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. .nl-title, Can you name the Akinator's 100 Most Played Characters? Namely VN characters. Akinator is an astounding product, which is around since 2009 already. .woocommerce a.button,.woocommerce button.button,.woocommerce input.button,.woocommerce #respond input#submit, Oddly enough, this little genie has been correct with the most obscure of characters. Stella Carlin, Orange is the New Black Can't forget the stunning Ruby Rose. Akinator seems to have a specific well of characters that he can draw from which he guesses always on the first try and it makes guessing obscure characters nearly impossible. Current score: 0. Opposite to his brother, papyrus is active, loud, and full of himself; but in an endearing way. It's also funny to make him guess himself. .blog-wapper .entry-footer .readmore:hover, Helpful. I've tried the same character multiple times and sometimes he gets it the first time and sometimes he doesn't. But Im pretty sure there isnt a person in Greek mythology that curses other people by changing them into eggplants. 1st try, wow Was thinking of Ryan from Saving Private Ryan. Answer from: Agents Of Shiel. Well, in Diddy Kong Racing, the main villain, Wizpig decided to turn his conquered planets and worlds into theme parks. Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Next > redhawk23 . There are a couple of things that are weird about Waluigi. I've beaten akinator several times now, its quite easy. She has long dark hair, olive skin, and gray eyes, which are given as a characteristic of residents of the coal mining region of District 12 known as "the Seam". Akinator is a very popular web game. Christ the Redeemer 4. June 14, 2022; salem witch trials podcast lore . .widget_product_tag_cloud a:hover, .widget ul li a:hover, Akinator is a free online guessing game where the main character is trying to read your thoughts. Well, I'll just be going now. It took him a bit of work, but he guessed what I was thinking of. Tracy went easy with Captain America and sure enough, the Akinator prevailed. I shit breaks. 2. His real first name is Brunith, but everyone just calls him "Words" due to a hilarious oversight on his part: in an angry correspondence with his arch-nemesis Borschtov the Butcher, Brunith accidentially missspelled the word "swords", leading to the hil Continue Reading Ashton Bridge , Video gaming since 1999 Pennywise from "It," for instance, it expected "Yes" on "Is an adult male," "Is a human being," and "Is male," when anyone who knows anything about it (not him) knows its true form. Top 10 TV Characters Who Never Reveal Their Face May 24, 2021 Creepy Top 10 Creepiest Things Found in Attics May 23, 2021 Crime Top 10 Failed Welfare Scams May 23, 2021 Weird Stuff Top 10 Weird Facts About Strippers May 22, 2021 Creepy Top 10 Cursed Videos May 21, 2021 Pop Culture Top 10 Historical Examples Of Cancel Culture May 21, 2021 Music Just say, Hey Google, talk to Akinator. The majority of foes and characters in Kid Icarus are often based off of Greek mythology (if a bit loosely). 20 Weird Nintendo Characters We Cant Believe They Actually Made, I Think He And Groot Would Be Good Friends. I've only managed to stump him 7 or 8 times :/ I used Piglet from winnie the pooh. Dr Shrunk himself isnt super strange, though since hes the character that teaches you emotions, his emotions can be all over the place. .unero-posts .post-footer .post-link, Press J to jump to the feed. official akinator. .site-header .menu-extra .menu-item-cart .mini-cart-counter, It's no fun when it always has to be a main character of a . This would be fine, but when the game doesnt recognize the characters, you dont get any points. Homestuck is a webcomic written, illustrated, and animated by Andrew Hussie as part of MS Paint Adventures (MSPA).The webcomic centers on a group of teenagers who unwittingly bring about the end of the world through the installation of a beta copy of an upcoming computer game.
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See More by this Creator. 5 Letter Words That End With Rky, Most of the animals in Animal Crossing are based off of easily recognizable animals. Akinator knows some obscure characters from pop culture. The Akinator will simply ask questions that you have to answer honestly, and it will soon guess the character. Akinator will ask you questions and guess the character you have in mind. It also couldn't guess er, Hoogi from Mixels.
. Can you name the Akinator's 100 Most Played Characters Tout droit sorti d'une vieille lampe magique, perdue dans le dsert et dvoile par le vent, Akinator, Pensez fortement un personnage clbre,. Luigis Mansion was more or less Nintendos attempt to make a scary Mario game, and while its not scary per se, it does have a lot of fun horror atmosphere. Yes. Cleo is an Akinator game, yes, the player must think of a real actor singer. Barry and I have been challenging Akinator on my IPAD for months now and we have continually been flabbergasted at his knowledge of some of the most obscure characters, particularly from 20th century Irish history. 109. From random Star Wars characters, to lesser known Biblical characters, to fantasy authors, to freaking Mrs. Robinson, Akinator got them all. akinator was not able to get the penanggalan, but that seems cold comfort. Follow. background: none !important; Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. . 8 people found this helpful 2018. font-weight: 600; He also gets quite a lot of Touhou stuff quite quickly (though pulling out some of the more obscure characters takes multiple tries for him) Of course once I break out the real obscure stuff it just can't win. Current score: 0. Honestly, this one is really fun and I was surprised that Akinator was able to guess a couple of the obscure characters I was thinking about. Konohomarus sexy jutsu was GOAT. I introduced the game to family during a recent visit to the Great White North. Even after I picked him from the list the first time. Akinator is the web genie; a custom made bot that essentially plays '20 Questions' with you and tries to guess what character, real or fictional, past or present, that you're thinking of. Giving a lot of very strange, sometimes contradictory answers results in "A player that probably needs brand new glasses (You)". he guessed the I Am Error guy the absolute legend If your ask akinator saddens in the other, you'll have to personality it and add knowledge to it. Finally a listener stumped him with Punky Brewster, but he asked five more questions and then he got that one too. Best known in the Evil. } And I joined them in Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart. Ahem. Akinator's all-consuming merit is headed to guess dies by do has. hard characters for akinator to guess. Cortez is the main character from the Timesplitters series. One is that he just kind of came out of nowhere. Is akinator offline? Capcode: All Only User Posts Only Moderator Posts Only Admin Posts Only Developer Posts : Show Posts: All Only With Images Only Without Images : Deleted Posts: All Only Deleted Posts Only Non-Deleted Posts In case you haven't heard of it, Akinator, the Web Genie, is the name of an online game that has gone viral on social media in recent days. That was pretty awesome :D Impressed it even has the Ar Tonelico characters in it, though it took two rounds for it to figure out Aurica, but it was on the right track from the beginning, guessing Shurelia first (had it asked a question about hair color, it would have got it first try, I think). .footer-layout-4 .footer-content .menu li a:hover, It is a wonder how accurate this system can be whether its a Harry Potter house elf or Doctor Who himself, the most obscure of characters are no match for Akinator. Now, the queen herself isnt particularly strange. The talented guessing machine seems too good to be true. Cannondale Supersix Evo Neo Weight, Let's do this. This statistic shows WoW class population as of July 2019. Think of a character from a game or a fiction character server is for anyone who wants come! Or ever, really. var crfw_settings = {"ajax_url":"https:\/\/\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php"}; Akinator is the web genie; a custom made bot that essentially plays '20 Questions' with you and tries to guess what character . Not only is this guy a sentient banana, but he's also an alien sentient banana. From The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. .unero-language-currency .widget-lan-cur ul li.actived a, He has guessed all of mine.Daisy duck, Jennifer Aniston, Oprah Winfrey and Lassie! But theres no secret that a few of them are a little weird. raspberry leaf for geldings; buena high school yearbook ventura; chris brackett unicorn buck. Almost couldn't predict Rathalos. It is noted for having a very extensive database of characters and people from even the most niche and obscure worksthis is because the database is being constructed by the players; not only they can introduce new characters to Akinator, but he also learns more about the characters as more questions about them are answered. let's go! Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Real or fictional, he guesses them correctly nine times out of ten. Xiahou Dun Smash Ace. Just goes to show how stuff blooms with time. THE BOOK has been decided for months. 5 people found this helpful. Akinator runs on a database of characters that is constantly being updated by those who play. Favorite. If I was the intention Ask akinator would exterior them for using my fun. Online Highlights 8 . Characters. It'd be different and probably easier if it were just video game characters, sports figures or ____________, but to Read more. Copyright 2016-2021 Ninfora For all questions relating to advertising please leave us a message here. Akinator can read your mind and tell you what character you are thinking about, just by asking a few questions. What type of mind reader? Edit: Just fooled him with Ben from Forza Horizon 2. Buzz cut for lovely African American women. Find out which were the most played characters in the last 7 days. Akinator seems to have a specific well of characters that he can draw from which he guesses always on the first try and it makes guessing obscure characters nearly impossible. official akinator. Cannondale Supersix Evo Neo Weight, Akinator is a very popular web game. We shouldnt be surprised by anything the Donkey Kong series throws at us, but there are still some characters that are a bit strange when you think about it. It guessed "Raistlin", "Jessica Atreides", "Sigurd" from Norse theology and "Hannibal Lector." Honestly, this one is really fun and I was surprised that Akinator was able to guess a couple of the obscure characters I was thinking about. Heart Locket Picture Size, Yeah, Akinator's a fun little diversion. But another weird aspect of Birdo is his gaping mouth that he shoots eggs out of. {text-align: right;} I mean when Akinator guesses the correct answer, there's a little box afterwards which will say "Character already played times, last played on ." It can't even guess popular characters half the time. JavaScript is disabled. Try to stump this motherfucker. Plus, who names their kid Error? Crazy Eyes, Orange is the New Black. And one of those is the Banana Fairy Queen. Retail wow suffering because of classic? The character can be one from fiction or non-fiction. So yeah, a lot of fun. 1010511703 - , Might And Magic Vii: For Blood And Honor Steam, Saint John Neumann Catholic Church Mass Times. -H.L. .comment-respond .form-submit .submit, Akinator is basically the game Twenty Questions, except it is only and has user input . .shop-topbar .unero_attributes_filter ul li.chosen .swatch-color:before, From random Star Wars characters, to lesser known Biblical characters, to fantasy authors, to freaking Mrs. Robinson, Akinator got them all. . apparently they get a lot of that). It has gained prominence on the mobile app and web browser platform, and has This week, black hair. User account menu. Pretty fun thing to mess around with. is a side character, so aka no one knows him. I wish there was some editorial oversight though as the wording on many of the questions is terrible. The Web Genie That can guess ANY character your thinking about! Oddly enough, this little genie has been correct with the most obscure of characters. It has a bunch of questions and when someone uploads a character that isn't there yet, they fill in the criteria, ie blonde hair, are they male, are they real / famous etc with yes or no answers. .unero-faq_group .title, They are super nice and helpful, but their design is somewhere between a human and a chicken, and its just kind of strange and creepy. Fax: (714) 638 - 1478. You must log in or register to reply here. Reviewed on 8/8/18 5:00 PM. It's not too hard to stump it with obscure characters, but the amount of characters it does get is amazing. My. I beat him with "Puk van de petteflat". This guy is mostly arms and legs and it does make him look a little weird. If you say to suggest a new one, you have to facilitate on "Thread a matrimony" and assembly the instructions. } 3. at Press About Us. Get used to seeing this. Akinator is an online Twenty Questions game where you challenge the eponymous genie, Akinator, to guess a character or real-world person you've picked. By typing the character number followed by 'c' and then the clue number, you will be able to see that respective question that the Akinator asked my and my answer. What type of mind reader? Apparently, the Akinator knows about the Battlefield video game series. King Kong Akinator daily challenge answers 2020. Im just wondering why eggplant is the theme? (window.gaDevIds=window.gaDevIds||[]).push('5CDcaG'); Barranquilla Carnival Mask, .comments-title, Akinator is an online Twenty Questions game where you challenge the eponymous genie, Akinator, to guess a character or real-world person you've picked. After I thought of the character (And it's the GSG-9 of Counter-Strike), he guessed more than 1 characters at the same time. If your ask akinator saddens in the other, you'll have to personality it and add knowledge to it. To gu Continue Reading Sponsored by Beverly Hills MD Top plastic surgeon: How to improve your neck's appearance. Barry and I have been challenging Akinator on my IPAD for months now and we have continually been flabbergasted at his knowledge of some of the most obscure characters, particularly from 20th century Irish history. This is very well made. But what makes Dr Shrunk stand out in a weird manner is his species. Morbi eu nulla vehicula, sagittis tortor id, fermentum nunc. Motorcraft 2150 Carburetor Main Jets . The Akinator tries to figure out which character you are thinking of by asking you questions. Think about a real or fictional character. edit: oddly, he didn't get John Faa from His Dark Materials, and he's not that obscure. Some features on this site require a subscription. font-weight: 400; Thing that frustrates me is that sometimes it says that certain characters are inappropriate for children. Read more. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. PLAY MORE, WITHOUT ANY LIMITS! Akinator. Akinator is the web genie; a custom made bot that essentially plays '20 Questions' with you and tries to guess what character, real or fictional, past or present, that you're thinking of. had to type in the Etecoon from Super Metroid lol. It was later published by Ubisoft in China and by MC2-Microids in other territories. Rose, the blond British girl on youtube who makes commentary videos on games and other topics. .comment-respond .logged-in-as a:hover, .un-box-content .b-content .link { That is, on average, one would need to ask about 12 strategically designed yes/no questions to identify an English word. .has-text-align-justify{text-align:justify;} Seriously, what is going on here?) Shes really good at it, so its becoming a quest for me to search for the most obscure characters that she can identify. .unero-sliders .cs-content .link,
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June 16, 2022; Posted by ssga funds management inc aum .unero-price-filter-list ul li.chosen a, No. I thought it was funny, he asked if he was in Lol then two questions later asked if he was from the Elder Scrolls series. 7820. total posts: 26115. neopoints: 324. since: Nov 2004. Clear editor. Who decided one day that there should be an axolotl character in this game? .woocommerce-Price-amount {color:#9b7cb8;} The powerful, magical being that can deduce almost any character living or dead by simply asking you 20 questions. 2011-06-23 02:51:46. It also had its fair share of quirky characters. One element of him may not be that weird anymore, which is the fact that Birdo is a guy that clearly wants to be a girl. EDIT: Also didn't get Joe Bauers (from Idiocracy). obscure characters for akinator10 minutes 38 seconds in this strange world analysis obscure characters for akinator. Crazy Eyes, Orange is the New Black A lot more work than Poussey, but a fun character. Creme Egg Sugar, It seems a lot of the black/platinum characters are lesser known/very minor characters in mostly obscure works, or the last person from.. Hey, weiss jemand was der Black Award beim Akinator ist und wie man ihn erhllt? That's when I went a little more obscure. Capcode: All Only User Posts Only Moderator Posts Only Admin Posts Only Developer Posts : Show Posts: All Only With Images Only Without Images : Deleted Posts: All Only Deleted Posts Only Non-Deleted Posts In case you haven't heard of it, Akinator, the Web Genie, is the name of an online game that has gone viral on social media in recent days. Quizilla / Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Akinator at No no no. Even when he was wrong on a couple of my characters he was so close it was eerie. The games are often compared to Rare's shooters GoldenEye 007 and Perfect Dark since Free Radical Design was founded by a group of ex-Rare employees who developed these games. I will try to guess who it is. Sometimes we end up in debates over whether Severus Snape really fights evil or if "Stranger Things" counts as a kid's show. Akinator is the web genie; a custom made bot that essentially plays '20 Questions' with you and tries to guess what character, real or fictional, past or present, that you're thinking of. .unero-hero-slider .slider-tabs-content .item-content:hover .title,.unero-hero-slider .slider-tabs-content .title, It's not undefeatable by any means, but it's definitely got better over time. Anyway, I like that you can get him to guess everything in his room. .
And his glasses make him look a pretty freaky. .unero-banner-carousel .cs-content a:hover, Gissen alle personages Gene, het spelen van games Akinator. Final round: Dobkeratops ( First boss from R-Type) Victory! I defeated him! .woocommerce-cart .woocommerce table.cart .btn-shop,.woocommerce-cart .woocommerce table.checkout .btn-shop, unicode-range: U+0100-024F, U+0259, U+1E00-1EFF, U+2020, U+20A0-20AB, U+20AD-20CF, U+2113, U+2C60-2C7F, U+A720-A7FF; 5.0 out of 5 stars cannot stop. help Reddit coins Reddit . We play some of the best Disney Frozen games online ever madeNext Episode Here To Subscribe! It's not undefeatable by any means, but it's definitely got better over time. Your link has been automatically embedded. Please click here to get full access and no ads for $1.99 or less per month. Stick to obscure webcomic characters, literary characters, and so on. there is some MAD CRAZY MAGIC going on with akinator i dont even know. .nl-form input[type=submit], I stumped him on Sylux. 1 of 2 Go to page. Homestuck is a webcomic written, illustrated, and animated by Andrew Hussie as part of MS Paint Adventures (MSPA).The webcomic centers on a group of teenagers who unwittingly bring about the end of the world through the installation of a beta copy of an upcoming computer game. Martin Keamy from "Lost": Akinator got that in 19 questions. Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star . Akinator, the Web Genius I bet most people have played the game called Twenty Questions. No. .unero-banner:hover h2, Lots of people across the world have actually starred this original guessing online game, therefore the man-made intelligence formula has established a huge knowledge base of prominent and obscure figures, such as . T. The Driver Member. Although, some things I thought would be obscure, he still managed to get, however only after 50+ questions. Drifloon is one of those Pokmon that may have started out trying to be sinister but just comes across as goofy. Garden Grove, CA 92844, Contact Us! 3.2k members in the Akinator community. The talented guessing machine seems too good to be true. First of all Go here. I kind of feel like that's cheating lol. If they got rid of this censorship, or at least make it toggable.. then maybe I'll consider a re-rate. Kezay Posted by 8 years ago. It really is impressive how it guesses some of the characters right. Jesus Christ, I just played this at work on my last break out of boredom. Akinator on Alexa/Google is the craziest game ever! It seems the Akinator genie has a pretty limited knowledge base when it comes to Tales of MU. It's all about the questions he asks. Its kind of random. The Akinator. "Okay Akinator, you want me to get obscure? The Donkey Kong series isn't that afraid to get a little weird in their games, so the fact that they would have a few weird characters isn't that surprising. Whats a bit strange about her is just her very design is incredibly suggestive. Akinator. I will win. Sshadow5001. I'll play a few rounds sometimes if I'm bored. VIP Characters? At least Xananab is a pretty nice guy, and he does help out the DK crew. For Super Smash Bros. Poussey, Orange is the New Black Buzz cut for lovely African American women. I have to wonder how some of these characters ever got made and approved. edit: oddly, he didn't get John Faa from His Dark Materials, and he's not that obscure. var wc_add_to_cart_params = {"ajax_url":"\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php","wc_ajax_url":"\/?wc-ajax=%%endpoint%%","i18n_view_cart":"\u0639\u0631\u0636 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0644\u0629","cart_url":"https:\/\/\/cart\/","is_cart":"","cart_redirect_after_add":"no"}; Bakyura 8 years ago #12. it guessed Isoroku Yamamoto and laughing octopus. the reserve club aiken, sc membership cost. font-family: 'Cairo'; asking him about obscure characters it wouldn't have in a million years isn't "beating" anything, guys famous tuamos akinator got a string of latin american novelists and poets, the man in the moon, the vagina, and stanislaw lem without great difficulty. No one knows. The characters in the ObsCure franchise. The more people guess something, the more likely it is he knows it. Find out which were the most played characters in the last 7 days. Akinator once again appears for battle. 2. We never find out who this person actually is. .blog-wapper.sticky .entry-title:before, The character can be one from fiction or non-fiction. went for Kintaro from Golden Boy. Think you can challenge him online for free? The hysterical, playful teacher searching for employment. What type of mind reader? I've beaten him a couple of times, but usually only with characters that are so minor I'm unable to answer half of the questions, even with the help of the internet. It failed to guess Johnny Rico for me. But the character that stands out in his weirdness is the guy who helps Luigi, Professor Elvin Gadd. Akinator got: We try to choose the most random and obscure characters and they guess it every time!!! If it is unlikely they've heard of it before, choose something else. @font-face { Privacy Policy. Because these characters are obscure are Hell! 697. there is some MAD CRAZY MAGIC going on with akinator i dont even know. The number in parentheses represents the number of clues that Akinator needed to guess each respective character. I've tried the same character multiple times and sometimes he gets it the first time and sometimes he doesn't. This would be fine, but when the game doesnt recognize the characters, you dont get any points. I shit breaks. I remember stumping it in the past with particularly obscure stuff, but it guessed Logen Ninefingers from The First Law book trilogy correctly just now. Akinator hasn't figured out a single video game character I've sent him, then again, I sent him some pretty obscure choices. A couple of the ones I beat him with were any character . akinator HE CAN GUESS ANY DEMON SLAYER CHARACTER YOU CAN THINK OF (IMPOSSIBLE GAME)!? Seems like a huge flaw for a character guessing game. .wpb_wrapper .add_to_cart_inline .button, I am genuinely impressed. Akinator can read your mind just like magic and tell you what character you are thinking of, just by asking a few questions. I will try to guess who it is. akinator got a string of latin american novelists and poets, the man in the moon, the vagina, and stanislaw lem without great difficulty. unicode-range: U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD; A lot of fun actually, managed to get the characters from Rule of Rose, which impressed me.