Maybe you have done a little website building but you need a deep understanding of responsive web designs and how to achieve them? We'll cover how to apply ECSS to your web applications and visual model, and how you can organize your project structure wisely, and handle visual state changes with ARIA, providing greater accessibility considerations. CSS scaling: choose isolation or abstraction – not both. Are you writing two websites – one for mobile and one for larger displays? Perhaps you work on the front-end and you need a definitive overview of all modern HTML and CSS has to offer? An introduction to the JavaScript MutationObserver API. A step-by-step of building up a navigation solution. With mobile internet usage still rising, and tablets changing internet consumption habits, you need to know how to build websites that will just 'work', regardless of the devices used to access them. After leaving University College, Salford in 1996 with a B.A.Hons in Media and Performance, he worked as a professional actor for five years as well as working in IT and new media and went onto establish "Spiral Film" in January 2000. You’ve updated NPM and Node in the meantime so when you come to run Gulp it fails. Ben Frain is an English actor and freelance writer who played two minor roles on Coronation Street: firstly appearing as Paul Davies; friend and best man of Robert Preston when he married Tracy Barlow in November 1996. His other acting credits include roles in The Grand, Reckless:The Movie, Rhinoceros, Bernard's Watch, Where the Heart Is and Mersey Beat. How to handle state changes in the DOM with ARIA or override selectors. It’s smooth like a Billiard table; the worlds largest athletics track. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The book, ‘Enduring CSS’ is now available in hard copy form from Packt. About 90% of my working days in the last 5 years has been making feature prototypes for a web application. Yesterday, here in the UK, various media outlets reported, in largely negative terms, about the pay of bet365’s founder, Denise Coates. I’ve been buying WASD boards since 2014. There will be no perplexing terminology or baffling syntax left unexplained. Use linters for errors, formatters to fix style, TL;DR limit the use of linters to highlighting errors. All you need to take advantage of this book is a working understanding of HTML and CSS. Learn how to organize project structure to more easily isolate and decouple visual components. However, you want to loop around them infinitely. No JavaScript knowledge is needed. In case you haven’t heard about them before, here’s a little primer. I'm 'benfrain' on Twitter and GitHub. Material design style click effects with pointer events and CSS Custom Properties. 41 Learn with me, Ben Frain, about how to really THINK about CSS and how to use CSS for any size project! Let’s say you have an array of items. Ben is the author of two successful and widely respected books Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3 and Sass and Compass for Designers, both published by Packt Publishing. This book concentrates on distilling the techniques in a straightforward manner making it accessible to all, even to those that only know HTML and CSS. Creating an HTML file from markdown source using Vim and Pandoc. I specialise in CSS, HTML and everything else on the front-end. Creating a language switcher in JavaScript. Determining the direction of IntersectionObserver events. over the years. Ben lives in Cheshire, England with his wife and two children. If you are squeamish, perhaps not the post to read with your lunch. Text editing techniques every Front-End developer should know. Furthermore, you will acquire practical knowledge of SVG, writing accessible HTML markup, creating stunning aesthetics and effects with CSS, applying transitions, transformations, and animations, integrating media queries, and more. But it has issues. Ben Frain is an English actor and freelance writer who played two minor roles on Coronation Street: firstly appearing as Paul Davies; friend and best man of Robert Preston when he married Tracy Barlow in … The shortfalls of conventional approaches to scaling CSS. Or perhaps you’ve heard of Responsive Design but are unsure how to bring HTML5, CSS3, or responsive design all together. Prime members enjoy FREE Delivery and exclusive access to music, movies, TV shows, original audio series, and Kindle books. Instead of using scroll events I had opted to use the newer IntersectionObserver (finally we are getting broad browser support thanks to iOS 12.2 and Safari in macOS 10.14.4). A horizontal scrolling navigation pattern for touch and mouse with moving current indicator. You'll learn how to manipulate color in the stylesheet with a single command, create responsive grids with ease, automatically create image sprites, and create CSS3 powered rules that work across all modern browsers. This second edition of Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3 explains all the key approaches necessary to create and maintain a modern responsive design. Sorry about that! Part Two: Development Quick Summary I have a number of documents I keep up to date. Help us improve our Author Pages by updating your bibliography and submitting a new or current image and biography. The problems of CSS at scale—specificity, the cascade and styles intrinsically tied to element structure. As a static analysis tool, a linter is able to point out issues that are both stylistic, such as no closing semi-colon on declarations, and also problematic, such as incorrect values for known properties. , Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3 - Second Edition: Build responsive and future-proof websites to meet the demands of modern web users, ( It is open or closed. Ben Frain, Actor: Elizabeth. TL;DR A complete overhaul and re-working of Packt Publishings best-selling responsive web design title. Chapter example code is all hosted on, a dedicated site. This article is re-post of the article I originally wrote for Smashing Magazine. They might be colours, pieces of text, DOM nodes, whatever. Can CSS Custom Properties update animation durations on the fly? It supercharges CSS with features that make previously difficult and time-consuming tasks trivial. The ECSS methodology and the problems it solves. An author and web developer from the UK. I don’t like to write ‘moany’ and negative articles. I had a play with the JavaScript MutationObserver API recently and came away very impressed. The book concludes by exploring some exclusive tips and approaches for front-end development from the author. Unless I’m researching a book or solving a specific problem, these days I tend to let new language features pan out a little, allowing support to get a little deeper before diving in. Ben Frain was born as Benjamin Frain. Every few months somebody commits a cardinal sin of web development. HTML templating with vanilla JavaScript ES2015 Template Literals. ’Cause, you know, button already exists. It pays to know how to ‘drive’ your editor to get the best performance. ). Something went wrong. The CSS preprocessor, Sass, is becoming the de-facto standard for producing cross-browser CSS more maintainable and with more ease.