All rights reserved. Acne destroyed myself esteem and made me very depressed and self conscious. The pills decrease the circulation of androgens, which decreases the production of sebum. I am writing this review in hope it may help others!”, “I was really excited to go on Yasmin because I was so excited to get rid of my acne because I had been using creams and antibiotics for about two years and nothing had worked. Mostly whiteheads on my forehead, cheeks and jaw. I have not seen an improvement in my skin and it seems to be getting worse. Just wanted to let you guys know, Yasmin birth control pills cleared up my face completely! The worst part of my acne was huge painful cysts on my chin. However, I have noticed that my mood has been changing for the worse but I prefer this to having acne as it completely destroyed my self-confidence. I … Acne, an extremely common skin condition that affects nearly everyone at some point, usually begins at the time of puberty, but can occur at any age, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). But everyone is different. She does get a bit down around her period, but she would be more down with a face full of acne, it was devastating for her self esteem. This has pretty much cleared up now with maybe a couple spots around my pill free week. I've suffered with ache for a few years, mainly on my chin and jawline. Data sources include IBM Watson Micromedex (updated 2 Nov 2020), Cerner Multum™ (updated 2 Nov 2020), ASHP (updated 23 Oct 2020) and others. I am using Yasmin birth control pills since the last 6 months and it has cleared my face completely! Along with the acne, my periods have become more regular. I have made a decision today that the moods swings and mild depression that Yasmin gives is 10 000 times better then the depression that I have felt over the past 3 months because of painful cystic acne that no amount of makeup can hide. I'm acne free. The side effects that I noticed in the beginning - breakthrough bleeding, increased hair shedding, went away after the first few months. As well as preventing pregnancy, it can regulate periods and help combat acne. First, the skin's sebaceous glands--tiny glands below the skin's surface that produce an oil called sebum--begin to produce too much sebum. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved Yasmin birth control, which contains a combination of estrogen and progestin compounds, specifically for acne treatment. Yasmin birth control treatment will not clear up acne overnight. Subscribe to newsletters for the latest medication news, alerts, new drug approvals and more. Hey I'm on my 3rd pack now I really really like my face it's so beautiful like never before. I have decided to share my experience because reading the reviews helped me believe things would get better. I was on Dianette for years for acne due to PCOS until it no longer was effective. Before I was on this I would have quite a few spots on my face but they would never scar, now I’m scared the spots I’m getting on Yasmin will scar because they are worse. Every single pimple leaves a mark on my skin, I suffer form really bad hyper pigmentation even if I don't pop or touch my face when a pimple appears. Finally, bacteria that's normally found living on the skin starts to multiply too rapidly, leading to infection, swelling and pain. So far, I can’t say my acne has improved as it does go in stages, but within the first month I don’t have MORE spots than usual, but instead of them being on my cheeks like they normally would, they’re on my chin ( which makes sense with hormones ). No changes in mood, I do have diagnosed anxiety which hasn’t worsened or improved on the pill. I don't know why. it might work for people with severe acne but don't go on if your acne is mild. However I don’t want this to come back so I’m unsure what to do!”, “So Recently went to dermatologist were I've been told next appointment will be to start acctutane in the mean time to start the pill cause I must be on 2 forms of contraceptive pills and barrier form (condoms etc) and pill, so I have been on Yasmin now 2 months and its DESTROYED MY SKIN CYSTS AFTER CYSTS YELLOW HEADS SCARS please don't try this drug I'm so down moody and negative about everything and my face is vile I hate looking in the mirror I feel and look like a monster please stay away from this pill!!!! J.M. I feel that I stopped some of the side effects with vitamins and supplements. After trying a few different pills which left me on anti-depressants I tried Yasmin. I take Yasmin and treat and break outs with epiduo and pimple patches. I went to go and see a dermatologist and used antibiotics -lymecycline and tretinoin gel. OPEN ME ️⬇️ Instagram @sarah_skinstory Are you thinking about going on the pill for your acne? I used to spend nights crying about my skin (a little dramatic I know!) I have stopped wearing make up to work which has also made a huge difference! Gonococcal arthritis is a rare complication of a gonorrhea infection. I’ve always maintained the same weight and had flawless skin until I was switched to this.”, “I've had moderate acne since I was 12, I'm now 18 and have been taking Yasmin for the past 3 1/2 months to help deal with it. I was told by my doctor that it “couldn’t be the pill”. Active Ingredients. Even if you haven't taken it specifically for acne. Side effects of birth control pills may include: Serious side effects of birth control include deep vein thrombosis (DVT), heart attack, and stroke. I stayed on it for years. I got on really well with it and originally went on it for my skin. Thanks so much. And other thing I guess they work perfectly when taken at night not morning.”, “Had to comment after reading the negative reviews on here! A 2018 review confirmed that all of the different hormones in combination birth control pills are effective in reducing inflammation of acne. I don’t normally write reviews but after what I’ve been through I would love to help other people. provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. If you are experiencing side effects such as hair loss etc, please look into taking the above vitamins as well as MSM!”, “I was prescribed Yasmine to get rid of my acne. I'm only one pack down (three weeks) and found this thread as I've just started breaking out really bad! So many DO experience acne when they stop taking the pill... let's look at why this may be happening to so many of us and what we can possibly do to prevent it from happening. This distinction isn’t significant enough to favor one type of combined birth control over another, though. I have been on Yasmin for 2 months and a half, and am almost done with my second pack and my face is TERRIBLE. But some report…, If you’re looking for estrogen-free birth control, the mini pill is one option. I would also recommend benzoyl peroxide cream. The pills … I have tried so many different acne products such as proactive and other prescription creams but nothing ever worked. For example, one study, reported in 2010 in the journal "Clinical Drug Investigations," compared patients treated with Yasmin to another type of oral contraceptive, and found that acne in the Yasmin patients cleared up. I took Yasmin for 15 years and loved it. I was on Microgynon 30 for 6 years before switching to Yasmin because of acne developing on my face. Sorry. Share with Nintendo - £100 voucher to be won, Talk widget showing discussions of the day & trending threads, Subscribe to Mumsnet emails direct to your inbox. xxx. This can actually lessen breakouts. I had had acne before but my skin had recovered from it. I'm not moody and angry while on this bc pill. You should consider using a barrier method, such as a condom, to protect against STIs. I'm interested to hear people's experiences of the Yasmin pill? My face didn’t get worse at the beginning but it does take a few months to see results. I haven’t had a single spot in months and am now a lot more comfortable in wearing no makeup. I am very distraught at this moment refusing to go out and socialise as I am embarrassed with my skin. I was 27 years old and had never struggled with acne at all in the past, I was always blessed with beautiful skin. We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information -, Look up ICD10 codes for Acne on !”, “So my 13 year old daughter was prescribed this medication to help with acne.. she has been on it 3 weeks and she has started feeling sad and crying for no reason. Mood swings were an issue towards the beginning but okay now. The first 6 weeks my skin was awful, worst it has ever been. I am seeing a dermatologist soon because now I’m not self conscious about my acne, but the scarring which is complicated to remove. For example, one study, reported in 2010 in the journal "Clinical Drug Investigations," compared patients treated with Yasmin to another type of oral contraceptive, and found that acne in the Yasmin patients cleared up. Discussion in 'Online Pharmacy Reviews & Drugs Discussion' started by lila, Mar 19, 2017. I was on Yasmin for about 15 years, my skin was great and no side effects. People who smoke, are older than 35, and have risk factors for cardiovascular disease are at a higher risk of these severe side effects. My skin is clearer, my weight didn't change, no mood swings. This information is NOT intended to endorse any particular medication. It is definitely doing wonders for me. I could see my skin improving in a matter of days. The only thing I dislike is the amount of scarring/discolouration left on my skin from the trauma of month 2. Yaz and Yasmin are combination oral contraceptives, or COCs. Also, just to make it clear – my skin, which looked like an oil field within an hour of washing and scrubbing it rigorously, now looks and feels so normal and smooth. This pill was suggested for cystic acne I came out in after having my daughter.