Written communications can involve formal legal opinions, draft correspondence, draft directives or policy statements, or guidance or decisions on individual cases. General Counsel, Secretary of the Foundation Board, Ethics and Compliance Officer and DPO at AO Foundation Graubünden, Schweiz 332 Kontakte. The Office of the General Counsel (GC) provides legal advice, counsel, and services to the Agency and its officials and ensures that USAID programs are administered in accordance with legislative authorities. Get the latest updates on NASA missions, watch NASA TV live, and learn about our quest to reveal the unknown and benefit all humankind. 111.5, dated July 14, 2005 sets forth the functions and responsibilities of the Office. The Office of the General Counsel (GC) provides legal advice, counsel, and services to the Agency and its officials and ensures that USAID programs are administered in accordance with legislative authorities. Find out about career opportunities at USAID. The Office of the General Counsel renders legal advice and assistance to all elements of the Air Force, but the cornerstone of its functions and responsibilities is a close relationship with the Secretary and his principal assistants. Its primary objective is to ensure the just and faithful execution of the laws, regulations and policies that the Secretary has responsibility for administering, and by so doing enable the Department to accomplish its mission of service to our Nation's veterans. The General Counsel is a Presidential appointee, requiring Senate confirmation. other statutes governing Federal agencies, such as personnel, discrimination, provides legal advice on issues relating to the National Archives' support foundation and the Presidential Library support foundations, advises and responds to questions from the White House and other agencies on records issues, oversees special access requests for Presidential Records by Congress and the Courts, formulates and recommends policy and provides advice to National Archives' and other agency staff via its access staff (which includes the National Archives'. Gary M. Stern, General Counsel. GC also advises on legal matters concerning the operation and administration of USAID programs, and on matters relating to legislation or proposed legislation affecting USAID. NASA.gov brings you the latest images, videos and news from America's space agency. The Office of General Counsel represents the BOP on a broad range of legal, policy, and management issues. GC serves as the Agency's chief legal officer and is the principal advisor to the administrator on Agency-wide policy matters. MISSION engages in administrative and Federal court litigation in support of all National Archives' programs and activities. AO 458 (Rev. GC also maintains liaison with other government organizations to provide advice or assistance in interpreting or applying the legal authorities of the Agency and represents USAID in connection with legal matters affecting it. GC serves as the Agency's chief legal officer and is the principal advisor to the administrator on Agency-wide policy matters. Legal opinions issued by the Office of the General Counsel shall be the controlling opinions of the Department of the Air Force. Much of its advice and counsel is given orally. The Office of the General Counsel serves its client, the Department of the Air Force, by empowering the Air Force to fly, fight, and win through principled legal counsel, effective advocacy, and creative problem solving. The mission of the Office of General Counsel (OGC) is to identify and meet the legal needs of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The Office provides carefully considered, practical advice, aimed at producing effective solutions. Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act. Leader with legal background, specialized in business economics EO 13556, Controlled Unclassified Information. The Office of the General Counsel serves its client, the Department of the Air Force, by empowering the Air Force to fly, fight, and win through principled legal counsel, effective advocacy, and creative problem solving. "The General Counsel is the chief legal officer and chief ethics official of the Department of the Air Force. Office of General Counsel. That Order states in part: 111.5, dated July 14, 2005 sets forth the functions and responsibilities of the Office. Work products within the Office of the General Counsel take many forms. Dieses Profil melden; Info. That Order states in part: "The General Counsel is the chief legal officer and chief ethics official of the Department of the Air Force.