Here are some complaints about Xiaxue from the general public taken from another site. Source :– RSS Feed; Category Archives: Blogs! Noticed that Kaykay has been hanging out with the guys behind Drink Culture, anybody knows their deal? The textbook and recommended readings explores the many different systems and strategies by which the ‘game’ of semiotics works through online network communication. Is she sincerely looking out for consumers’ interest, or is she exploiting the ambiguity of a non-existent “requirement” to vilify and incriminate competitors ? So how ? That’s the whole agenda of this blog — to expose TRUTHS about Nuffnang and Xiaxue. IS XIAXUE REALLY THE TOP BLOGGER IN ASIA PACIFIC ? Xiaxue can then use this basis to hold Kay Kay in contempt since her other accusations against her have all fallen flat (accusations that Kay Kay inflated her stats and masked ads). Gushcloud is not only still thriving, but it looks like they’ve come out stronger than ever before …. I agree that lies and immoral practices must be exposed. Apparently the Cheng siblings like to SHOW FINGERS ?! This empathy for women in patriarchal societies is a hegemony where particular values are universal amongst all individuals regardless of their background as everyone will have the same feelings or agreeing with the obvious. Did she use oatmeal as shown in the video which was not made by her to begin with? Consumers : whose review will you believe ? wow, I think that's a little rich coming from XX, but yeah, I think Kay Kay seems like the most honest out of the group of bloggers. It’s called consumer rights , and the onus lies on consumers to do our own checks and balances before committing to any purchase, contract or package. Did you know that her photo was the same one Xiaxue used 2 years earlier in June 2012 to promote NESTLE products ? Yan Kay Kay From Xiaxue’s blog post dated 23 Dec 2014 —-DITTO—- back to Nuffnang . ). Yan Kay Kay then revealed in a postscript that the money she’s received from treating Xiaxue’s fake company SG Private Trainers as a client, will be donated to … There’s just one small problem with using a re-cycled photo for this product though ……. In January 2011, co-founder of Nuffnang, Cheo Ming Shen was caught in a war of words with a netizen. I need a soul mate so that I can be who I am, naked. by smiley » Sat Oct 05, 2013 11:48 am, Post Kay Kay has class, and I admire her for it. Xiaxue was attempting to promote a Foundation — and a popular international brand at that — that was supposed to have been applied on her face at the time of the photoshoot for the ad . by halfasiantakeover » Mon Oct 07, 2013 1:22 pm, Post Discourse is a matter of the way things said are embedded in our social world and how we perceive the connotations to denotations that we can relate to. The effects of discourse in these advertisements plays down the constructed meanings of the texts and to reinforce their denotative, referential functions. Cyberculture is an emerging phenomena associated with the use of online network communication for the means of entertainment or business. Seems like hypocrisy runs in the Cheng family much…. She was hoping that by prominently displaying that tumblr site for just a few short days, she could get her readers to notice that Gushcloud is made up of a bunch of gossipers and that her former close friend, Yan Kay Kay bad-mouthed her behind her back. To better break down the definition of discourse, it’s actually a formalized way of thinking of how institutions organize and co-ordinate actions, positions and identities to reproduce themselves to the addressee in different ways. Do other types of medium have the same impact as cyberculture? Did she say she got 3 lawyers to check her ‘Gushcloud Exposé’ blog post before publishing it ?? Honesty is important. 3. Who would have thought that she’s not that short after all. …….. but when bloggers from Gushcloud do it , she cries FRAUD ! At 1.47m , Xiaxue’s quite a tall midget …. Name: Yan Kay Kay Did she even use the product at all ?? Nobody would want to be as silly as Hung, but his phoniness made him a celebrity as his audience found him entertaining. ( Log Out /  Chick vs. Dick was so much funnier when she was on, because her chemistry with Paul was so natural, and their personalities were different enough to be really good entertainment. Ironically Xiaxue, while holding “most influential” title, admits herself that children should not be reading her sites as she’s a bad influence. Kay Kay was Case #22 in the second season of Deal or No Deal hosted by Adrian Pang. Although some of us might not come from patriarchal societies, the ideology discoursed through the media interpellates individuals as subjects that are somehow related to the families in Guatemala. We might not be the intended audience for that clip of news but the idea that there are abusive males in Guatemala makes us feel sympathy for the women who are getting killed daily. A random check on other Nuffnang bloggers like @jadeseah and @jaynetham also revealed no hashtags even though there appears to be a lot of sponsored posts in just one page in their instagram accounts. Apparently, to live for the moment is Kay Kay’s motto. Comparing advertising stereotypes of the same institutions (e.g. Take a look around and grab the RSS feed to stay updated. After all the noisy ruckus Xiaxue created since 23 Dec 2014, she appears to have absolutely no impact whatsoever in the industry including her own colleagues from Nuffnang. Turner suggests that the attention they get is just the effect of blind good luck due to media attention, and that “star quality” has nothing to do with it. She just continued to live her life and put all the drama behind her. If Xiaxue wants to act like some sort of disciplinarian trying to straighten out unethical practices “in the industry” , then why didn’t she spy on TIN ? If you’ve been wondering if Kay Kay is her real name, the mystery ends here. Now before anyone starts throwing stones at me for dragging Xiaxue’s nobody brother and mother into this , rest assured that if Xiaxue hadn’t herself prominently displayed in her instagram site this link for all to click and see, I wouldn’t have found it really convenient to drag them in. What happens when we put someone who has never worked a day in her life in different jobs? Well, unless of course she wants to hoodwink readers that she used the exact same product 2 years earlier wearing the exact same dress, exact same hairdo and hair color. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Chan Yan Kay (Haley)'s blog! Is the industry only made up of Nuffnang and Gushcloud ? I assume one of them would be Fong Wei Li (Fortis Law Corporation). Has there already been different dissections of social habits (such as kissing)? Two main things that Xiaxue probably did NOT wanted readers to see …. I want there to be someone who picks up my heavy, bleeding heart and takes it somewhere safe and warm. Kay Kay didn't say anything against XX or her group, on twitter or her blog. Name: Yan Kay Kay Age: 26 Vital Stats: 33-23-32 Yan Kay Kay aka Qihua is Singapore's inaugual S factor winner, Hotstuff model, FHM cover girl, Playeur, clicknetwork host and she proves that she can make any guy beg for mercy! (Source :- ). Millions around the world have tried to copy Jackson’s dance moves, especially his moonwalk, and only a handful have succeeded. ( Log Out /  Xiaxue’s most CONSPICUOUS LIE is probably this one …. !! Wendy opens up about her fallout with her friend Yan Kay Kay. What do Wendy Cheng (Xiaxue) and Clinton Cheng (Sky) have in common ? Maybe Xiaxue was hoping that Gushcloud will never come out this exposé unscathed so that she can instigate their bloggers to sever ties with the company before poaching them and eventually having them kiss her ass. by smiley » Sat Oct 05, 2013 12:13 pm, Post Bloggers who buy and inflate stats , or Asia Pacific’s top blogger who blatantly promotes fake stats for a mere $100 (possibly even buying fake facebook, twitter and Instagram likes and followers herself ). Her plans to sabotage and put Gushcloud out of business have failed, all Xiaxue could do now is pat herself in her back and boast that industry players are now more cautious about their business practices because of her post. Do you think that Gushcloud is the only one with a leaked conversation? Either Xiaxue the Mensa genius completely forgot about this blogging community, or she deliberately overlooked them in order to isolate Gushcloud for REVENGE – which is her REAL and hidden intention of her exposé.