Leave some space between the wall and antenna, though, in order not to constrain its ability to receive signals from multiple directions. Try not to create sharp turns in the cable, keeping the coax as straight as possible for most of its journey, extending it if necessary. Factors outside the home include mountains, hills, or buildings that get in the way of line-of-sight reception.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'longrangesignal_com-banner-1','ezslot_7',107,'0','0'])); Factors inside the home, on the other hand, might be appliances (like a hair dryer or fluorescent lamp) that cause electromagnetic interference and distort your TV signal. On the other, the structure of your house and roof might impact your indoor TV reception by weakening signals. The GE 33692 Attic Mount HD antenna is a notable example of an antenna specially designed for placement in the attic.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'longrangesignal_com-leader-2','ezslot_7',113,'0','0'])); This antenna has all the reception power of an outdoor antenna, but features a curved metal frame of reflectors that are designed for fitting easily into smaller attic spaces. Sniper Automotive Portable Digital TV Roof Aerial, Magnetic Mount DVB-T Aerial for Motorhome Caravan Boat Car Freeview and DAB Antenna 4.4 out of 5 stars 274 £19.99 £ 19 . Make sure everything connects as they should. If you’re using a ladder, you should pad the floor with extra planks to ensure stability. In fact, you should ensure there’s at least half a foot of distance between your antenna coax and other wires. Once you’ve determined your needs, this article will help with your antenna purchase. ATSC WennoW 10 Feet HDTV Mobile Antenna, Best Antenna Rotator – Top Outdoor Antenna Rotator Review of 2020, How to Get TV Reception in a Metal Building – Improve Antenna Signal, RHCP Vs LHCP – Check The Difference Between two Popular Antenna, Best Vertical HF Antenna – List of top rated HF antenna in 2020, How to Improve FM Signal on Radio With a Single Wire Antenna: Fix It, Best Indoor Scanner Antenna – Top Reviewed Digital Antennas of 2020, Best coax for VHF/UHF – Get the right coaxial cable for your antenna, Best Antenna for Baofeng – Top Rated UV-5R Antenna of 2020, How to aim a Yagi antenna – Easy steps to connect your Yagi antenna, Can You Use a Satellite Dish as an Antenna? Planning & Projects How to light your bathroom Lighting a bathroom can be a challenge—they are especially prone to shadows and reflective surfaces. Now that we’ve covered the reasons why most people decide to mount their TV antenna in the attic, let’s look closely at the main benefits: It’s certainly nice to reap the benefits of attic installations, but keep in mind some downsides as well.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'longrangesignal_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_6',111,'0','0'])); These stem from sources of interference stemming from within your home, many of which can be mitigated by amplifying your antenna’s coaxial cable. We use a set-top box to scan for channels and record the number of RF channels received by each antenna and their strength.