering will be consecrated for our good. At the same time, there are folks out there who experienced miracles with little or limited faith. I’m still working to understand how these encounters are alike and different. Required fields are marked *. The context: after the feeding of the five thousand, Jesus went to the other side of Lake Gennesaret, and the people followed Him. To everyone’s amazement, he suffered no internal injuries, and within a week or two, his face was completely back to normal. However, that is exactly what I don’t want to do. When Peter walked on the water to get to Jesus, he turned and noticed the wind and waves, and then he began to sink. My poor son died alone, the neighbor found him under his car. Have never forgotten this experience. Email: or When the person got there, he told my friend that his was the only vehicle he couldn’t break into. I came to realize this week as I pondered over the question of miracles and why some receive or witness them and others do not, that all the marvelous miracles that the people in Christ’s day witnessed were miracles pertaining to mortality. My husband and I have come to hate that term miracles. There, sitting on the nightstand, were Robyn’s keys. When the world was created, God gave us free will which means when we say “no” to Him, the Almighty doesn’t break the doors down to prove that He’s here. Many times, when I would be searching for papers that I needed, and could not find, I would the next morning find them on my kitchen counter where I would usually place my paperwork until I could get to it. God accepts your “no” at face value. Robert Wise explores the world of Divine intervention from an objective point of view. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. You can be part of that adventure. If I didn’t hurry, the car would pick up momentum and roll down to the street and on down into high-speed traffic. I realized that in less than two minutes time I could have lost two of my children. Having put the ball in the heavenly Father’s court allows me to sit back and shrug. Without Apostle Menkhoff, divine servi... They did those things that would make their faith stronger. I brought them to her, and she drove off, grateful that the Lord had answered her prayer. Be open to the possibilities. “They only experienced the miracle, but they did not understand its message!” explained the Chief Apostle: “All they saw was that they now had something to eat.” This is an age-old problem, as “there is a difference between miracles and signs.”, And what about today? And, of course, it didn’t. So these things were moved, to make it possible for me to find them. Divine service. I am adding you to my prayer list, and to the prayer roll in the temple. 5 scripture study “TIPPS” for crazy busy people. Suddenly, after 45 minutes without a pulse, a huge miracle happened and Graupera-Cassimiro’s heart began to beat all on its own. Last year my beautiful 19-year-old son was working on his car and it accidentally rolled on top of him. “But that is not the most important thing.” After all, “Jesus never intended to improve the life of man here on this earth.” Rather, “God sent His messengers to announce that those who believe in Jesus Christ and follow Him will be redeemed from sin and can have eternal life.”, In order to impart this message, God makes use of signs. So now the question was, do I break a window to get in? Missed last week’s message? More, Incense, candles, ornate robes? Because we have faith in Christ, we can enjoy all that the Father has to offer His children. Faith, I have come to understand, is a miracle in and of itself. I realized then that the car had rolled over him.Long, long story short, my son had tried to stop the moving car, had fallen down, and the front tire rolled over his six-year-old body. In the time of deep grieving, the Lord “gave” me several what I call miracles. Every day we question this thing called miracles. Click on this link: 5 scripture study “TIPPS” for crazy busy people. They gave thanks for the knowledge that they were an eternal family and that they would be together forever. Jesus taught that the reason he performed miracles was so that we would know that he has the power to forgive sins (Mark 2). It is no wonder then, that they named their daughter, “Joy.” Joy’s birth is, and forever will be, a blessing to our entire family. I believe that with all of my heart. At the close of the ceremony while letting their mother go to be at rest with their father, having an ag-airplane fly over was to them a comforting close to their parents lives. There was no landscaping, so I was surrounded on all sides by nothing but … brown. I was surprisingly calm under the circumstances. Jesus Christ shows that pastora... Explaining why miracles happen or don’t happen is God’s business. Knowing this may not make your loss any easier to bear, but I do pray that it gives you some source of comfort.