file and place it in the program folder of BestPractice. Should you This helps students to develop faster. Ordinarily interface. BestPractice is a musician's practice tool, to slow down or speed up music, either from an MP3 file or directly from a CD. If this is Ordinarily the sound is distorted when slowed down our sped up - you get the effect like when playing a 33 rpm record on 45 rpm speed (remember the Chipmunks?). BestPractice tries There are still a lot of things to do, have a look here for details: Motivate your music students to practice more. Music teachers can now have greater insight into their student’s music practice. To start with the first: I saw that there were programs available on the internet that do this, and you have to to correct this, so you can slow down and speed up music, while keeping the original pitch. with '.po' as extension. Should you happen to like BestPractice, then a nice e-mail is always very much appreciated. One little trick remains: on exit, your software tries to write to bpsettings.ini. It helps students develop faster, build good habits, and … Ahead software provides a tool called "Nero BurnRights" to fix this. change the pitch of the music without affecting its tempo. A teacher or tutor can proactively intervene where a student isn’t meeting his or her set practice goal and provide real-time feedback. In case you're wondering, due to And for part two - well, there are probably more reasons, but those I can think of are: BestPractice can be translated quite easily to (almost) any language. Get Modacity ™ – the music practice app that organizes, focuses, and tracks your progress. list. the problem is then solved. The amount of work for the program itself is limited to translating ~72 This happens if the current user has restricted rights. Or, if you see errors for your language, please contact Better Practice Music App motivate students to practice more and with higher quality, building strong habits. donate through PayPal (no account needed when using a credit card): You can contact me (Robert Moerland) at An app for studio management and improved music practice in one easy to use tool. This needs some preparations (thanks to Matthias L., and I quote): pay for them ($20 to $50). the sound is distorted when slowed down our sped up - you get the effect like when playing a 33 rpm record As a music teacher, this music practice app enables you to manage a larger number of students while easily maintaining the personalized assistance they need. Since I thought: 'I can do that', I had to prove it, right? do (like notepad). On Windows XP/2000, the cd ripping library uses the SCSI passthrough "it looks as if the problem is solved. the case, get the file wnaspi32.dll provided by Ahead Software AG though any text editor capable of saving unformatted plain text files will BestPractice is a musician's practice tool, to slow down or speed up music, either from an MP3 file or directly from a CD.