Effect on Hematological and Kidney Parameters / Leaves: Study investigated a methanol extract of T. triangulare for effects on blood and kidney of experimental albino rats. A popular herb and the most nutritious of them all is commonly found here in the Philippines. (3) The safety profile suggests it can be used to contribute to daily nutrition. (13) And if you're still worried about spinach safety, don't forget about canned and frozen spinach, which were not implicated in the E. coli outbreaks, according to the FDA. • Antihyperlipidemic / Antioxidant / Leaves: Study evaluated the effects of a methanolic leaf extract of T. triangulare on hematologic parameters, antioxidant status, and serum lipid in diet-induced hyperlipidemia in Wistar rats. The first written reference of spinach was recorded in the Mediterranean region in the medical work of al-Razi or Rhazes, and written texts of Ibn Wahshiya and Qustus-al-Rumi in the 10 th century. Chemical Constituents of Talinum triangulare / Kristine Biona, Chien-Chang Shen, and Consolacion Y Ragasa / The methanolic leaf extract significantly (p<0.05) restored the elevated serum lipid profile, MDA, and deranged hematological parameters to near normal. Upo or Bottle Gourd. Nice catalogue of the fruits in vegetables in the Philippines! If you're ready to give spinach substitutes a try, here's a salad recipe that incorporates both escarole and baby arugula. Study detected ten known carotenoids (mainly 50.42% carotene and 33.30% lycopene); nine benzoic acid derivatives (mainly 84.63% ferulic acid and 11.92% vanillic acid), and six hydroxycinnamates (55.44% p-coumaric acid and 44.46% caffeic acid), along with eight lignans (88.02% retusin) and thirty flavonoids (59.35% quercetin and 39.36% kaempferol). Monggo is usually cooked into a stew or soup with other vegetables and kind of meat. Sorry buy practically NO ONE in the Philippines refers to spinach as "espinada". Best cooked when stir-fried, steamed, boiled or stuffed. Top each with pecans, Gorgonzola, and cranberries. Folkloric All rights reserved. In 4 bowls, arrange in each, a mixture of the escarole, arugula and endive slices. We offer you mutually beneficial cooperation on the principle of vulnerability-reward (Bug-Bounty). - Fresh leaves and stems eaten raw or added to omelets, sandwiches. The spinach scare, which began after an outbreak of illness caused by a strain of the E. coli bacteria, appears to be over. But if you're still trying to think outside the spinach box or bag, there are plenty of lesser-known -- yet equally tasty -- greens that can replace spinach in your favorite dishes. AntiHacker Team has been successfully helping IT companies to keep their web-resources secured for many years. Constituents Gabi is one of the major root crops in the Philippines. Curly endive has a stronger, bitter flavor and looks a little like green leaf lettuce. Normally used both in savory and sweet dishes, sweet potatoes have a distinct sweetness that is most commonly used in desserts. (3) Mineral And Phytochemical Content In Leaves Of Talinum Triagulare (Water Leaf) Subjected To Different Processing Methods / I Tesleem, A Folusho, O Gani, M Rasak / The Internet Journal of Nutrition and Wellness, Vol 7, No 2 How to Disinfect Household and Other Everyday Items. Results showed dose dependent and biphasic effects in the models used, with significant (p<0.05) decrease in frequency of defecation, severity of diarrhea, and protection from diarrhea in rats treated with castor oil. It is also an alternative to meat by some vegetarians. A different type of spinach, Alugbati has purple stems and green leaves. Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Evaluation of the Leaves of Talinum triangulare (Jacq) Wild. (6) Parts used Structural Characterization and Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity of Isolated Phenolic Compounds from Talinum fruticosum Leaves / B. R. Kiranmayee, G. V. D. Sirisha, K. Vijaya Rachel, Anjali Jha / Int. ITALIAN: Basella di giava, Spinacio di giava, Spinacio di Suriname. Phytochemical screening yielded flavonoids, glycosides, carbohydrates, and protein. • Inhibitory Effect on Fe Induced Lipid Peroxidation: Study evaluated an ethyl acetate fraction for total phenolic content (TPC) of T. triangulare. - Mucilaginous with high calcium oxalate content. is an accepted name. Lutein (3) has been shown to inhibited tumor growth by selectively modulating apoptosis and by inhibiting angiogensesis. An elongated plant with white flesh and thick green skin, upo is mostly used in dishes with soups or can be simply stir-fried. Two cups of raw arugula leaves contains 10 calories, 1 gram of fiber, 14% of the recommended Daily Value for vitamin A, 8% for vitamin C, and 10% for folic acid. (11) doi:10.5923/j.ijbcs.20170605.01 From Persia, spinach was introduced in India and then in Ancient China around the year 647 where it got a new, alternative name “Persian vegetable”. Drizzle a tablespoon over each bowl and serve. Use dark, green lettuce for salads in place of raw spinach. (8) (4) (see contrasting studies below) I live in the Philippines. The extract also improved the status of the antioxidant defense system and hematopoiesis. Commonly found along with green mango vendors are beside the streets, singkamas is best eaten raw. A half-cup serving of cooked Swiss chard has 18 calories, 2 grams fiber, 39% of the Daily Value for vitamin A, 21% for vitamin C, 11% vitamin E, 24% for magnesium, and 14% for potassium. / Phcog Mag 2016;12: pp 333-339 / DOI: 10.4103/0973-1296.192194 Willd. • Antioxidant / Phenolic Content / Leaves: Study evaluated various extracts of leaves for antioxidant properties, total phenolic content and bioactive principles. Each vegetable can be cooked individually or together, to create different dishes. • Antidiarrheal / Roots: Study in mice and rats evaluated the effects of an aqueous root extract of Talinum triangulare on the gastrointestinal systems using castor oil induced diarrhea and castor oil enteropooling models. Willd on Fe2+ induced lipid peroxidation in albino rat tissue homogenates-in vitro / Afolabi OB, Ibitayo AO, Jaiyesimi KF, Olayide II, Adewumi DF / The Pharmaceutical and Chemical Journal, 2016; 3(1): pp 120-124, Hypoglycemic Activity of Methanolic Extract of Talinum Triagulare Leaves in Normal and Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats. Per serving: (using 4 tablespoons of dressing) 160 calories, 5 g protein, 18 g carbohydrate, 9 g fat, 1.8 g saturated fat, 6 mg cholesterol, 4.5 g fiber, 272 mg sodium. (17) Also please mention range of bounties, depending on criticality of vulnerabilities found (Critical, Severe, Moderate) and we’re ready to start research. Turnip greens contain 14 calories, 2.5 grams fiber, 57% Daily Value for vitamin A, 26% for vitamin C, 8% for vitamin E, 21% for folate, and 10% for calcium per 1/2 cup of cooked greens. Sci. P, Rama Rao. Phytochemical analysis of sundried sample yielded saponin 2,200 mg/g, phytate 0.434 mg/g, while steam blanched showed highest alkaloid value of 5,200 mg/g and oxalate of 3,600 mg/g. Kangkong is also used in Asian dishes, it can be best paired with bagoong (shirmp paste) or anchovies. Squalene (1) has been reported to possess chemopreventive activity against colon carcinogenesis, cardioprotective effect and antioxidant properties. GERMANY: Blatt-ginseng, Ceylonspinat, Javaspinat. (12) When eaten, monggo has a soft and bean-like texture inside your mouth. Evaluation of the gastrointestinal activity of the aqueous root extracts of Talinum triangulare / Olufunmilayo Adeyemi, Oluwafunmilade Oyeniyi, Herbert Mbagwu and Clement Jackson / Research In Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, June 2011; 3(6): pp 61-67 Western variety spinach is called spinach in Filipino. We will be happy to help make your business safer . (16) (7) Hypoglycemic Activity of Methanolic Extract of Talinum Triagulare Leaves in Normal and Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats / Ravindra Babu. Sayote is usually steamed, stir-fried or boiled. Upo is also now being added to tea. You’ve probably seen or heard about them, perhaps found them around your backgrounds or different eateries. The plants leaves have a slight mucilaginous texture, which is remediated by using a salad dressing with vinegar. Escarole looks like sturdy, thicker butter lettuce with curled edges and has a refreshing, slightly bitter flavor, Cathy Thomas notes in her book, Melissa’s Great Book of Produce. - Mayan people applied crushed leaves on sores, inflammation, and swelling. Sweet potatoes are also perfect for breakfast or for snacks by simply boiling it. Faculty of Land & Food Resources. Neurochemical Impact of the Aqueous Extract of Vernonia amygdalina and Talinum triangulare on Learning and Memory in Male Wistar Rats / Osaretin A. T. Ebuehi, Mulkah Olufemi Ajagun-Ogunleye / International Journal of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, 2017; 6(5): pp 81-88 . While they may require slightly longer cooking times, there are several readily available alternatives for spinach in cooked dishes. Ezekwe, R. Uzomba Chidinma and P.C. There are some bakeries that sell malunggay pandesal in the provinces, and malunggay pastries in the city. A popular condiment or dipping sauce here in the Philippines, calamansi is one of the most used fruits. - Phytochemical study of leaves yielded alkaloids, tannins, phenols, flavonoids and saponins, with an absence of glycosides, steroids, and carbohydrates. Some of these may surprise you as it’s added in the drinks and dishes we usually eat. it is an informative article yet would like to suggest that there are many available leafy greens which is a great source for chlorophyll in our diets.kudos to a nice informative site. Sources and Suggested Readings - Quantitative study of leaf extracts yielded alkaloids (0.637 ± 0.191 mg/gm dry weight), flavonoids (0.225 ± 0.041 mg/gm dw), phenolics (0.319 ± 0.059 mg/gm dw), carbohydrates (1.295 ± 0.229 mg/gm dw), amino acids (2.033 ± 0.120 mg/gm dw) and proteins (1.218 ± 0.049 mg/gm dw). Distribution Effect of methanolic leaf extract of Talinum triangulare (Jacq).