Ouvert du lundi au samedi de 10h à 19h30. What they are is policy makers dictating to e-liquid manufacturers that they can only produce one flavor out of a list of thousands: tobacco-flavor. Imagine if a tobacco company came out today and publicly claimed that smoking might very well be safer than using an e-cigarette. Therefore, to protect the public's health, we need to ban the sale of e-cigarettes. Les législateurs ont malheureusement lié les ressources des programmes gouvernementaux critiques à la consommation continue des cigarettes. Les relations financières entre les grandes sociétés pharmaceutiques et le mouvement de lutte contre le tabagisme jouent donc également un rôle évident. Cigarette électonique Bordeaux: Pour encore mieux vous servir, nous avons ouvert début 2019 la plus grande boutique de cigarette électronique de France ; 400 m2 en plein cœur du quartier des Chartrons à Bordeaux où vous pourrez tester, goûter, apprendre, vous faire conseiller sur des produits adaptés à vos besoins. Après avoir récusé certaines des fausses affirmations scientifiques que je mentionne ci-dessus, j’ai été également accusé d’être une taupe de l’industrie du tabac. After all, we. But the Massachusetts Department of Public Health is not telling them! Absolutely not. Michael Siegel. There were plenty of cotton candy e-cigarette available. Blogger is a free blog publishing tool from Google for easily sharing your thoughts with the world. It’s not the flavors. If they truly believe that e-cigarettes present a risk of life-threatening respiratory disease, then how can they. Yes, the ones that are causing the respiratory disease outbreak that has killed 49 people and sent more than 2,000 to the hospital with respiratory failure. En raison de votre campagne pour la vérité, vous avez souffert d’attaques personnelles sur votre caractère. The Department has revealed only that the outbreak is associated with "vegetable products" and that some of the patients reported having eaten vegetables at restaurants in the Commonwealth. Every e-cigarette (i.e., e-liquid) is flavored. Sign in. This is another reason why arguing that the flavors are the problem is a meaningless statement. It's even possible that many youth will switch over to the tobacco flavors. Sometimes the most important evidence in a public health debate come from the most important informants: the people who are actually affected by public health policy and who know what is happening on the ground. Sign in. Michael : Juste hier, sur mon blog, on m’a accusé d’avoir reçu de l’argent des fabricants de cigarettes électroniques. If anything, JUUL offered. As of December 11th, the cause of the outbreak was unknown. ", In the face of a severe respiratory illness outbreak that is resulting in thousands of cases of severe, life-threatening respiratory failure, many requiring mechanical ventilation, it is unconscionable that the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the Office of the Governor are telling people that the cause of the outbreak is "unknown.". Et la décision finale pour laquelle nous opterons concernant son utilisation sera certainement la marque le plus flagrante de notre liberté entre l’idéologie et la science.Les principaux groupes nationaux militant contre le tabagisme ont demandé à la FDA (Fédéral Drug Administration) d’interdire ces produits sur le marché. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH), via a vote by the Public Health Council, has rescinded its emergency ban on the sale of electronic cigarettes which was issued on September 25. Google apps. Michael : Peut-être que l’un des meilleur exemple est l’allégation, soutenue par nombre de groupes contre le tabac, qu’une simple exposition de 30 minutes au tabagisme passif peut entraîner de l’athérosclérose (durcissement des artères). Michael : Vous devez également savoir qu’il y a également une connexion financière entre les législateurs fédéraux et d’Etat et les ventes conventionnelles de cigarettes. There is no controversy about this. the fact that the CDC intentionally removed the THC vaping question from the 2019 NYTS. So beyond the devastating effects of flavored e-cigarette bans on adult vapers - leading them to return to smoking or to a new, potentially dangerous black market - flavor bans are actually going to make things worse for youth as well, by driving them towards cigarette use or towards black market products that are even more acutely dangerous. There were plenty of gummy bear flavors around. Kids weren't getting addicted to cherry, strawberry, or banana vapes. He has published nearly 70 papers related to tobacco. In addition, here is what the press release tells the public about the cause of the respiratory disease outbreak: The cause of e-cigarette- or vaping product Profile views - 79093. Pourriez-vous dévoiler certains des plus mauvais exemples des mensonges que vous avez pu discerner ? I am expecting the FDA to announce this afternoon that it plans to enforce a ban on the sale of all flavored e-cigarette pods and cartridges for closed vaping systems, with the exception of tobacco and menthol flavors, but that it is exempting e-liquids and vape juices sold for open systems. Google apps. And so now, policy makers are deceiving themselves if they think that banning e-cigarette flavors is the answer to this crisis. Et, s’il en est ainsi, qui est derrière elle et pourquoi ? Que vous soyez débutant ou confirmé en vapotage, que vous cherchiez le meilleur des tabacs blonds classiques ou un arôme fun et délirant ; Vous serez accueillis et conseillés avec toute l'attention de notre petite équipe d'anciens fumeurs à Bordeaux, qui vous feront partager leurs connaissances et leur passion commune pour la vape. At least, youth are aren't exclusively vaping THC will be doing this. Michael Siegel est médecin, professeur, un défenseur enthousiaste de la réduction des méfaits du tabac et un conférencier intarissable sur les mythes et légendes sur le tabac, que bon nombre d’entre nous, utilisateurs de la cigarette électronique, considèrent avec crainte. Yesterday, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) proclaimed to residents of the Commonwealth that it has no idea what is causing the outbreak of respiratory illness that has affected more than 2,000 people and killed 47 throughout the country. He has published nearly 70 papers related … Ce site n'est pas dédié à la publicité. It would be a completely irresponsible statement and the company would rightly be vigorously criticized and attacked for asserting that its deadly products, which kill more than 400,000 people each year, are potentially safer than e-cigarettes, which do not contain tobacco, involve no combustion, and have been documented to have much lower levels of thousands of different chemicals compared to cigarettes. Mais plus profondément, je crois que ces attaques se produisent parce que mes confrères, en identifiant la justesse de mes raisonnements, se défendent ainsi en réaction inconsciente de la culpabilité qu’ils ressentent.