It's a decent thriller, has a nice story with a few twists that keep you interested. Víctor is a child who is found casually roaming by a country road. I knew that Boy Missing (secuestro) probably wasn’t that good, based on its rating at least.But I at least expected to enjoy it. Víctor is a child who is found casually roaming by a country road. Kommentare zu Secuestro - Selbstjustiz einer Mutter werden geladen... Timecrimes - Mord ist nur eine Frage der Zeit, FRED CARPET / KINO TO GO - Daniel Schröckert's DVD- und Blu-ray-Tipps, GoodFellas - Drei Jahrzehnte in der Mafia, Trotz Star Wars-Flop: Regisseur schürt Hoffnung auf Han Solo-Rückkehr, Vor James Bond 25: Nach Spectre muss Daniel Craigs Finale erst recht abliefern, Neuer Film mit Vikings-Star: Alexander Ludwig ist bei Netflix viel zu brav. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? So it is a nice movie that would please you and it definitely isn't a waste of time. Looking for something to watch? in einem Kino in Deiner Nähe läuft oder für das Heimkino (Streaming / DVD / Blu-ray) am Start ist. Handlung von Boy MissingNachdem der kleine, gehörlose Victor (Marc Domènech) orientierungslos auf einer Landstraße gefunden wurde, wird seine Mutter Patricia (Blanca Portillo) informiert, die sich auf der Stelle auf den Weg zu ihrem Sohn macht. Only 72 hours to discover the truth. The police identify a possible suspect named Charlie, a man with money troubles and an 8-month pregnant wife. Patricia, seeing the inability of the police to arrest Charlie, contacts her former love interest and Victor's father, Raúl, starting a chain of events, the consequences of which will be out of control. In the police headquarter Víctor explains that he was kidnapped by a strange man when he entered his school. Das Leben der erfolgreichen Anwältin Patricia de Lucas wird schlagartig zum Alptraum, als ihr Sohn Victor spurlos von der Schule verschwindet. In … Als die Polizisten Charlie dennoch gehen lassen müssen, wendet sich Patricia an Victors Vater Raul (José Coronado) und will, dass er Charlie bedroht. And so did my husband, and he is usually picky. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Directed by Mar Targarona. Die Polizei glaubt in Charlie (Andrés Herrera) einen Verdächtigen gefunden zu haben, da der werdende Vater gerade in finanziellen Schwierigkeiten steckt und kein Alibi hat. Starring: Blanca Portillo, Antonio Dechent, Vicente Romero Watch all you want. And I felt that it wasn't predictable. A detective searches for the body of a femme fatale which has gone missing from a morgue. D-68159 Mannheim. Was this review helpful to you? Secuestro Unfortunately I can only say that I enjoyed for the first half hour of this film, but then.. meh. Boy Missing (2016) 16 08/19/2016 (ES) Mystery, Thriller 1h 45m User Score. Two storms separated by 25 years. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Gerade hat es die Rechtsanwältin geschafft, einen wichtigen Mandanten vor Gericht freizuboxen, da erhält sie eine erschütternde Nachricht. Check out our editors' picks for the movies and TV shows we're excited about this month, including the premieres of "Marvel 616," Proxima, and more. And so does this movie. Title: When her boy's alleged kidnapper is released for lack of solid evidence, a reputable and well-known attorney takes matters into her own hands with unintended and … The only scene I did not like is one that suggests animal violence, but don't worry, no animals do actually get hurt, and you can see that in the movie. Zu spät stellt Patricia fest, dass die Polizei sich doch geirrt haben könnte. A successful entrepreneur accused of murder and a witness preparation expert have less than three hours to come up with an impregnable defense., Wildherz - Auf der Reise zu mir selbst (2020), The Booksellers - Aus Liebe zum Buch (2019), Youth Unstoppable - Der Aufstieg der globalen Jugend-Klimabewegung (2018), Madame Corthis und der Tanz ins Glück (2020), Das LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special (2020), Zwischen zwei Leben - The Mountain Between Us (2017), What You Gonna Do When the World's on Fire? When her boy's alleged kidnapper is released for lack of solid evidence, a reputable and well-known attorney takes matters into her own hands with unintended and spectacularly disastrous consequences. Secuestro - Selbstjustiz einer Mutter ist ein Thriller aus dem Jahr 2016 von Mar Targarona mit Antonio Dechent, Vicente Romero und Nausicaa Bonnín. Javier Muñoz, once a successful executive, makes the fateful decision to leave his home, which he and his family can no longer afford. Charlie is unable to explain where he was when Víctor was kidnapped. Shattered by the unexpected news of their irreversible break-up, an aspiring orchestra conductor is puzzled by his girlfriend's mysterious and seemingly inexplicable case of disappearance. The Best TV Shows About Being in Your 30s. It's not exactly award-winning, but I enjoyed it very much. Charlie is unable to explain where he was when Víctor was kidnapped. Use the HTML below. Der Kino-Zeit-Filmwecker schickt Dir eine E-Mail, wenn Boy Missing (2016)