I've always liked Fallout's setting and lore. Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive (укр. Both were primarily made for albums. Jonah in the whale, Noah in the ark Starboard Watch Jolly Tar. Accentuate The Positive. Пісня була номінована на кращу оригінальну пісню на 18-ї премії «Оскар» в 1945 році після використання у фільмі «Сюди набігають хвилі». To illustrate (well illustrate) my last remark (you got the floor) Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts . The American rock band NRBQ made another version of this song. The British swing girl group The Puppini Sisters recorded and covered the song for their 5th studio album, The High Life. Accentuate The Positive: A Fallout Roleplay, You've got to ac-cent-tchu-ate the positive. Summary: I was recently taken by the lovely Mr. Nick Valentine in the Fallout series. I've went ahead and created a Discord as well, since that's the rage these days. The power armor. Member Seen 26 min ago Starboard Watch Jolly Tar 187 posts in 280 days. [3] On the Harlem Hit Parade chart, it went to number four. 25 березня 2015 року було оголошено, що пісня буде внесена до Національного реєстру записів Бібліотеки Конгресу США як має «культурне, мистецьке та/або історичне значення для американського суспільства і спадщини нації». Музика була написана Гарольдом Арленом, слова — Джонні Мерсером. What did they say (what did they say) Популярна пісня, що вийшла в 1944 році. 22 minutes ago. Liable to walk upon the scene This version was used as the soundtrack for the animated children's cartoon music video released in October 2012.[7]. Please reorganize this content to explain the subject's impact on popular culture, Library of Congress's National Recording Registry, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Ella Fitzgerald Sings the Harold Arlen Songbook, "National Recording Registry To "Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive, "Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive (cartoon video)", "npower Residential – nPower Topsy Turvy", "Music from Adverts & Commercials from UK TV", Bing Crosby Sings with Al Jolson, Bob Hope, Dick Haymes and the Andrews Sisters, Bing Crosby Sings with Judy Garland, Mary Martin, Johnny Mercer, Bing Crosby Sings with Lionel Hampton, Eddie Heywood, Louis Jordan, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, Bing Crosby Sings Songs by George Gershwin, A Christmas Sing with Bing Around the World, Songs I Wish I Had Sung the First Time Around, Songs Bing Crosby recorded multiple times, The Best of Irving Berlin's Songs from Mr. President, Perry Como in Person at the International Hotel, Las Vegas, Chi-Baba, Chi-Baba (My Bambino Go to Sleep), Dream Along with Me (I'm on My Way to a Star), I Dream of You (More Than You Dream I Do), It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas, If You've Got the Money I've Got the Time, I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter, Last Thing I Needed First Thing This Morning, Cowboys Are Frequently, Secretly Fond of Each Other, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate_the_Positive&oldid=985613923, United States National Recording Registry recordings, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with trivia sections from April 2017, Articles with too many examples from April 2017, Wikipedia articles with style issues from April 2017, Articles needing additional references from April 2017, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2017, Articles lacking reliable references from May 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, The Bing Crosby/Andrews Sisters recording of the song appears in the 1986 BBC serial, The American cable television network The Family Channel (now, The original Johnny Mercer recording of the song features in the, The song appears in the final episode of time-travel television series, The Perry Como version was featured in the 1999 film, In April 2011, the first episode of the second season of, The Bing Crosby & Andrews Sisters version features in the 1995 crime thriller, The last episode of the World War 2 sitcom. Bethesda Softworks' 2015 video game, Fallout 4, features a clip of the song from a 1945 broadcast of Bing Crosby's Kraft Music Hall with John Scott Trotter and his orchestra. Eliminate the negative They're interesting and cool. Вікі Fallout is a FANDOM Games Community. Популярна пісня, що вийшла в 1944 році. [citation needed]. Eliminate the negative Chapter 5: Accentuate the positive "Attention vault residents," the tannoy system in the halls spoke up, "Please report to the mess hall for a formal introduction to Vault 131 and your Overseer. Eliminate the negative You've got two interested players off the bat. Eliminate the negative [citation needed]. But the nature, it remains the same - the same carnage, the same chaos, the same bloodshed and loss of life. You've gotta accentuate the positive Don't mess with Mister In-Between A cover of the song was included by Susannah McCorkle on her 1993 album From Bessie to Brazil. The first recording was broadcast in a mock-live radio show of National Guard Radio early that year. Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive (укр. It's the biggest improvement I think. Hell yeah. Piper, Dogmeat and Valentine are my favourites. Aretha Franklin recorded it for the 1962 album The Electrifying Aretha Franklin for Columbia Records, and it features in her many re-releases on that label. You've got to spread joy (up to the maximum) Latch on to the affirmative To illustrate his last remark The record first reached the Billboard magazine charts on January 4, 1945, and lasted 13 weeks on the chart, peaking at number 2. The song was number five on Billboard's Annual High School Survey in 1945. Ella Fitzgerald included the song on her 1961 double album "Ella Fitzgerald Sings the Harold Arlen Songbook" on Verve Records. A state-of-the-art subreddit from Vault-Tec. You've got to spread joy up to the maximum The attitude of doin' right [citation needed], Al Jarreau released a version of this song on his 2004 album Accentuate the Positive. And I said 'Wow, that's a colorful phrase! These will be a collection of one-shots involving my Sole Survivor's relationship with Nick. Man, they said we better Latch on to the affirmative [5], On March 25, 2015, it was announced that Mercer's version would be inducted into the Library of Congress's National Recording Registry for the song's "cultural, artistic and/or historical significance to American society and the nation’s audio legacy".[6]. Запис, вперше досягнувши піку під номером 2 в чартах журналу Billboard 4 січня 1945 року, протрималася там 13 тижнів. Акцентуйся на позитиві) — пісня Fallout 4, виконана Бінгом Кросбі і сестрами Ендрюс і звучить в ефірі радіостанції Даймонд-сіті. I'm interested, though how varied and/or weird are characters going to be? In 2020, Cate Blanchett sings the song as the character "Pat" for the Australian TV Drama, Stateless.