You can also configure wireless security at this point, though for me, it's always been kind of flaky, WEP in particular, so you might have to play around to see what works. Xbox wireless adapters can cost around $60 to $90. If not, check out the DD-WRT wiki for more halpz. Mac You'd think this would be easy, 'cause I heard somewhere that Macs just work, and internet sharing on Macs typically ain't hard, but there is a tiny bit of jujitsu involved here. I found this article which claims you can connect your xbox to a laptop via a LAN cable and use your laptop as a wifi receiver. The most important thing is that you won’t have to spend a single cent to get your Xbox 360 connected to the Internet. So check out the list before you run out to Best Buy or Circuit City. Then plug your Xbox 360 into your Mac, open up Sharing in Preferences. Découvrez comment nous utilisons vos informations dans notre Politique relative à la vie privée et notre Politique relative aux cookies. The Xbox 360 is the best console you can buy. It's a pain in the ass, but everything else about the Buffalo routers make it worth it. There are a few other ways to proceed at this point, and you're probably going to have try at least a couple of them to find one that'll work. Once you get either firmware installed, you're going to set your hacked router up as a wireless client. Also find out your router's IP address, which is most likely (Linksys) or (D-Link uses this), depending on your manufacturer. The laptop or the desktop computer acts as a bridge for your Xbox 360 to connect via Wi-Fi to the Internet. Here are the detailed install instructions, but with most Linksys routers, you can just drill into the router settings from the web address ( and upload the DD-WRT firmware, directly, making it pretty easy. The Xbox 360 is a worthy predecessor to the Xbox One. There are two ways to get the Xbox 360 connect to Wi-Fi with these three essential things. But they also tend to be the priciest. Unless you check out one of the cheaper alternatives. • Finally, your cheapest option is from...Microsoft. Ultimately, there’s no stopping the complete Xbox 360 experience. If you have Apple's Airport gear, the router will be at 4. As soon as you turn off the laptop or the desktop computer, the Xbox 360 will lose connection to the Internet. Alternatively, if the steps in the above method will not work, you can do the following steps below. Your NAT might suck, but you can get on Xbox Live. Under the sharing tab, just check the box to allow that connection to be shared. Click the OK button to confirm the selection. There are tons of Linux custom firmwares for routers nowadays, with DD-WRT and Tomato being the most popular. 2. 0 0. 3. Still have questions? Set the hacked router to client mode. Turn on internet sharing, and share your Airport's internet connection with ethernet. I bought the XBox Elite Series 2 controller to use wireless with my PC, but the input lag is horrendous (several seconds). If you don’t have these three things, you might want to just invest in a wireless adapter. Pour autoriser Verizon Media et nos partenaires à traiter vos données personnelles, sélectionnez 'J'accepte' ou 'Gérer les paramètres' pour obtenir plus d’informations et pour gérer vos choix. Apparently, its Achilles heel is something that the Wii and the PlayStation 3 have – a Wi-Fi. Or you could follow our guide.