Berglund's "Whiteout" (2006).
There is enmity with both the Elder God Nodens and the Great Old One Gi-Hoveg.
Strange creatures, weird science, and shadowy cults dominate the Cthulhu Mythos, intent on realizing mad schemes to bring about the end of everything.
Introduced in Dylan Dog Issue 374,[77] In the plot the entity has clear features of an Outer God rather a Great Old One as well as an appearance vaguely resembling that of Yog-Sothoth and is invoked by a deranged prophet with words in Naacal or R'lyehan language almost coinciding with those featuring in Cthulhu's invocation, with R'lyeh replaced with Z'lyeh. A towering greenish trunk with a "crown" of tentacles, a row of multiple eyes, and a series of additional lateral grasping appendages. Named after the Greek Goddess of Truth, it manifests as vast spiral of manifold titanic hands with a single cycloptic eye in each palm as in the Hamsa and kilometric wire-like protrusions able to ensnare living beings replacing their spinal bone in puppet-like fashion.
She usually conceals her true form behind a powerful illusion, appearing as a comely young woman; only favored members of her cult can see her as she actually is.
Nodens ("Lord of the Great Abyss") appears as a human male riding a huge seashell pulled by legendary beasts.
It is part of the Great Old Ones.
Nyarlathotep, the "Crawling Chaos", is the avatar of the Outer Gods, existing as the incarnation of space and functions as an intermediary between the deities of the pantheon and their cults. A destructive entity manifesting as a ravenous metallic vortex.
Azathoth also shifts in his slumber, causing reality to change.
A cosmic-entity manifesting as a gigantic, spongy, and fleshy mass covered in a myriad of both eyes and spines. Y’golonac is a fictional deity and is part of the Cthulhu Mythos.
Mormo appears in many forms, but three are most common: as a mocking vampiric maiden, as a tentacle-haired. Bast (Goddess of Cats or Pasht) appears as a female human with a cat's head. The brainchild of famed 1920s author, HP Lovecraft, these symbols depicted different gods, creatures, and other flights of fantasies created by Lovecraft in his rich literary world.
It drags up the continent it is summoned in, and causes the entire world to suddenly cave-in on itself. Azathoth is completely unaware of anything going on in the dream; hence his title.
A mysterious entity related to zoomorphic, Worshiped as a deity in a lost continent located in the southern.
A Great Old One from HP Lovecraft inspired Chthulu Mythos the Atlach-Nacha is known as a spider god.
Although not an actual Outer God as such, its form and astounding powers defy standard classification. An invisible wolf-like fiend similar to Fenrir of Norse mythology (if not coincident). Appears as a mutagenic, glowing, foul-smelling mist or fluid that mutates all organisms around it while slowly consuming their life-force. Y'golonac ist ein Großer Alter und der Gott der Perversionen und der Verdorbenheit, welche er aber auch bei seinen Anhängern und Opfern auslöst.
Swedish artist Karbunkl is the creator of the. Apparently, Xexanoth is the bane and mortal enemy of the time god Aforgomon and, because of Aforgomon likely being an avatar of the Outer God Yog-Sothoth, is probably an Elder or Outer God.
Instead, humanity itself was seen as insignificant.
Appears as a huge, furry, almost humanoid, A mysterious subterranean horror, dwelling deep within the flooded caves of, A fungine entity with both tentacles and tendrils, which haunts the swamplands of, A sadistic entity trapped by the Elder Gods in a remote dimension of the Space-Time continuum, and appearing as a 4-m tall, A huge faceless creature with various appendages sprouting from its head, a beard of oozing horns, many reddish teats, and. The Eldersign provides a form of protection for the Great Ones or the Old Ones. Suc'Naath is one of the mindless gods which twist and dance in the court of Azathoth.
Xa'ligha (Master of the Twisted Sound or Demon of Dissonance) is an entity made of maddening sound, somehow similar to Tru'Nembra. Y'golonac redet besonders auf Wesen ein, die verbotene, schwarzmagische oder perverse Literatur gelesen haben, um sie dann unter seine Kontrolle zu bringen. Known as the god of perversion and depravity, this extends across all human endeavors, any kind of depravity and perversion that can be conceived. He was created by Ramsey Campbell, first appearing in the short story " Cold Print ". Tru'nembra (The Angel of Music) is the name given in Malleus Monstrorum Call of Cthulhu roleplay game guide to the entity described in H. P. Lovecraft's novel "The Music of Eric Zahn". Appears as a black slimy mass covered in eyes and mouths, much like a. Revered as a god of the dead and reanimated the deceased to sustain itself on their life force. Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Cxaxukluth (Androgynous Offspring of Azathoth) is one of the Seed-Spawn of Azathoth, grown to adulthood and monstrous proportions. That includes items directly inspired by Lovecraft's writing, DIY information for creating your own works, printable paper props, and source materials related to the 1920's and 30's, the "classic era" of the Cthulhu Mythos.
He spawned by fission the Great Old One (or the avatar of his) ‘Ymnar, and his nemesis is the Elder God Paighon.
He coined the idea of cosmic horror, a concept that stated that the universe and its working were beyond any sort of human comprehension.
Members of Yidhra's cult can gain immortality by merging with her, though they become somewhat like Yidhra as a consequence. In letters, Lovecraft drew the sign as a six-pointed “branch.” It is also depicted as a five-pointed star with distorted edges.
Bubbles burst on the surface to reveal hate-filled eyes, and slobbering mouths form or close randomly about his horrible body.
She is Cthulhu's sister and mate, who bore him the twin daughters Nctosa and Nctolhu.
It gives birth to countless stories, novels, movies, tabletop and video games, since the original publication of H.P.
A goat-like fiendish horror with bat wings and multiple horns, mentioned as the brother of Shub-Niggurath.
The Mi-Go discovered the prison of Azhorra-Tha the millennia after, and made everything to not reveal its location to any human being. This entity, regarded as a "Lovecraftian God", is introduced in, Like Thog, Xotli appears not officially related as Great Old One, though introduced in a, This Great Old One is introduced in French, This entity is supposed to coincide with the vicious giant, This entity is introduced in "Eyes Between the Worlds", roleplay game scenario featuring in Kevin T. McKinnon and Dylan K. Sharpe's Call of Cthulhu RPG monograph "Tales of Dread and Wonder #1", This entity is a creation of TOC website (, This entity is introduced in "Full de Drames," a French "Call of Cthulhu"-type role-play game scenario available at, This entity is introduced in "Le Regard Dans L'Abime", a French "Call of Cthulhu" -type role-play game scenario available at, This entity is introduced in French's "Call of Cthulhu" scenario available at. Da sein Sadismus, seine Perversionen und seine Grausamkeiten alle irdischen Maßstäbe bei Weitem sprengen, gilt er bei den anderen Großen Alten auch als der "Schänder".
Originating from Saturn, it is primarily a cave-dwelling creature that lives in beneath Mount Voormithadreth, in the now extinct Arctic kingdom of Hyperborea.
An eyeless alien humanoid entity, massively overgrown with both strange flesh and machinery. Described as a large, amorphous, exceptionally hideous being, Ghatanothoa is part of the Chuthlu Mythos.
Those who serve her are also promised plentiful harvests and healthy livestock. Azathoth, sometimes referred to as the "Blind Idiot God", is a dreaming monster whose dream is where the universe resides.
Not much information is present about the Widow of the Woods, except for in Helen Dubois’ diary. He is revered as the. Influenced by World War I, Lovecraft’s story centered on a central theme: the horrors man inflicts on others. Another Brian Lumley deity.
It is distinguishable in darkness only as vaguely shimmering oily pitch.
The Lovecraftian Font comes together with a family of 16 symbols from Lovecraft Cthulhu Mythos creatures.
Robert M. Price, "H.P. A monstrous entity manifesting as a horrible patchwork of flesh, soil, and alien matter. A bluish-brown, slimy monstrosity riddled with holes, and an occasional malformed head. Hastur is part of the Great Old Ones, and is the half-brother of the Cthulhu. A vaporous red entity haunting the rainforest of. Columbus has an iconic status among many fans of Call of Cthulhu H.P.
A towering mass of crystals, residing on the lightless planet Mthura. Also known as the Unspeakable, Hastur is a deity part of the the Cthulhu mythos.
A cult figure, Lovecraft took a different approach to science fiction and horror.
According to the genealogy Lovecraft devised for his characters (later published as "Letter 617" in Selected Letters), Yog-Sothoth is the offspring of the Nameless Mists, which were born of the deity Azathoth. Its shape suggests a plump, huge-breasted, faceless female figure. Known as Yama, king of demons, in Tibet. Having a close connection to the Great Old One Bugg-Shash,[85] so should Yibb-Tstll be regarded as a Great Old One - specifically in the Drowners group introduced by Brian Lumley, parasitic alien entities which thrive by vampyrizing the Great Old Ones themselves[86] - though in RPG materials she is classed as an "Outer God".[87]. Miivls and Vn'Vulot, are said to have fought each other in southern Gondwanaland during the Cretaceous period, whereas Rynvyk, regarded as one of the mates of Cthulhu's sister Kassogtha, likely matches with Cthulhu itself or a similar entity. Y’golonac is a fictional deity and is part of the Cthulhu Mythos.
“Amorphous, toad-like god-creature mentioned in the Pnakotic Manuscripts and the Necronomicon and the Commoriom myth-cycle preserved by the Atlantean high-priest Klarkash-Ton” – H.P. First appearing in Lovecraft's 1920 prose poem of the same name, he was later mentioned in other works by Lovecraft and by other writers and in the tabletop role-playing games making use of the Cthulhu Mythos. Each year after the slaughter, the water would ripple throughout the lake.
Appears as a great shining ball of energy. Once close, an eye of flame forms within. There is not as much known about this entity, but it is described as having ugly dark blotches all over its bodt and spouting great arcs of spinning flames. A twisting tentacled mass, with a single alien face somewhere in the center of the slimy squirming mass.