The marriage ceremony was conducted on the show's set, the first actual marriage to be performed on a sound stage. Never mind, the main site has been taken down; all that’s left is a page with a bio of Crane’s wife, Patricia Crane (aka Sigrid Valdis). He taught Crane all the in’s and out’s. Scotty Crane opted for a show-all instead.. Scotty, son of late "Hogan's Heroes" star Bob Crane… John did thay ever developed the film they found in the bathroom what was in the photos when they search Bob Crane apartment when he was killed. It was a very NSFW site where you were greeted with sexually graphic Crane and bimbo images with a black band blurring naughty bits that you were assured would come off if you bought a membership. So, what ever became of the tapes? This article has a link to a website created by one of Crane’s sons which has some of what you’re asking about. About addiction, Crane once remarked, “I don’t drink or smoke… two out of three ain’t bad.” Number three of course, was his weakness for women. The following assets contain unreleased and/or restricted content. While no longer involved with the Hollywood community, she was very proud of her past accomplishments. Police thought so. {{selectedSize.discountPrice || selectedSize.price}}, {{ assetSizeLabel(selectedSize)}} {{formatPrice(selectedSize.discountPrice || selectedSize.price)}}, {{::t('download_workflow.download_will_be_saved_to_dropbox')}}. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. This is the best you can do?”, Robert was 27 when his father was murdered in Scottsdale in June of 1978. He was a devoted father and family man when he was at home. In 1998, while still living in Seattle, she would appear as a voice actress on the syndicated weekly sketch comedy radio show, Shaken, Not Stirred. Olson, who went by the stage name Sigrid Valdis, became Crane’s second wife in 1970 (shortly after he divorced Terzian); the couple had two children, Scott and AnaMarie. Carpenter introduced Crane to the wonders of home video, years before it was available to the general public. Family photographs taken with his three children, Robert Jr., Debbie and Karen depict a doting father who truly loved his kids. But he had very few close male friends. Click a retailer below. Mix and match royalty-free images, videos, and editorial with packs that never expire. Kinky “Hogan’s Heroes” star Bob Crane was murdered by his second wife! Bob Crane site, presently with information on Patricia, All Royalty-Free licenses include global use rights, comprehensive protection, simple pricing with volume discounts available, Newspapers and magazines (except for covers), editorial broadcasts, documentaries, non-commercial websites, blogs and social media posts illustrating matters of public interest, Book or magazine covers, commercial, promotional, advertorial, endorsement, advertising, or merchandising purposes in any media (e.g. American actor Bob Crane (1928 - 1978) and his second wife, actress Sigrid Valdis (1935 - 2007) attend the annual NBS party in Hollywood, May 1974. The constant media scrutiny about the case would force Patricia to move her family away from Los Angeles to get it out of the limelight. I went to bobcrane dot com back before it was just a Sigrid bio and yep, he truly was selling X rated videos and T-shirts of his dad. He told me he wished he had advised his dad to cut out the antics and “get to work.” He said in the later years his dad and Carpenter acted like “fraternity brothers.”, In the early days, Carpenter provided the equipment, and the technical expertise in how to operate and repair it. Bob Crane was a man conflicted. She is survived by her two daughters, Ana and Melissa, her son, Scott, and five grandchildren. Bob Crane had always enjoyed the company of women. Places online to watch episodes of Hogan's Heroes. No other rights or warranties are granted for comp use. They adored him also. Can only be used for the specific purposes listed. Sigrid Valdis was the stage name of Patricia Olson, (September 21, 1935 (Bakersfield, California) – October 14, 2007 (Anaheim, California)), the second wife of the late Bob Crane. Approvals and clearances are based on the intended use. Whatever it was, Crane in the end, jeopardized family, healthy relationships, even his career, for the allure of pornography. They adored him also. Her first screen appearance was in Two Tickets to Paris, which was soon followed by Marriage on the Rocks, Our Man Flint and The Venetian Affair. Really? This is your best friend’? By clicking the Download button, you accept the responsibility for using unreleased content (including obtaining any clearances required for your use) and agree to abide by any restrictions. Her most famous role was as Hilda, Colonel Klink 's second … In later years, they would have to reconcile the man they knew at home, versus the man who was consumed by pornography. In 1967, her first husband, George, died. Still in a police evidence locker, maybe, or released to his family? Valdis was married twice. I haven’t gone to the site myself. Her first marriage was to fashion businessman George Gilbert Ateyeh, with whom she had a daughter, Melissa. *, {{ t('save_amount', { amount_saved: formatPrice(pack.amountYouSave) }) }}, {{ t('pack_count_lowercase', { total: pack.packCount }) }}, {{t('compared_with_single_price', {price: formatPrice(selectedSize.price) }) }}, *Packs never expire as long as you sign in at least once a year. She is an American-born actress of Swedish descent, who had appeared in several films and television shows in the 1960s before retiring after her marriage to Bob. This was around the time of “Auto Focus.” Younger Crane didn’t like the movie very much or the fact that his older half-brother participated in its making. Sigrid Valdis (1935–2007) Sigrid Valdis. Feldman would have her brought back the following year as the replacement for the leaving Cynthia Lynn, to play Klink's new secretary, Hilda. Since the case is still technically open, I would speculate that the remaining tapes are still evidence, and there’s no statute of limitations on murder. Patricia would go into retirement after her son's birth, so that she could devote her time to both her husband and her new family. This article has a link to a website created by one of Crane’s sons which has some of what you’re asking about. In order to finalize your project with the material you downloaded from your EZA account, you need to secure a license. The Internet Archive shows the stuff that was available on the site before it went down. I guess the market for seeing faded stars of yesteryear doing it and taping it just wasn’t enough to pay for the bandwidth. A native Californian of Swedish descent, Sigrid Valdis (the professional stage name of Patricia Olson) was raised in the Westwood/Brentwood suburbs of Los Angeles, and attended many exclusive private schools, including Marymount High School. Patricia was quickly being recognized for her acting abilities, showing that she was able to perform in many different genres and settings, as well as in both lead and supporting roles. Carpenter, for his part, could best be described as an “accomplice” in Crane’s obsession. Here is the report: There’s a good article on his death from one of my favorite celebrity websites- Find-a-Death. Your Easy-access (EZA) account allows those in your organization to download content for the following uses: It overrides the standard online composite license for still images and video on the Getty Images website. Order Your Copy Today! While working on the show, she fell in love with the show's main star, Bob Crane, whom she would marry on October 16, 1970. Website by Nerd Power Media. print, commercial broadcast, film, digital), Anyone in your organization can use it an unlimited number of times for up to 15 years, worldwide, with uncapped indemnification, {{formatPrice(size.discountPrice || size.price)}}. A native Californian of Swedish descent, Sigrid Valdis (the professional stage name of Patricia Olson) was raised in the Westwood/Brentwood suburbs of Los Angeles, and attended many exclusive private … There were also many tapes in Crane’s Los Angeles home that were never seized in the first place, and those, too, remained with the family. You have view only access under this Premium Access agreement. The Getty Images design is a trademark of Getty Images. Seeing his death photos, where his smile has been taken away forever, that’s very sad to me. And in the end, he may have taught him too well. But, at the same time, he was harboring a deep obsession. Also in 1971, the new president of CBS abruptly canceled "Hogan's Heroes", after a 6-year run. {{t('buy_card.limited_use_name_'+product.Usage.toLowerCase())}}, {{t('buy_card.limited_use_description_'+product.Usage.toLowerCase())}}, {{getDefaultSize().teeShirtSize || getDefaultSize().label}}, {{getDefaultSize().pixels}} ({{getDefaultSize().localeUnits}}).