An in-person vote will override and invalidate any absentee ballot received by the Board. Employees are allowed to take off up to 3 hours of work, without loss of pay, to allow for time to vote. To be valid, both the completed application and ballot envelope, which contains only the completed ballot, must be delivered to your BOE Borough Office by 9 PM on Election Day. Common browsers are included in this page; mention of a specific browser does not imply endorsement or recommendation. LWV volunteers work year-round to register new voters, host community forums and debates, and provide voters with election information they need. Bringing it to an early voting poll site between October 24th and November 1st. Information on local, state and federal candidates and ballot measures may be available here. Because Cuomo signed the law Aug. 20, those who applied under the "temporary illness" box prior to then will need to reapply. Please consider supporting our efforts with a subscription to the New York publication nearest you. You can look up the Council District for your address using the Poll Site Locator. Note that not all Early Voting sites will be available for ballot drop off on Election Day. Imagecast: the most accessible machine - audio and tactile interfaces, voters can listen to the options over headphones or view an LCD screen with an image of the ballot that can be adjusted for size and contrast. ***The Accessible Absentee Ballot Application Portal is closed as the deadline to apply electronically has passed. You can return your absentee ballot request form through the mail or in person. Poll sites allow voters with disabilities to go to the front of the line. The Postal Service recommends mailing your ballot at least 7 days before Election Day to ensure it is received on time. We cover the stories from the New York State Capitol and across New York that matter most to you and your family. The mail-in ballots were tossed out for arriving late, lacking a postmark or failing to include a voter’s signature or other defects. In NYC, voters must go to early voting poll site based on their address. If you are returning your absentee ballot at a polling location you do not need to stand in line. External web sites operate at the direction of their respective owners who should be contacted directly with questions regarding the content of these sites. "People talk about drop boxes, basically set up a substitute U.S. “Ballots can be dropped off at your county BOE Office starting now, at Early Voting sites from Oct 24-Nov 1, & at polling sites on Election Day.”. It also shows an image of the green Statue of Liberty wearing a blue mask accompanied by the election board’s red-white-and blue “Vote NYC” logo. Early voting begins 10 days before the election and continues through two days before the election (not voting the day before Election Day). The Board of Elections is required to check the poll book before canvassing any absentee ballot. To register to vote you must have either a verifiable state driver's license number or the last four digits of your Social Security number. ES&S DS200: a portable electronic voting system that uses an optical scanner to read marked paper ballots and tally the results. Even if you request or cast and return an absentee ballot, you may still go to the polls and vote in person. In order to be a poll worker in New York: To sign up visit your state's resource or contact your local board of elections. November 2, 2020 is the last day to request an absentee ballot in-person. You must deliver your ballot no later than 9 PM on Election Day. Bringing it to a poll site on November 3rd by 9pm. Watch: Cuomo explains where to take your absentee ballot. You can drop off your completed absentee ballot and envelope in absentee ballot boxes at any BOE Office, Early Voting site, or Election Day site. Many of these errors or problems are curable by means of filing a cure statement with your board of elections. Sitemap Worried about the USPS? You can complete and submit the ballot at your poll site. Unable to appear at the polls due to temporary or permanent illness or disability (temporary illness includes being unable to appear due to risk of contracting or spreading a communicable disease like COVID-19). The sample ballot is for reference and isn't valid for casting a vote. ©2020 League of Women Voters Education Fund. The state's early voting runs from October 24 through Nov. 1. No need to wait. If you have additional questions about elections and voting overseas you can use our state specific elections official directory or contact the Overseas Vote Foundation. You may apply in-person up to the day before the election (November 2, 2020). (This envelope will have the return address of your county Board of Elections on the outside and should have a logo that reads, âOfficial Election Mailâ). Andrew Cuomo this month issued an executive order that requires local election boards to allow voters to drop off completed absentee ballots at a board office, an early voting location or an Election Day voting location. Even if you request or cast and return an absentee ballot, you may still go to the polls and vote in person. If the voter comes to the poll site, on Election Day or during early voting and votes in person, the absentee ballot is set aside and not counted. In order to curb the spread of COVID-19 Cuomo signed an order allowing voters to submit a mail-in ballot. Ballots with a postmark on or before Election Day will be counted if received by Nov. 10. Drop it off at an early voting poll site between October 24 and November 1. You can attend voter awareness events in your community. Now they have more places to drop off the completed ballots. You Can Still Vote in Person if You Request an Absentee Ballot. You must also register again. Menu > Zoom > +, In the View menu, select Zoom. If the voter comes to the poll site, on Election Day or during early voting and votes in person, the absentee ballot is set aside and not counted. Voting Rights for People with Criminal Records. You may contact the candidate's campaign office to make a complaint about the candidate, campaign workers, or the use of campaign tactics, such as robo-calls, direct mail, or television ads. To check your voter registration status or learn how to register to vote, visit the Voter Registration page.