The stories are very much like every '30's/'40's noir tales (Batman included). -- where they meet the animals altered to look like humans and something is Not Quite Right and Downright Grotesque about the way the way they look. It's amazing the kinds of stories Eisner was willing to try so long ago. The character is Eisner's magnum opus, and, while the war years stories (1942-1945) are generally the creation of writers and artists other than Will Eisner, there aren't any really bad stories in the series -- only good, better, and best. By the time of his death on January 3, 2005, Will Eisner was recognized internationally as one of the giants in the field of sequential art, a term he coined. He figures it may give him an edge over crime. The racism and misogyny are a bit hard to swallow, though. Hiding in the shadows, he tells Dolan to have the reward money ready. This book is about a superhero who was once a cop who tried to take a bad guy out but falls into radioactive stuff to make him into a superhero with many superpowers. June 1st 2000 Exposition that would embar. Be the first to ask a question about The Spirit Archives, Vol. Maybe it will be a movie next year. The overt racism in Ebony’s depiction is a problem to modern sensibilities, and I’d imagine to more than a few at the time. Exposition that would embarrass a soap writer. Otherwise, dated by some very misogynistic and racist stereotypes. This was my first exposure to the classic Spirit tales and I gotta tell you, this was thoroughly enjoyable. He awoke several hours after his burial and escaped from his grave. The first volume in a complete series reprinting Will Eisner's classic crimefighter The Spirit in chronological order from June 2nd to December 29, 1940. Espero que los posteriores me sorprendan para bien. The Spirit is born with Denny Colt "dies" and returns to life to fight the underworld. On a deserted island, the Spirit tracks down the Octopus, only to find Darling O'Shea is in the midst of buying the place. The stories are very much like every '30's/'40's noir tales (Batman included). . He has an autoplane a plane that turns into a car and vice-versa. This volume collects the seven page, Ouch. There's no need to say much here. He decided he would keep the media thinking he's dead and put a mask on to become a crime fighter. It is always weird to read a comic that's early in the series' history. on 06/24/20 Nice start...definitely easier to read than the old Batman collections. 'The Spirit' (19 September 1948). Will Eisner's legendary newspaper comic creation was Denny Colt, a police detective that took on the identity of the masked vigilante, The Spirit, upon seemingly being resurrected after his death. The Spirit is born with Denny Colt "dies" and returns to life to fight the underworld. Will Eisner was born on March 6, 1917 in Brooklyn, New York. It is not as if I have avoided the classics - I have Peanuts, I have Krazy Kat . So if you want to read some old comics from the 40. Soon, soon. Here's one of my favorite spreads: Will Eisner was born on March 6, 1917 in Brooklyn, New York. February 2013 Ouch. The Spirit would do well with his newspaper comic. Will Eisner's Spirit is justifiably lauded as a trailblazing series, and a high-water mark in comics history. The Spirit was printed in full comics that were placed in newspapers in 1940 The newspapers were concerned over the comic boom with superheros. This was my first exposure to the classic Spirit tales and I gotta tell you, this was thoroughly enjoyable. However, it's perhaps the last five comics where you can really see Eisner's writing skill start to grow. Will Eisner’s standing as a pioneer of comic book art and storytelling make The Spirit a real landmark, worth having a look at, to rediscover the potential of the comic book. He started in New York City and then moved to Central City, but his crime fighting career took him around the world. I will certainly be picking up the next one when finances permit. never read any of Eisner's work. View full history. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. None of the files shown here are hosted or transmitted by this server. They’re all in love with him, and he’s in love with all of them. and I mean to buy The Spirit, I do, but then it gets put on the "To Buy Later" list. Old school comics... the slang was a bit hard to read and there have been a lot of social changes since 1940. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. At Wildwood Cemetery, a couple of thugs stand waiting after receiving a message in the shape of a tombstone. I confess to having high, possibly unrealistic, expectations for the first collection of Spirit stories, but wow. And while Eisner was obviously playing with bold color choices and dynamic framing, he hadn't really broken out of a very traditional narrative progression. Instead. I'm willing to cut the extraordinary racism of Ebony White some major slack, given the era, but it didn't make the other flaws go down any easier. Many of the innovative storytelling techniques are in place by the end of the book, an it only gets better from here. He takes them into a tomb and demands they tell him where Dr. Cobra is hiding. Before it was done the series lasted 645 issues. In celebration of the 75th anniversary of Will Eisner's iconic and ground-breaking character, Dynamite Entertainment is proud to present an all-new ongoing series featuring THE SPIRIT. from The Spirit (Register and Tribune Syndicate, 1940 series) #3/18/1951 (March 18, 1951) Indexer Notes . 1. A total lack of character. And of course there are tons of women in it. Will Eisner was one of the true giants working in the medium of comics, and this is where that greatness really began. This volume covers the greatest comic artist during the era widely acknowledged as his finest period from 1945-1950 (after returning to the funny pages from serving during WW2). Two stars for the occasionally impressive splash pages and some modest innovation. Will Eisner’s standing as a pioneer of comic book art and storytelling make The Spirit a real landmark, worth having a look at, to rediscover the potential of the comic book. The biggest problem is the massive number of plot holes – big enough for you to fly a car through. He will return with Dr. Cobra in three hours. As it turned out both she and the Spirit had the same rare A-1 blood type. The biggest problem is the massive number of plot holes – big enough for you to fly a car through. Be the first to ask a question about Will Eisner's The Spirit. abdullah5122 Refresh and try again. You can search for This caused his considerable problems but Dolan still thought the best of the Spirit even though he was determined to bring him in. Each story is only 7 pages long but it never ceased to amaze me how much Eisner could pack into those 7 pages. The stories and artwork aren't anywhere near as innovative and groundbreaking as we see in the postwar era of the Spirit. Total. Denny says he'll stay "dead." Classic Eisner is always worth reading. Dolan let him keep his mask while in prison so as to keep his identity. The earliest Spirit stories were much more traditional in their pulp/comics influence, though one can see Eisner beginning to ease in both his sense of design and sense of humour. We see the beginnings of Eisner’s magnum opus in this volume. You might say he’s a bit of a slut.". As far as Will Eisner's works go... this isn't his best. But if you want a proper introduction to Eisner, I'd first recommend "A Contract with God". He hadn't quite gotten into his art groove yet, but it still had some impressive layouts. 1” as Want to Read: Error rating book. Like most of the Golden Age comics archives, the first issues of The Spirit are mostly a reminder of just how primitive comics were in the late thirties and early forties. The most glaring is the dialogue of Ebony White. He said he'd bring him in for the reward on him. The Spirit appears in 1104 issues. hands down my favorite comic character of all time. As he watches them run off in fear, Commissioner Dolan is surprised to find Denny Colt alive. Dolan thinks the the voice sounded similar to Colt's. Hace poco hojeándolos vi que esa colección solo recogía las historias que hizo Eisner después de la guerra. Denny Colt was a criminologist and private detective. The chemicals hit him smack in the face, while Dr. Cobra drags out his henchman and escapes. His secret identity is Denny Colt, an ex-detective. I had never read any Spirit comics and was a little disappointed. However, it's perhaps the last five comics where you can really see Eisner's writing skill start to grow. 02:21PM To see what your friends thought of this book, Will Eisner's The Spirit: Artist's Edition. They have that lovely ‘Film Noir’ touch to it, same goes for the story. Created by Eisner in 1940, the Spirit is to comics what Citizen Kane was to cinema—groundbreaking and brilliant. De The Spirit había leído maravillado los 76 tebeos de grapa en blanco y negro que publicó Norma en los 90. So it twists into fantasy. I am reading the Archives in celebration of The Spirit's 75th anniversary. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other The Spirit last edited by Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published Very interesting to see the origins of modern superheroes, especially Batman, in this 1940 series. In the end I did enjoy it. Includes "The Origin of The Spirit," "Orang, The Ape Man," "The Kiss of Death," "The Prom," the first Christmas Spirit story and 26 others in full color. =). The links are provided solely by this site's users. As one half of the studio Eisner & Iger he co-created and scripted many popular 1930s adventure comics, including 'Sheena, Queen of the Jungle' (1937) and 'Doll Man' (1939). My intent is to get my hands on as many of these volumes as I can afford. i even love the years that eisner was in the military and the strip was ghosted. Will Eisner's Spirit is justifiably lauded as a trailblazing series, and a high-water mark in comics history.