However, in case you’re asking does my boyfriend love me, you should know that there are some signs that will help you read him without him having to say anything. :'( I’m starting the feel like a child. my friends stopped wanting to hang out with me. But when he meets his own friends, even the ones you dislike, he makes it seem like you’re the one misunderstanding his friends. Again I was crying I was gonna march out of his life and graduate free I guess…but I couldn’t. I need to break the chain. I’ve been in many emotionally controlling relationships, and have been controlling as well. My boyfriend is every one of these things (apart from stalking me, I think!) He may be able to reassure you that his porn usage has nothing to do with being dissatisfied with your relationship or lusting after a porn star. If they are emotionly abusing you they are also verbally abusing you. And I know he is sometimes right. He has only told me he loves me a few times he doesn’t wear his heart on his sleeve I know that but I feel I’m begging him all the time to say it is this man controlling or possessive, Hi my name is Thomas, and I feel like I am most of these but not to the all the extremes mentioned. So the other night I pull the chair out for my GF at dinner like I’ve done for months. I have even kept him a secret from my best friend who hates him for the way that he treats me. I really need help with this one. I barely leave my house, and I only have one friend, who I am not allowed to see without his permission. Just cause he wants to stop, i should do the same. From day one he lead me to believe he was this perfect man, the guy I had been looking for all my life and I felt so lucky that I had him all to myself. The aim of the individual addicted to porn is more than the euphoria that an orgasm could give. This is my 18 yr olds booyfriend to a tee…. Porn addiction tends to affect ejaculation as it was reported on NoFap that 19 percent of the 27-31 year old that masturbates to porn experienced premature ejaculation; 31 percent of them had difficulty reaching orgasm, and 34 percent experienced erectile dysfunction. I never have any problems when he wants to do stuff or go out with his friends so i never really understood why he had these problems with me? I do care about him but he makes it so hard to have a normal life. If anyone put a foot wrong, he was so hard done to and several times threatened suicide. But he pretty much much tore me down as if I had cheated on him. Basically, she is a very focused person. He also complains a lot about things that he can’t change like laws and he complains about politics and he says it’s debating… I’ve told him that it’s not nice to listen to that every week (most of the time it’s the same things he complains about) and he’s almost stopped it completely. I go out of my way for him but it’s still not enough and I try to talk to him about it but he ignores me . He didn’t want me to talk to guys, even though he knew some. Idk what made him change. No one deserves to be treated like this. Get out of relationship at first sign of violence. We started dating about a week after meeting eachother, I said yes because I just couldn’t believe I had found someone like him, I just looked up to him, so unlike my old relationships, I accepted right away. He will never let me have my space and cool down. He’s right all. My prom…wasn’t what I expected. Did you ever found out why he was trying to help you out with your work and if he didn’t help what would have think your mind? To all you ladies out there that think you don’t have anyone without your boyfriend it IS NOT TRUE. He doesn’t want me seeing my friends, a few have even falling out with me over him. I’m so conflicted. They treat you like a princess at first and then when you make the commitment they will turn into a different person. I don’t know what to do. Then I broke up with her, saying horrible things about how only me cared about the relationship, and etc. He doesntblike seeing my family at all , but he likes me going to his house at 8am to see him but he can’t do that for me. I know things will go back to the way they were, I just know it. Well at least tak a break. Did you manage to get out of this relationship? He is very insecure and I think that it makes him feel good by controlling and manipulating girls.. I think the best thing to do is to approach him (at a time when you two aren’t fighting) and tell him that when he threatens to break up with you, it hurts you. Watching porn could also be as a result of peer pressure. Your boyfriend may be going through your phone, blatantly accusing you of cheating and checking your Facebook inbox to see who you are talking to in private. I’m so tired of this because i’m a very positive person but I do think this telationship has changed me and it’s a bit harder for me now to love myself completely. When you are in love with someone, you expect them to care about you and listen to you when you talk. He loves himself very much. He started to brake downs in tears and saying All I do is work and sit in the house I lost all of my friends and family because of him. I have a child with him, and my divorce was final just last week. SELFISH. He wants you to keep in touch with him very often, and he wants to be informed about everything you’re doing even if you’re just stepping out of office for a coffee break with your friends. I was always under the impression that I was a strong, independent woman, but he has proven otherwise and find myself giving into him so I don’t have to deal with it. A relationship shouldn’t change who you are, especially when you’re already a happy person. I work very hard to stay independent because of the controlling attitude that flares up. I love her and I have faith it can work, I never want either of us to split, but of we do I’m sure we would remain friends even though we’re both crazy ha. Great article, It’s in our DNA to assume that others can be just as bad as us. Where there was confusion, agony, and fear of being alone, I suddenly feel comfort, pity, and relief. Yet I stayed with him because I was so desperate for him to love me. My boyfriend definitely has a lot of these signs. Everything I did was always ‘not good enough’. He sets different rules. my boyfriend is emotionally controlling. It ‘s hard to admit but it can be the girl too who does these things. Any advice please, I need strength because I still love him. Get the very best of LovePanky straight to your inbox! I am a little concerned that the direction of this article leads young women to believe that they can change an emotionally controlling man. How do I fix this? I am so inlove with with and we made so many great memories and he can be so kind and sweet but lately I’m realizing that I don’t deserve getting treated this way. But… he is fun (when things are going his way), handsome, childlike, sensitive guy… However, I do everything for him when he comes over. What your living is not happiness!! It could lead to unemployment, legal troubles like indecent exposure and even violence, financial difficulties, and low self-esteem. . When we first got together he treated me like a princess and for the most part still does. He’s like a little box of gold. Everytime I tell him he’s controlling me, he freaks out and makes me feel like the bad guy who’s mean. I dont know what to do. Now, first of all – I hate that this is who I am. I have a controlling and abusive boyfriend hes so jealous he tells me he thinks I want to have sex with my 5 yearold son im scared I have no where to go he hits me wenhes mad breaks my phne so I cantcall for help weni try to leave he locks me out the house im very close to my littleboy cuz he has adhd so im very over protective with him I dnt leave him with any one I dnt go out I dnt drink smoke wed nothing im 24 finished college he doesn’t want me to work weni did hewould go by my job or call non stop to make sure I was there im scred I just wanted to tell u ladies if ur wit a crazy man getout while u can I cant I tried n hes found me made me loose my aptmaents wit problems im ore scared for my son I hope everyday that he dies so icanget out this but I have faith god will help me. These signs can go both ways. I have yet to know what to do with my life and im not sure if this is the kind of relationship i want. I am also completely stressed out, anxious and depressed due to his controlling behavior. He may seem like a chivalrous knight who’s always there to help you make up your mind, but very soon you’d see that he’d actually be the one manipulating you and making all the decisions for you. He always picks out my flaws even when I do nothing wrong, and then makes them into huge arguments. Because I don’t like this, then that, he is not always doing things my way. For those of you whose men say they’ll kill themselves if you leave? If this has happened, or is happening to you, read on to find out why this occurs from a guy’s perspective. He was both of those! What do i do? I feel so fked up for abusing him but all this depression and anxiety has built up so I just had that need to let it out! He throws any & all tedious expenses and gifts in my face when he’s angry. [Read: 22 big early warning signs of a bad boyfriend]. All rights reserved. Look within yourself, and consider if you might be jealous about your boyfriend watching porn because of the attention he gives to other sexually attractive people. @kafka- Wow! Walking away and finding a to date is a no brainer and not that difficult to find one, I did, still have to forgive myself for being so naive and gullible to stay with my ex for so long.