In fact, if you have gone through the same experience and looking for a natural alternative then you might want to try coconut water. Coconut water is loaded with vitamins and minerals. 1. Use it whenever you shampoo your hair. Vitamins and minerals in coconut water such as vitamin K, iron, calcium and potassium can help improve blood circulation for longer and denser strands. In fact, native Hawaiins lovingly refer to it as “Noelani”, or “mist of the heavens.” And while it grew to worldwide fame circa 2009, selling out the shelves of Whole Foods and other trendy health stores with its massive popularity, the natives of the tropics have known of its hydration potential for thousands of years. Coconut tree is known as ‘Kalpa-Vriksha’ in Sanskrit, which means the tree that fulfills all the wishes. List of Best Multani Mitti Face Pack available in India – Summer is one of the ... Kiran born and brought up in Mumbai is the founder of After discussing the major benefits of coconut water for skin and hair, lets now find out how it is beneficial for our health. Vitamin K and iron help carry oxygen to the scalp, stimulating cell growth for stronger hair. Log in. It can even gets rid of light makeup. Apply fresh coconut water all over the face and neck and keep it on for 15-20 minutes. Vitamin C, a main component of coconut water, fights off dark spots and circles for a more radiant glow. Post-Lockdown Skin Care: 15 Foods To Include In Your Diet For A Healthy Skin 5 Vitamin E-Rich Foods For Healthy Skin … multitude of benefits for your skin, hair, and overall health. Why so? The main nutrient which is found in coconut water is potassium. Studies have suggested that coconut water helps in reducing the amount of crystals in the kidneys. It further slows down signs of aging with its composition of calcium and proteins that smooth and repair the skin. The lauric acid strengthens the hair from its roots, fortifying the strands for thicker and more voluminous looking locks. It contains good amount of fiber, which is why it is considered good for our digestive system. The lactic acid content of yogurt exfoliates the skin and smoothens skin texture by getting rid of wrinkles and fine lines. It has anti microbial and anti fungal properties that work together to reduce the risk of acne. The name is given because almost all the parts of a coconut tree are very useful, be it the fruit or the leaves. How to use coconut water to avoid skin aging. Also it has high amount of vitamin C. These qualities of coconut water make it one of the best natural remedy to treat sun damage. Coconut water works as a natural cleanser for our skin. Wait for an hour and use a mild shampoo to remove it all. It is a plant based hormone that promotes healthy cell growth and thus, reduces the appearances of wrinkles and fine lines. The reason being it reduces the total cholesterol triglyceride levels and LDL cholesterol. Enter your email address to subscribe to this website and receive notifications of new article/posts by email. Tips For Every Girl’s Summer Capsule Wardrobe, Types Of Lace (Find The Best Lace For Dress), Types of Shirt Collars – Choose Collar For Your Face Shape. It also contains magnesium, which is one of the essential nutrients required to maintain bone strength and density. Take 2-3 tbsp coconut water and add few drops of lemon juice and honey. How to use coconut water to reduce dandruff. Washing with coconut water not only removes dirt and impurities for smaller looking pores, but applying it topically also benefits the skin in several other ways. Add one tbsp multani mitti to one and half tbsp coconut water. Coconut water also contains fiber that can fulfill 9% of the daily fiber requirement by our body. Apply coconut water directly on the affected part of the skin. One of the most notable benefits of coconut water is its ability to treat sun damage. Coconut water is not a fancy drink. Coconut water is not only helping your skin or hairs to glow but will also give many health benefits in general. Make a concoction by adding one tsp honey to half cup of coconut water. How to use coconut water to boost hair growth. Wash off with cold water and then re-apply every alternate day to keep the skin soft, supple and glowing. Make a hair mask by combining two tbsp coconut water and one tbsp yogurt. SRI was founded on the belief of living life with strong moral character, and that character is continually refined and developed through conscious action. Coconut water is low in fat as well as low-carb drink. Many of us do not know it but coconut water is an effective home remedy to remove acne. You can also add a tsp apple cider vinegar. Coconut water has anti oxidant properties. Here comes another surprising benefits of coconut water. Kidney stones is a serious health problem. It hydrates and moisturizes the skin beautifully. Coconut water’s long list of vitamins and minerals is known for its ability to help maintain a healthy lifestyle. Surprisingly, coconut water has been consumed for centuries by those living in the tropical part of the world, but it was not before few years ago when the rest of the world started recognizing its value. Make it a paste and then apply all over the face. It is alkalizing in nature which also helps in neutralizing the acidity and restore the natural pH balance of the body. Mix fullers earth with coconut water and apply it all over the skin. Coconut water is a great natural remedy to improve our digestion. Proper blood circulation improves the hair density and strengthens the hair follicles. Washing with coconut water not only removes dirt and impurities for smaller looking pores, but applying it topically also benefits the skin in several other ways. Before bed, soak a washcloth in coconut water. Rinse off with cold water and repeat daily to feel the difference. Honey also has anti bacterial and anti inflammatory properties that come handy to reduce acne. You can also add few drops of lemon juice to coconut water and use this mixture to remove dirt and brighten up complexion. Required fields are marked *. Coconut water is the clear liquid found inside a young and green coconut, ideally 5-7 months old. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Repeat every alternate day for faster results. Topical application of coconut water also provides nourishment to the hair roots and shafts. Use this diluted coconut water as your final hair rinse. Remove it with a wet towel. Here you’ll learn about benefits of coconut water for skin whitening and how to use it. Coconut milk, also known as Nariyal ka Doodh in Hindi, is often considered a 'miracle liquid'. It is important to calm down the skin after bleaching to minimize the damages. Also coconut water has anti fungal and anti bacterial properties which keep the scalp healthy and also remove all the hindrances towards healthy hair growth, such as dandruff, lice etc. Furthermore, coconut water also contains about 40 milligrams of Sodium and some amount of copper, calcium, zinc, iron and magnesium. Leave it in for few hours or overnight for even better result. Coconut oil is highly moisturizing, making it a popular ingredient in natural lotions and body butters. She started JAM Infotech online Pvt Ltd in 2016. Also mix it with rose water and use as your face toner. Wash off with luke warm water and reapply twice in a week. If your skin responds well to coconut water, you will be left with smoother, more even skin. Studies have found that, coconut water is the perfect beverage to replenish electrolytes lost during a work out session. As an anti-inflammatory and detoxifier, coconut water fights off acne with its antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties. If she’s not writing or researching what’s new in the hair and skin care game, you can find her at home mixing up some DIY face masks and other various beauty brews. How to use coconut water to boost our complexion. © 2020 Skin Research Institute, 2425 Olympic Santa Monica, CA, • Maintaining hydration with electrolyte replacement, • Lowering blood pressure and cholesterol for improved heart health, • Reducing gastrointestinal issues such as nausea and diarrhea, • Maintaining neutral pH levels in the body, • Fighting free radicals that cause kidney stone production. And for a coconut oil that always stays in liquid form, check out the fractionated coconut oil in my shop! According to studies, coconut water contains a high amount of vitamin C. As we already know, vitamin C is highly beneficial for skin brightening.