I should probably just set aside that whole weekend for emotions. Elena notices that Jemma has a piece of the monolith, the piece that was Deke’s family heirloom. Keep your hands off my Stevie! On his way out, Deke reminds them that he’s never seen an ocean before, because they’d already blown up the world where he came from. Elena asks Mack. Tony is impressed, and the rest try to pass it off as an everyday occurrence, but they’re getting a kick out of a floating ship, too. I wish we could get a Nick Fury cameo right about now to come in and tell both of them to get their acts together, the world needs them, their team needs them, and it’s time to be the heroes they’re both meant to be. The joke is that they are 45 years old and still just as fresh as ever. Home » BC Network » Review » Agents of SHIELD Season 5, Episode 13 Recap: Principia, This article contains spoilers for the Marvel's Agents of SHIELD season five episode – Principia. By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Use and acknowledge the data practices in our Privacy Policy. Plus, I really want to see Daniel Whitehall and Daisy’s mom and dad again, and for more than just a cameo. The episode opens with shots of a child’s drawings. They make their plans to go find Jacobson, leaving under cover of darkness. Coulson shuts the discussion down. They were roommates freshman year at the SHIELD Academy. He’s also using his favored alias of Alex Braun, but his therapist seems to know his full history and identity anyway. Seeds (12) also introduces Donnie Gill/Blizzard, currently missing and presumed dead, but probably living in one of the rooms in General Hale’s Home for Wayward Powered People. Changing the world, one TV recap at a time. It seems like that’s what AoS’ message is about the TAHITI procedure. Turns out the ship had been struck by lightning, activating the gravitonium and raising it above the clouds where it continued to hover. The loop is like a circle continuously being redrawn over itself, without erasing what came before. And Other Burning Questions, Dark Season 1: Complete List of Characters, Dark Season 2 Episode 1: Beginnings and Endings Recap, Dark Season 1 Episode 7: Crossroads Recap, Dark Season 3 Episode 6: Light and Shadow Recap, Dark Season 3 Episode 4: The Origin Recap, Dark Season 1 Episode 3: Past and Present Recap. Coulson tells them that he doesn't want anything like that since he's already gotten one unnatural life extension already. Yoyo tells Jemma that she wants a future with Mack, kids and all, but the future looks so bleak, between her physical state and the unbreakable time loop. Why would they have bothered to leave a small amount of Gravitonium behind and leave the ship in the air if they don’t have the rest of it/Franklin Hall/Gravitron, and need to hide evidence of what they’re doing? They do need to rebuild their network of suppliers and contacts, using people who operate outside or just straddling the law. I’m stumped.” Too soon? Has quietly been working at Bleeding Cool for over three years. Deke loves them and wants to meet the chef that invented them. Maybe Fitz can get on that in all of his downtime between projects. All of its scientists have mysteriously had death certificates signed in the last 2 years by a photo shy guy with a lot of aliases, the most useful being Murray Jacobson. reveal that Deke (Jeff Ward) is actually the grandson of Fitz (Iain De Caestecker) and Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge), tonight's episode was probably a pleasant surprise! Fitz balks that he’s not a babysitter. She says, “I don’t know. Fitz is being very unFitzlike this week. He became involved in Ward’s quest to rebuild HYDRA when WARD tortured him for his fortune and an artifact/monolith piece hidden in his family’s vault. Coulson makes a MackHammer/MC Hammer/science joke, saying, “MackHammer, U Can’t Touch That.” Coulson’s making Dad jokes now. She also left a few robots to guard it which Mack massacres with his shotgun axe. It’s future versions of the timeline that will change- if the loop is repaired, the circle will become a straight line again from that point onwards, but the circular knot in the timeline that’s already been created would still be there, as would any other events that caused branching or looping to occur. He has written comics for Image, Top Cow, Shadowline, Avatar, IDW, Dynamite, Moonstone, Humanoids and Zenescope. More importantly, everything that happened previously will continue to exist in a separate timeline. Coulson used the memory recall machine that Raina once used on Coulson to help Werner remember the information they needed. The assistant suggests that they should have blown the Principia out of the sky when they had the chance, but Hale says that it was too risky. He tells her, “The future’s ours.” She takes him to meet Carl Creel, the Absorbing Man. Thanks to another Fear Dimension anomaly, Deke hallucinated his mother showing up to urge him to leave S.H.I.E.L.D. Werner Von Strucker, son of Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, one of the heads of HYDRA, was a season 3 character. May and Daisy aren't giving up. Seduction is, of course, within the standard methodology. Download the TV Guide app for iPhone, iPad and Android! Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The team has always operated with the understanding that it’s better for them all to live, no matter what someone says or feels in the moment. Episode Details. That’s not normal hearing or vision, and may be part of why he’s so out of control. Thugs orderlies drag him out of the room. She wants to track down their last known scientist, Murray Jacobson. If DC can do it wth John Constantine, Marvel can make it work with their TV characters. Jemma comforts her and tries to be as optimistic as possible. Deke enters the room and Fitz bristles. They find out that the Deathlok is a dead end with nothing left. Mack explains that he meant that robots don’t have hearts and souls like people do. This week, SHIELD goes back to its roots as a spy organization, and does some legwork that the Black Widow would be proud of. Daisy invites herself along, so that she can keep an eye on Coulson. . I really want Werner to survive this season on AoS and then have the same actor play him on The Gifted. The man who took Coulson’s SHIELD team enjoys some pool time. His therapist wants Werner to show motivation toward making progress in therapy by revealing as much information about his past as possible, so that Werner can avoid the thorazine.