We are always looking for more location identifications, information, snippets, anecdotes or references. For us it was a very exciting day out. Following a short conversation in which Anna learns that Alec is a Doctor, the two part company. Anna finds her husband Graham Jesson (Jack Hedley) at the back of the house. A group of boisterous Lads whistle as Anna passes. Enjoyed your reviews on “Brief Encounter.” I have to admit I have not seen either version. I am going to have to add the David Lean version to my ever growing list of films to watch. This is Shawford station on the South Western Main Line between Winchester and Southampton. Brief Encounter (1945) This much loved 1945 film centres around a woman and man who are both already married, but meet and fall in love in a railway station cafe. The steps down from the up, London bound, platform at Shawford station. Facing west on The Pentice on High Street, Winchester. . DIRECTOR. I was slightly surprised when I heard there had been a Brief Encounter  remake, because the 1940s original (which I reviewed here recently) is such a masterpiece. This is not a classic which will endure and endlessly fascinate as the Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard film has done. the brink’s job. I’m glad to hear that the book is good – I’d like to read it. STARRING. ; Brief Encounter Movie Review are added by registered customers. Peter Bradshaw on Alan Bridges's The Hireling - Blogs - NewsSpotz. The flying buttresses of the Nave wall at Winchester Cathedral. The couple make their way to the harbour. Anna's walk continues across the city. Titles with links have full entries on the site – other unlinked titles listed can be found in the books (The Worldwide Guide to Movie Locations or Movie London).All the titles will eventually have full entries, so check back often. Anna heads back to the station. (PW). The shot pans right with a yacht on the river . For  Richard Burton, brought in as male lead at the last minute after Robert Shaw pulled out, it’s the opposite problem. The Mystery Play continues as Anna and Alec make their way to the station's crowded buffet. Parking the Hillman Estate on the drive, Anna is greeted by her dog. On a sunny day, Anna forgoes work to meet with Alec and the pair drive to the coast. Cathedral Yard in Winchester. (PW). Looking across the River Itchen towards Wolvesey Terrace from The Weirs in Winchester. Mrs. Gaines (Rosemary Leach) hovers outside the Citizens Advice Bureau where Anna volunteers as Grace (Madeleine Hinde) appears at the door and calls to Mrs. Baxter. Sometimes films can be showed equal but it can make some changes to difference from others. As with the glimpses of Joyce Carey’s character in the Lean film, this secondary story seems to partly reflect what is happening to Anna and Alec, though here it isn’t comic relief, but potential tragedy. Paul Joslin advises that although the story involves Winchester Cathedral, in a later scene the Choir of Salisbury Cathedral appears and adds that the sound of Salisbury's bells can be head in the background. The playing fields within the walls of the medieval Wolvesey Castle in Winchester. On the drive home, Anna parks the car in a copse and lights a cigarette as she pauses to think. With her mind on other things, Anna watches her husband playing cricket. One is that the story unfolds straight through, rather than beginning at the end – I suppose because by this time everyone already knows what that ending is. Anna nears the converted mill where Alec Harvey is waiting in a borrowed flat. A collision nearly occurs as Anna changes channels on the radio. And our school was given a cassette recorder as a reward! . In this version, which takes place in New York City around Christmas time we have DeNiro and Streep who are married however, not to each other, and meet continually on a train forming a romantic relationship and just like in “Brief Encounter” the affair is never consummated. Date: 1974 to find Alex and Anna walking along the quayside. We recommend you to buy movies of original DVD & VCD. of Noel Coward’s 1946 movie is a pale shadow in Looking over to platforms 3 and 4 at Brockenhurst station in Hampshire. Hi Neve, It’s a while since I saw this but I did like it more than I expected to, though I certainly agree that Loren’s casting was rather odd. The Butter Cross on High Street in Winchester, Hampshire. Leaving during the performance, Anna talks about her childhood. (The 1990s movie Falling in Love, which I’ve also seen recently and like very much, isn’t really a remake, but a new film loosely inspired by the story. Here she meets a working-class wife and mother, Mrs Gaines (Rosemary Leach, giving possibly the best performance of the movie), who is being ill-treated by her husband,  and tries to help her. Disclaimer. We do not provide paid / free Brief Encounter Movie downloads. 1 hr 43 min. :) I had meant to write about that one too, but my memories are starting to fade so I’d need to watch it again, I think…. Shawford station in Shawford with the attached Station House standing to the right of the booking hall. Winchester station at the corner of Station Road and Station Hill in Winchester, Hampshire. Thanks, Ellen. After meeting in the station buffet on their way home, Anna and Alec walk onto the platform. drama imposed by the social constraints of the time. During another lunch break, Anna and Alec enjoy a walk together. Anna watches Alec walk away before her attention is diverted. She seems to come alive more in the scenes with her quietly domineering husband, played by Jack Hedley, than she ever does with Burton. . Brockenhurst station on the South Western Main Line between Southampton and Bournemouth. The Burton-Loren TV movie was only released here in the States on VHS tape years ago and is long out of print. Director Alan Bridges has also made many TV costume dramas, including BBC adaptations of classics dating back to the 1960s, and at least  two movie period dramas which I loved, The Return of the Soldier, based on the Rebecca West novel, and The Shooting Party, from Isabel Colegate’s novel, so he does have a real love for material which looks back to the past. Location(s): Hampshire. Good to hear that this is now available on iTunes – I definitely think it is worth watching and would like to see it again. Shawford station on Shawford Road in Shawford, Hampshire. There’s now a Brief Encounter exhibition dedicated to the film and the actors. brokeback mountain. The Pentice, a row of mainly 16th century buildings on High Street. It’s interesting to know about. The lawn to the south of Winchester Cathedral which is seen in 'Stranger in the House'. Nor does the moment when he pleads with her to start a new life with him, saying: “We’re still young.” However, great actor that he was, he does bring a desperate, smouldering quality to the role at times, and is good in the many scenes where he is called on to be unhappy. TV-14. If you have any information regarding this film, any of the stills, or even better, some NOW shots please contact us. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Burton was cast at the last moment, after Robert Shaw dropped out. Le film a fait l'objet d'une adaptation au théâtre lyrique : l'opéra "Brief Encounter", musique d'André Previn, livret de John Caird, créé en mai 2009 au Grand Opera de Houston. Director: Alan Bridges I like Richard Burton and Sophia Loren, but this version It has a couple of best actors. This movie is a little slow. The pillar and call boxes at Winchester station have since been repositioned. ; We do not offer to watch Brief Encounter movie online. The is Shawford Road with the bridge in the right background carrying the railway line. brief encounter. Reversing to turn the car, Anna drives from the station car park. All material Copyright ©2015 The Worldwide Guide To Movie Locations, document.write("This page was last updated on " +document.lastModified+ ""). brighton rock (1947) brighton rock (2010) bring me the head of alfredo garcia. The buffet at Brockenhurst station . Taking her lunch break, Anna looks up when Alec says hello. The grounds of Wolvesey Castle in Winchester. Before crossing to catch his train, Alec suggests that the two meet again near the Cathedral. Pingback: Peter Bradshaw on Alan Bridges's The Hireling - Blogs - NewsSpotz, Really hard to know why they bothered with it isn’t it? At the G.P. . broadway danny rose. The trains and stations are still important, but not as central as they were in the original. Alec declares that he and Anna have fallen in love. The railway station scenes were filmed in Carnforth in Lancashire, but filming also took place at Middle Fell Bridge, which crosses Langdale Beck in the Lake District. After making a phone call to her home help Elsa, Anna makes her way to meet with Alec. The main problem for me is the casting of the two leads. I’m reading _English Heritage, English Cinema_, a really intelligent look at costume drama focusing on the 80s and 90s. I know what you mean about ever-growing lists of movies to watch. Celia Johnson fut nommée pour l’Oscar de la meilleure actrice en 1947. Their version of Brief Encounter has a costume drama feeling to it, although it is in the present day, beautifully shot in the green landscapes in and around Winchester and the New Forest. Will hope to get hold of it. I actually think it makes sense that they made a slight twist in the 74 remake with Lauren as the lead role, as she is now in it as an Italian married to an Englishman. . When his Alec's friend Stephen returns home, Anna leaves the flat alone. ; Free wallpapers download of Brief Encounter movie, hero, heroine, etc is available in … Sophia Loren’s beautiful face is so heavily made-up that it seems like an expressionless mask – she doesn’t have  the emotion and sensitivity that make Celia Johnson’s portrayal so remarkable in the original, and it doesn’t help that in this version there is no voiceover. There is a 1984 movie called “Falling in Love” with Robert DeNiro and Meryl Streep that either pays homage or rips off “Brief Encounter”, depending on your outlook. Looking across Cathedral Yard to the backs of buildings on The Square. After Alec Harvey kindly removes dust from her eye before she catches her train, Anna arrives at her local station. . The 70s are part of the purview though — and landscape and milieu count. The David Lean version is a great movie, I hope you get to see it. A new station footbridge now passes overhead. bronenosets potyomkin (battleship potemkin) brothers in law. The material was previously adapted for the 1945 film Brief Encounter. Looking much older than his actual age of 49, he seems too haggard and weary for the role of Alec, and the  initial jokey flirtation, unfolding during picnics and boat rides with Anna (Loren), doesn’t convince. By  this time his drink problem and the famous turmoil in his personal life were written all too clearly in his face. Feeling a chill, Anna moves into the buffet after Alec catches his train. With the affair over, Anna stands on the platform at Winchester station. The rear of properties in Cathedral Yard that front The Square, Winchester. Romance. Instead of going to restaurants and movies in dark buildings, the couple largely stay outdoors, eating picnics and going to a mystery play outside Winchester Cathedral, where the red dragon takes on something of the significance of the “Flames of Passion” movie in the original. Facing north-east on platform 2 at Brockenhurst station off Lymington Road, Brockenhurst in Hampshire. This is another reason why Burton falls head over heels in love with her, from the chance 2nd meeting by the church where Lauren is eating her Prosciutto lunch… Is the information and enjoyment enough to donate £10 towards our running costs. About half an hour into Brief Encounter, I began to wonder why it was acclaimed as a great film. britannia hospital. . Then I did a little research and discovered I was watching the wrong Brief Encounter. Leaving the station, Anna walks over to her car. Cathedral Yard to the north of Winchester Cathedral. Brief Encounter (1974) Date: 1974 Director: Alan Bridges Production Company: Transcontinental Film Productions (London), Carlo Ponti Cinematografica, Cecil Clarke Productions Stars: Sophia Loren, Richard Burton, Jack Hedley, Rosemary Leach Location(s): Hampshire