Marjane’s Uncle Anoosh stays with the family for a time. In fact, Marjane learns how Anoosh still loves his country even after his country won’t accept him. The first imagine that the author uses is a picture her own face right before she goes to protest the regime. Marjane’s Uncle Anoosh stays with the family for a time. Teachers and parents! Why would he choose a child? Marjane remembers that one of her friend’s fathers is a pilot but her father tells her that he had been imprisoned. Wang, Bella ed. just create an account. He has a number of experiences, which gives him peculiar insight, especially as it applies to understanding politics. ''In a country where half the population is illiterate, you cannot unite the people around Marx. Like sheep that simply follow each other with no notion of direction or purpose, Satrapi is arguing here that the people of Iran have made an unconscious decision to follow the religious leaders for no other reason than that they cannot determine a purpose or direction for the country without them. Her parents avoid the topic at dinner before her father finally tells her the truth: Anoosh has been arrested but he has asked that his one visitor be Marjane. With her face shown as half-dark and half-light, Marjane goes out in the streets to pass out fliers. Why should I?” She tells him that the Iraqi’s have always been Iran’s sworn enemies because, “The Arabs never liked the Persians...They attacked us 1400 years ago. The quiz and worksheet will assess your grasp of Anoosh in Persepolis along with some of the things that happened to this character in the novel. Create your account, Already registered? This is a prophetic statement for Iran. Despite these harsh rules, a spirit of revolution is still in the air and for the first time Marjane’s parents allow her to attend a rally. Her father understands the real war is not just with another country but is, instead, a war inside of the country between those that envision a modern Iran and those that adhere to extremism. Struggling with distance learning? They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!”, “This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!”, “This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. study In Persepolis we get to see the true story of Marjane Satrapi'schildhood in Iran during the Islamic revolution and the Iran/Iraq war. Visit the Persepolis Study Guide page to learn more. Not sure what college you want to attend yet? The hero Marjane finally comes to identify with is her Uncle Anoosh who had been a political prisoner because of his Marxist views. You can test out of the For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one: He proclaimed the independence of Azerbaijan from the Shah. Her family goes from fighting a revolution and getting rid of the Shah, to fighting for freedom from the new regime. When he goes, he notices that Fereydoon has been arrested. Marjane thinks it is the Iranian air force but her father does not recognize the planes as Iranian F-14 jets. Instant downloads of all 1372 LitChart PDFs His idea was that justice is the basis of democracy. She has extensive experience creating & teaching curricula in college level education, history, English, business and marketing. 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