MP3jPLAYLISTS.popout_0 = [ The coal digger operator, didn’t see Simon’s truck because of the dusty conditions. You want me to give you some more figures? LEIGH: It really is. And this has exploited workers. PAUL: Alright. The government was handed an exposure draft - as you said - by Helen Haines. We have got government controlling things instead of government serving things. Senator Malcolm Roberts joins me on the programme. If you just look at some of them. PAUL: Talk soon. I love seeing families, mums and dads and then there's the little ones on their little bikes behind them, and maybe even a bub in one of the carriers on the front of mum or dad's bike. Where’s labor on this Malcolm? But I mean, if it's a toothless lap dog, what’s the point? Labor has been calling for a much more powerful integrity commission since the start of 2018, and the government's known about these criticisms, Marcus. I mean, I think that would be awful. Well, it’s amazing. You’re well though? The Marcus Paul Breakfast Show for March 16th 2020. They control some aspects of our immigration. Okay, you want to tell him for me? That’s why Simon missed out. Alright, well, we've done very well with the pandemic - it's now time to shift focus not entirely away from dealing with COVID-19, but to get this important piece of legislation passed. That’s breaking the law. PAUL: Well, it's a little hypocritical, isn't it? This is no time to be wasting public money. And they are afraid to think. I mean, when you’re highlighting this, which you obviously are doing in Senate estimates, and you’re talking to me and in the media and you’re on social media and one nation and trying to push some changes, to IR our laws, where are labor on this. They don’t seem to have done much work over the past year. Authorised by Paul Erickson, ALP, Canberra. It is a big part of poverty, let's be honest. That is complete rubbish. What they then do is they anoint and align other beneficiaries to get them onboard and then they kill debate, stop discussion, it’s intimidation, and then what they do is they use gutless politicians to fabricate systems that put in place their policies. Notice I said deaths in custody. Cnr Gungahlin Pl and Efkarpidis Street, Gungahlin ACT 2912 | 02 6247 4396 | | Authorised by A. Leigh MP, Australian Labor Party (ACT Branch), Canberra. Half of our voters are former disgruntled Labour voters. But you certainly can say that the non-indigenous is not lower than the indigenous. And so the union actually started use of casuals, continued the use of casuals, enabled the use of casuals. We have nationalised farming now. We can do a lot more here to reduce poverty, through the community sector, our wonderful charities, but also by the actions of government. Tuning in the last few days to 2SM, I heard two of Alan Jones' … PAUL: Alright, we’ll just have to tell the prime minister to forget his fossil fuel mates and look after our undernourished kids. That means what he wants to do is condone what’s happening. Now Scott Morrison, after I did that, and after we continued to bash Chinese Communist Party, Scott Morrison came out and talked about the communist party and started to hold them accountable with words. We’re the only ones chasing this. I didn’t say black, white, indigenous, non-indigenous. I mean aren’t they supposed to be looking after the worker, where are they on this? Did I hear right - did the Prime Minister say if you earn $180,000 a year you're not rich? AUSCoal controls the money for coal, long service leave and collects money on behalf of the government and its board is made up as I said, a minute ago, 50, 50 minerals council and the CFMMU. The fact is, the government's cutting back on payments right now at a time when as you've said Marcus, a whole lot of people are expected to lose their jobs. Marcus Paul In The Morning on 2SM, Sydney, Australia. All rights reserved. The Chinese Communist Party UN virus. Their leaders openly admit they are Marxists, and they promote anti-capitalism, dismantling the nuclear family, defunding police. It's absolutely vital that we have the integrity commission. Tweets by @2SM1269 !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)? And we all knew that he was talking about the UN. But of most interest to many will be the CIC's power to investigate parliamentarians and their staff. Good, okay. The state and federal government departments, employers, industry groups, unions, safety inspectors, political parties, representatives in parliament have all failed their workers. So, you know, desperate for cash. It's not as though we're not growing enough food in the world. The following year his arch enemy Malcolm Fraser, the Liberal prime minister, ratified the damn thing. 'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+"://";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); Copyright © "2SM Super Network" 2014. Yes. cssImage: { "overflow": "false", "width":"auto", "height":"80" }, Tell me all about this, mate. They told him he’d been sacked just weeks after his injury. Now this’ll shock you. It is remarkable what he puts up with. Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account. As my colleague Mike Dreyfus has pointed out, when you hold public hearings, you carry out one of the core functions of an integrity commission, which is to build public confidence in government and in administration. The people in agencies who are supposed to protect workers have turned their back on him. And that means we need to speak about the facts and use the data. In 1992, we had the UN’s Rio Declaration, for 21st global governments. I mean, why would the management, why would the supervisor in this case, perhaps not report the injury? I mean yet many Australians still don’t realise that behind this tricky name BLM it’s ridiculous. TUESDAY, 3 NOVEMBER 2020. Some of them do have drug addictions. Six months later, Simon tried to access his coal long service leave. That’s why Daniel Andrews, he said the same thing, the health officer down there in Victoria, said virtually the same thing, But when somebody like a Pauline Hanson, or yourself, or Jacinta Price says it, you’re dragged over the coals for it. You’re right onto it. So Simon returned to the mine and was told to sit out the shift on a cold steel bench. It's great. LEIGH: He's campaigning in the Queensland election, using all his partisan wiles. But I also knew that he would not do anything about it. Right now though, as we do each and every Thursday, we have a chat with the wonderful One Nation Senator, Malcolm Roberts. Listen to free internet radio, sports, music, news, talk and podcasts. That’s rubbish. You recently went to the Hunter and you released a video introducing key points. Well it’s really simple, We have number of things, I haven’t got time to go into all one at the moment, but I’m happy to do that one day in the future if you want. Manly Warringah Rugby League Football Club Stadium Announcer for 30 years and still at times Host of Official functions. And also, I mean, we need to continue, I guess to apply pressure, to bring maybe some justice on those who exploited Simon, or at least enabled it, whether it’s BHP, Chandler MacLeod, the Hunter, or New South Wales division of the CFMMEU. And I hope people in New South Wales are listening. By the way, I mean, I’m reminded of a song lyric. Yes, definitely Marcus. While I believe that 2GB's Ben Fordham's program is more newsy than his former afternoon shift, Marcus Paul could be serious competition. Copyright © "2SM Super Network" 2014. How do we generate more passion within the community? Now I’ve had a look at it. A lotta the people that were holed up in these apartment complexes don’t speak English.