In addition to the weapons and/or armor you have rolled, each character gets a satchel equivalent to half a backpack and three rolls on the following chart. It was originally a homemade product billed as 'Supplement V' for Dungeons and Dragons (with rules modifications) but has been recently been republished at a greatly-expanded page count for the Lamentations of the Flame Princess ruleset (including the previously released … The Carcosa Sorcerer is a bit different than the usual LotFP or D&D-style Magic-User. Some number of Purple Men, sacrificed by means of some sort of poison, can bind an entity known as the Foul Putrescence to a Sorcerer’s bidding. They're not helpful, though, and only serve to make the world more confusing and scarier.We're not going to have that here. The Red Republic: A Romance of the Commune, This is admittedly low probability, so I won’t go into deep detail, but refer to your ability scores in Charisma, Intelligence, and Wisdom, and roll on the following table if any one of them is equal to or higher than 15. RPGnet hive mind, what would be some cool encounters for Carcosa? Appearances Otherwise: If you are psionic… lucky you! And it’s a mess– pod/cylinders like the one you’ve just climbed out of are scattered around the room, which seems to be a ransacked storage area of some sort– approximately 30 feet wide, and 80 feet long. It is said that ageless servitors known as “Diseased Guardians” may be summoned by certain rituals performed underground. Sixth, check for Psionic ability! Or don’t! Very often, this is a dangerous and disastrous endeavor for the 1st level Sorcerer and their companions, so use caution! Lamentations of the Flame Princess and LotFP are trademarks owned by James Edward Raggi IV. This does not otherwise dictate your character’s behavior or moral sense— Lawful and Chaotic characters frequently cooperate with one another, so it does not simply mean “Good, Evil, and Indifferent.” It won’t come up in most mundane situations– Chaotic characters live in Lawful settlements all the time without persecution, and vice versa. These rituals are usually lengthy affairs, all except banishments require ghastly human sacrifice(s), and often require days or hours of chanting and preparation, as well as esoteric and exotic ingredients, or pilgrimages to special locations. Product Code: LFP0010 Carcosa is a term found in many works of fiction such as those written by Ambrose Bierce and Robert W. Chambers, who is probably mostly associated with the name. Also included are several new monsters, items both sorcelogical and technological, a couple new lotus powders to snort, and some... FULL DISCLOSURE: I received a free copy of Carcosa in exchange for writing this review. Carcosa assumes a gold piece standard for treasure and experience. Black stars rise in its firmament in what appears to be a binary solar system. For your initial equipment, pick a column below to roll d12 on. RPG novices are welcome; it might be helpful if you have some dice, but you don’t need to especially “know the rules;” you can learn as we go. It's the home of Hastur, who resides in the monstrous Lake of Hali. This dictates your “relationship” with the Old Ones. Contains explicit descriptions and illustrations of vile black magic and violence WEIRD SCIEN SUBJECT: Operation MIDNIGHT SUNDANCE Your character is one of a small gang of amnesiacs (your fellow players) who were apparently abducted by aliens. Len Lakofka, one of the earliest and most influential contributors to Dungeons and Dragons, has passed. Thanks to Shannon Appelcline for providing historical information regarding his life. Regarding the COV-19 virus and its effects:Things are frustrating, and confusing, and scary. In a technological universe, societies without industrial capability generally suffer as nearly all manufactured and high tech goods must be brought in at significant cost. It's the home of Hastur, who resides in the monstrous Lake of Hali. Then I stumbled upon Carcosa and it sounds like exactly what I need! This governmental structure can be stable over long periods of time if the population remains small or geographically separated. • In a recent Tangency thread criticising James Desborough some users were... Well, there's a lot of anger over this OD&D setting, but at the same time, it sounds rather interesting to play if you don't mind a lack of casters and some pretty nauseating (in a good way-as in "wow, what they did is bad" rather than "wow, the setting is bad"). [Delta Green] Help me make a KoY-related scenario! Carcosa is a term found in many works of fiction such as those written by Ambrose Bierce and Robert W. Chambers, who is probably mostly associated with the name. ISBN: 978-952-5904-26-0 After all, only the insane would ever want to become a sorcerer…. (I can start later, but not earlier, due to Family Time). Your companions begin to rummage through the containers and toppled shelving of the room, salvaging equipment, donning clothing, and arming themselves. Whatever it was, it’s clearly dead now, a fact which brings you some small sliver of satisfaction. Space Alien rifle and Power Cell with 2d20 charges, 11. There’s 13 colors (three that don’t exist on Earth! FROM: When the light from Carcosa's star shines on another world's night sky, Hastur's power increases on that world. It seems opportunity has struck– you are free, after how long? And where are you? Third, choose a class: Fighter, Sorcerer, or Specialist. Carcosa is a place associated with the Cthulhu Mythos but, curiously, its origin does not go back to the Lovecraft circle, despite the fact that its members contributed to popularize it. You can help the. Note that there is little point to making a skill higher than +5. You cannot remember details beyond dim memories of being restrained, of horror, and of rage. You don’t cast spells, but instead can learn and cast rituals to summon, bind, compel, or banish extra-dimensional entities. You know that part where a confused, goo-covered Neo wakes up in a pod, hooked up to some weird sci-fi machinery? ), so if you, like me, don’t have a d13 around the house, shuffle a deck of standard playing cards and draw a card to determine your character’s Color. Jim Stutz's Summary: You may switch any two scores. No biggee. players. Space Alien pistol and Power Cell with d100 charges. It’s probably “too quick” compared to the other Carcosan rituals, but to keep things interesting, the Sorcerer must spend two rounds of stationary chanting and somatic invocation (“hand waving”) to cast the spell, which will “go off” at the end of the Sorcerer’s second turn, if she is not otherwise interrupted. Carcosa is a science-fantasy role-playing game setting with a sandbox approach: whether heroic or opportune, adventurers of all stripes will find freedom and consequence worth their mettle in a horrifying milieu mixing adventure fantasy, the Mythos, and comic book sci-fi with no punches pulled. Unlike the other rituals, Summon attempts to contact and compel literally any random entity that may heed the call. This is a world-system under construction and is currently being input-programmed into the Traveller RPG Wiki. At which time he will consume and absorb Carcosa and its inhabitants. And we swear to God, if anyone comes in here and starts spouting off QAnon bullshit about COVID-19 or literally anything else, you are going to get permabanned so thoroughly that your grandchildren won't be allowed to post here. Fighters only: You also have a 1 in 6 chance of having a cool Helmet, like with horns or batwings or something like that. Or, if you want to be fast & loose about it, just roll d100– if you get a 1 or 2%, you have Psionic ability! Fifth, choose your alignment: Law, Neutral, or Chaos. Basically, I’ll run things as close to “by the book,” but probably gloss over the more salacious stuff (if applicable) to keep things PG-13, and it’ll probably be way more action/adventure than horror/suspense. Roll d6 each on any two of the columns on the chart. SENT: Wednesday, September 8, 1999 12:04 a.m. Carcosa - Warning: For Adults Only! You begin to do likewise. From Traveller Wiki - Science-Fiction Adventure in the Far future,, Articles at intermediate completion state, This article is missing content for one or more detailed sections. 1 Location 2 Description 3 Flora and fauna 4 Pathfinder 5 External links 6 Gallery Carcosa is an extraterrestrial city located next to the foggy Hali Lake and the city of Alar. You get some extra powers to fiddle with– check in with me for details at the first session. Carcosa is compatible with Lamentations of the Flame Princess Weird Fantasy Role-Playing game and other old school fantasy adventure games. So, after recent events some people have been thinking of not buying Mongoose products! So was the way he came to Lovecraft, using these concepts in his work The Whisperer in Darkness. Carcosa is a science-fantasy role-playing game setting with a sandbox approach: whether heroic or opportune, adventurers of all stripes will find freedom and consequence worth their mettle in a horrifying milieu mixing adventure fantasy, the Mythos, and comic book sci-fi with no punches pulled. It is equal parts horror, science-fiction, and swords & sorcery. The city of Carcosa has its origin in the story An inhabitant of Carcosa by Ambrose Bierce, published on December 25, 1886 in the San Francisco Newsletter. The H.P. Also, the only weapon you can safely hold and still cast rituals with is a dagger. The Violet Mist may be cowed to the Sorcerer’s will by binding a sacrifice to a certain desert altar somewhere… but the Violet Mist must first be imprisoned in a place called the “Angled Labyrinth” for the ritual to be effective.