Food: Whole Foods products, dairy, meat, seafood, produce, prepared foods, meal kits, beverages, breads, snacks, etc. I like the small orange carts, easy to maneuver. Here are the pros and cons I found from using this service: So the big question is: Is Amazon Fresh a good deal? That makes sense given Whole Foods’ customer base. You can also add any special instructions you have for the delivery driver. The Amazon Fresh grocery service is one of several grocery delivery services owned by Amazon. However, it does have a few shortcomings. Once you’re satisfied with everything in your cart, click “Proceed to Checkout.”. My refrigerated items were grouped together in paper bags, but there weren’t any ice packs or extra insulation. Here’s how his Amazon Fresh order arrived: On the other hand, when I received my order, no extra care was taken. When you place your order, you’ll get a confirmation email with details including the time of the delivery and your estimated order total. Items with orange labels under them show you how much you save. And all of it was FRESH. Because it was billed separately, Prime members had to pay for Amazon Fresh on top of their annual $119 membership. One other thing I noticed is that Amazon Fresh doesn’t allow substitution choices like some other grocery services. This is only SOME of my groceries since my counter space is pretty minimal. If you’re outside the United States, Amazon Fresh is also available with other grocery chains. Obsessed with travel? If you aren’t already an Amazon Fresh member, click here. Here are the beginnings of my stir-fry: Amazon Fresh also has VERY dope household and personal item sections which is what pretty much solidified that I'll rarely walk into IRL grocery stores ever again. You could also check out the Shipt app, which is growing on the East Coast and in Texas, and offers similar features to Amazon Fresh with a yearly membership for $99 or a monthly membership for $14. Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity. Once you have a Prime account, you can go to this page to send an Amazon Fresh request. All of them were independently selected by our editors. The refrigerated items were cold and there weren’t any bruises on my vegetables. Now, you just wait for your groceries. Plus, my creamer was wrapped so it was still cold when I opened it up. Amazon will also apply any gift cards you’ve redeemed on your account unless you indicate otherwise. Later, Amazon dropped the price to $14.99 per month ($179.88/year) for Prime members. One morning, I woke up and knew that by lunch, I'd just be eating my thoughts if I didn't get to the store. I went through the Amazon Fresh ordering process to show you exactly how it works and to share tips along the way. Orders under $35 (or $50 in some areas) will incur a delivery fee, Amazon says. Carrots? Instead of completing my order with a handful of get-me-by items, I ended up buying enough groceries for a full two weeks. With a Prime membership, you can also get your groceries delivered to your door — for free — with Amazon Fresh. Or mascara. Get the Tazo tea from Amazon for $0.25 (originally $2.32; deal lasts this week only). Next, you’ll select the day for the delivery. ‍♀️. You’ll be taken to the Amazon equivalent of the candy rack next to the register where they’ll try to get you to make an impulse purchase. Amazon says that you should “immediately store your chilled/frozen items and perishables upon delivery to maintain the safety and quality of these items.”. Yes. The longer you wait to do it, the fewer time slots you have to choose from. That'll be great for anyone who wants to order groceries while they're away from home and choose a time slot when they know they'll actually be around. “Refrigerated items had multiple ice packs, and there was dry ice to keep frozen items at the proper temperature.”. When you shop on Amazon Fresh, you can do a simple search for an item on your list or browse by category. You must spend $35 or $50 (before tax), depending on where you live, to get free delivery. You may be wondering what kinds of foods are available. On this page, Amazon will auto-populate the default address and payment information it has on file for you. You’ll get an email when Amazon gets your request, then another when you have been approved to use the service. Amazon Fresh lets you shop for groceries online and then delivers them to your door. If you’re using Amazon Fresh as your main source of groceries, you likely won’t have a problem meeting the free delivery spend. Accepted file types: .jpg, .jpeg, .png. Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life. The Amazon Fresh delivery person placed my bags neatly at my door, rang my bell, and then walked down the hall wayyy beyond 6 feet away to wait and make sure I had heard the bell. Then choose a two-hour delivery window based on when you’ll be available to receive your order. Not one shell was hurt in transit. If you’re outside the United States, Amazon Fresh is also available with other grocery chains. I was pleasantly surprised that the offerings are PLENTIFUL. You'll also have an "unattended delivery" option if you want your groceries to be dropped off without you being home. ☕️. Get answers to your money questions delivered to your inbox daily! Compared to retailers like Costco and Aldi, Amazon Fresh appears to be on the pricey side. Shipping is free for orders of at least $35, but the company mentions an average product price increase of around 15%. I caved and decided to browse the aisles of. Gotta love New York apartments. Amazon Fresh has historically been available only in select cities, but more on that later. Underneath the subtotal, you might see a box that says “Add $X of items from Fresh for FREE Delivery.”. When they arrive, the delivery person will bring the bags to your door or wherever you indicated in the special instructions section. Stir fry meat? On my checkout page, there was no tipping section or tip listed in my order total. Once the trial period is up, you’ll have to pay for Prime but you could be eligible for a discounted membership. But if you think you’ll take advantage of multiple Prime offers and it fits in your budget, it may be worth it for you. And I got free delivery within a two-hour window since my order was $35+! If an item becomes unavailable and Amazon doesn’t replace it, you won’t be charged for that item. When I went back and looked at the confirmation email, the $5 tip charge was listed, but I missed it initially. Like services such as Instacart where you pick a specific store from which to shop, Amazon offers a mix of their own store brands, the Whole Foods 365 brand and other name brands. If you’ve already requested access, but haven’t been approved yet, here’s what you’ll see: When I requested access in October 2019, I was able to start shopping on Amazon Fresh a week later. We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. AmazonFresh is Amazon's grocery delivery service, which Prime members in select cities can add to their Prime membership for $14.99 per month. Pro-tip: Place your order in the morning. Confirm the dropoff location for your order. Now that you’re approved, it’s time to go grocery shopping! You can shop Amazon Fresh online or on the Amazon shopping app (iOS or Android), as long as you’re logged into your Amazon Prime account. But that’s all in the past now. And although I haven't tried everything yet, I am STOKED about the grooming and hygiene products available. You need to have a Prime membership to request Amazon Fresh access. Then you can decide if this grocery delivery service is right for you. This can be confusing, so review every part of your order carefully and adjust your tip according to your order total. (We love before & after photos!). We hope you love the products we recommend! © 2020 Clark Howard Inc. By using this website, you accept the terms of our Visitor Agreement and Privacy Policy, and understand your options regarding Ad Choices. When I opened my door, they waved and thanked me for my business, and headed out. All you have to do when you see something you want is click “Add to Cart,” and it will appear in your cart on the right. If you think that the only Prime perk you’ll use is Amazon Fresh, it may not be worth a full-priced membership. I was able to order. Pun definitely intended and well-earned. Oh, and FYI — prices are accurate and items in stock as of time of publication. The delivery fee in my area is $4.99 if you don’t meet the threshold. An Amazon Fresh … Check one last time that everything is correct and click the “Place Your Order” button. If you’d like to make changes to your delivery address or payment method, click the blue “Change” button next to that section. Now that Amazon Fresh is a free perk for Prime members rather than a separate membership, more people may take advantage of this grocery delivery service. Delivery was 100% contactless. If you aren’t already an Amazon Fresh member, click here. Depending on demand you’ll be able to schedule up to a few days in advance. And even if I hated my produce, Amazon has a Freshness Guarantee so I could receive a refund or replacement. When I placed my order I gave in and made an impulse buy; there were cookies front and center and I just couldn’t resist. This extra information could be a gate code or a request for the driver to leave the groceries by a specific door. Luckily, Amazon Fresh will deliver until 11 in the evening. Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! You can avoid making these last-minute decisions by keeping your shopping list close by until you’ve completed your purchase. If you’re wondering whether Amazon Fresh is available where you live, type in your ZIP code here. It'll probably be the two-hour free delivery window for you. If you have Amazon Prime, you’re paying for perks like faster delivery, their Prime Video streaming service and more. To say that I was happy was an understatement. This was especially great with the handwash since the Method brand plays nice with my sensitive skin. Whew. Your review may be featured in a post. Amazon says it may substitute the item with a similar product, and if that happens, you’ll see it listed in the delivery or pickup confirmation email. Check! It felt good to get my grocery shopping done and still have the energy to also cook on the same day. 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Amazon Fresh is now free with a Prime membership, and you’re charged an extra fee only if you don’t meet the spending threshold. I’m going to lay out each step for you here, but you can also view the process in the video at the top of this article. Jumpstart your holiday shopping with gift guides, deals, and more! It works primarily with Whole Foods Market. The carton was wrapped in this extra cardboard encasement. Team Clark writer Michael noticed that the service took good care of his groceries as they wrapped and insulated his perishables. And my mini watermelon (which I'd never had before but was inspired to buy because it was just on there, LOL) was flawless.