Among the many incidents Mac Donald recounts, my favorite is the furor at Emory when a few students saw “Trump 2016” chalked on a sidewalk. Chapter 4, “The Microaggression Farce,” gives examples of the dangers professors with years of successful teaching and good rapport with students face from innocently committing the most micro of microaggressions. We've lived through a moment showing we're all in Gender Studies 101 during the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, where the mantra of "Believe Survivors" was accepted by a remarkably large percentage of both the Senate and, seemingly, the public at large. There is no bigotry and racism on American colleges today. "I tried to ride my Pegasus indoors, twisting and turning, bending over backwards...". And again, we need to preserve our culture and these books. It is a cautionary tale of the loss of free speech and the lack of courage and integrity in so many areas of contemporary business and education. And so what is someone left with if there's nothing offered in the way of the humanitas of discovering true humanity? – not of any significant measurable value or facts to be appeased or massaged juggernaut with the current gross-coddling of such individuals, with any reasoned credence. In other words, making a true effort to Grow Maturely in this life. And then they say, "Okay, we need even more." They've also been pretty darn good on the due process enormities. They flounder. We should be down on our knees in gratitude before them. I mean, I have written -- this is the biggest civilizational catastrophe of our time is the breakdown of the family. 205-06). In Chapter 12, Mac Donald discusses how Amy Wax, a University of Pennsylvania law professor, found out just how narrow those boundaries have become. Well, thank you so much, Curt, for your question --. Heather Mac Donald is quite familiar with the in­sanity of the modern university. Joe Biden appears to have won the presidential election, following a ferocious fight by President Donald Trump that defied the polls and media expectations. I mean, that was the response that the civil rights establishment had to that kind of truth telling. Perdue won 49.8 percent of the vote as of Saturday morning, to Ossoff's 47.9 percent. Chaucer, Shakespeare and Milton? Are you encouraged by the sort of development of the online discussion on these sorts of issues? This attrition rate was explained entirely by levels of academic qualification. Let's go ahead and move to the first caller. The study finds that “more than 76 percent of black male freshmen at Duke intended to major in the hard sciences or economics, higher even than the percentage of white male freshmen who anticipated such majors. Operator:  Welcome to The Federalist Society's Practice Group Podcast. The Diversity Delusion argues that the root of this problem is the belief in America’s endemic racism and sexism, a belief that has engendered a metastasizing diversity bureaucracy in society and academia. Liberal agendas and viewpoints are shoved down the throats of young impressionable kids. Certainly, it has been a long and often corrupt road to travel, doing so…  But our Founders written ideals remain, and we will forever improve on them if we do not neglect to use our “Common Sense” and not acquiesce to tyranny in all of its blatant and subtle forms via certain self-serving Politicians, Media, Business and Academia’s flawed disavowed dedication to Integrity. If the poll is an accurate reflection of final results, Trump will have won over a higher percentage of non-white voters than any Republican candidate since 1960, according to Republican strategist ... Kirsten Gillibrand’s Calculated Convictions, United States Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings 2019, A Successful Presidency, a Maddening President, Culture with Kat Timpf: 16-Year-Old Girl Shouldn’t Face Child-Porn Charges, Don’t Count on a Recount in Pennsylvania to Change Much, Trump Campaign Refuses to Concede as Networks Call Election for Joe Biden, Biden Wins Pennsylvania, Surpassing 270 Electoral Votes to Beat Out Trump for the Presidency, Both Georgia Senate Races Head to Runoff in Test of Republican Majority, Trump Won One-Quarter of Non-White Voters, Highest for GOP Presidential Candidate Since 1960: Exit Poll. I skip the examples Mac Donald gives of the resulting gaps in the academic qualifications required for admission by black applicants to the University of California compared with what is required by white and Asian applicants. To my knowledge, there is no hard evidence at this point of anything ... Kat Timpf explains why a 16-year-old Maryland girl shouldn't be charged with child-porn distribution after making a video of herself. And now, I think there's hope in the courts, when the Harvard affirmative action case gets to the Supreme Court or maybe some employment discrimination cases being brought by men, or Asians, or Whites against universities. The Diversity Delusion should set off alarm bells in the minds of Americans who have heard little or nothing about the damage it is doing to the nation. If this were to happen, we would have a more productive system, of fairness and improved education, rather than social indoctrination of the worse kind (Segregation and Personal Irresponsibly: by supporting monolithic thought/Groupthink, versus the battleground of ideas from thoughtful dissention, which is being far more denied in our new totalitarian one-minded society). Curt Levey:  Hi, this is Curt Levey with the Committee for Justice. Nevertheless, a quasi-religious devotion to race and gender discrimination continues to sweep over American higher education. Well, leadership certainly is important, but why assume that such leadership can only come from people who have gone to a flagship university? The Democratic nominee is projected to win at least 290 electoral votes, with victories predicted in Pennsylvania and Nevada, according to the Associated Press. The University of Minnesota (UM) was one of the first to accede to faculty and student demands to cut ties with local police. I do have a couple more questions in the queue before we finish today. It's hard to know how we're ever going to restore any kind of ideological balance. I reject all three of those propositions, but nevertheless, they have taken over the academic world. Here are the 9 best takeaways from Heather Mac Donald’s new ‘Diversity Delusion’ book Jennifer Kabbany - Fix Editor • September 10, 2018. Any explanation for why there is not, say, 50/50 gender parity within the science fields, the official diversity explanation must be that there is bias against females in sciences. So I also started observing that post 2000s, and so this book came out of both sorrow and rage; sorrow at the loss of what should be the academy's greatest mission, which is passing on an inheritance, and rage at the abuse of their privilege on the part of faculty to be able to immerse themselves in these great works and the cultivation in students of a very dangerous victim identity that is, as I say, is now infecting the world at large. Unforntunely, currently gone to cowards and thoughtless ideologues – Everyone…, Heather, this new Social Science Fiction created by your so well defined: “Bureaucratic Industry of Diversity”  and those Socially-Graced Administrators, with Enormously Large Salaries that many of which have never taught a class in their lifetimes. George Leef is the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. Heather Mac Donald:  I wish. Yes! Today, as I mentioned, we are very fortunate to have with us Heather Mac Donald, the Thomas W. Smith Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a contributing editor of the City Journal, a recipient of the 2005 Bradley Prize, and the author of today's book, The Diversity Delusion. And that's what I see as the problem with a university. Let individual excellence again be the coin of the realm. If you are not receiving those email announcements, please contact us at 202-822-8138. "The Diversity Delusion does an admirable job of dismantling liberal academic narratives. Heather MacDonald takes it all on—full frontal! And one identifies oneself either sexually or racially, or some other way, which is totally objective and having no subjective content or value, and so the person is stuck with a cheap education that's not worth having. I'm obviously generalizing here that White males are going to be more likely to be identity neutral in their scholarship than other groups, but I think that's a pretty fair assumption. And I'm always struck reading the comment section in newspapers, with the exception of The New York Times and perhaps The Washington Post, but the comment sections on sort of the typical resistance article or something that -- any piece that is pervaded by just liberal assumptions are extraordinarily skeptical, and common-sensical, and wise. I believe that a minority of students and faculty (except for those in some of the humanities or in courses with names ending in “studies”) genuinely agree with the policy recommendations of the campus diversity enthusiasts. The book pulls back the curtain on the business side of this fascist movement and how it is tearing apart society and wasting its resources on gathering power and punishment. This book review is a web exclusive for the Spring 2019 issue of The Independent Review. The next day, University of Michigan president Mary Sue Coleman issued a defiant statement. And we will see. Every time I go to a campus -- I've been looking at this and writing about it for 30 years. And I'm delighted that you're discussing your book. Do not let the inmates run the institution…! Would you be comfortable with doing that now? It is also depressing that parents abandon their shopping for excellent when sending children to such schools, opting more for labels than for content, and cheating their children in the process. This call is adjourned. - National Review "No one has been more persistent, on-target, and braver in challenging politically …