There are four different Herods in the New Testament as well as Herod Philip II, who is referred to as Philip the tetrarch in the New Testament. Fix that problem! Herod I came to be known as Herod the Great and was also called King of the Jews. The oration by which he sought to persuade the Jews against the rebellion is a masterpiece of its kind and became historical (BJ, II, xvi). Politics is the art of the possible. This led to further imperial favors and further extension of his territory, Judea and Samaria being added to his domain, 40 AD. The entire family history is one of incessant brawls, suspicion, intrigue arid shocking immorality. Herod, one of the greatest and most controversial kings of Judea, was born in the year 73/72 B.C.E. 1915. John the Baptist was brought into his life through an open rebuke of his gross immorality and defiance of the laws of Moses (Leviticus 18:16), and paid for his courage with his life (Matthew 14:10; Ant, XVIII, v, 2). ( Log Out / Of his marriage with Doris and of her son, Antipater, he reaped only misery, the son, as stated above, ultimately falling a victim to his father's wrath, when the crown, for which he plotted, was practically within his grasp. Immediately after his fathers elevation when only fifteen years old, he received the government of Galilee and shortly afterward that of Coele-Syria. Herodias voluntarily shared his punishment, and he died in exile. Orr, James, M.A., D.D. ; Mark 6:17 ff. They were a bitter offense to the rest of the nation, but were associated with the Pharisees and Sadducees in their opposition to Christ (Matthew 22:16; Mark 3:6; 12:13). The Arabians were wholly crushed, and submitted themselves unconditionally under the power of Herod (Ant., XV, v, 5). He was excluded from all share in his fathers possessions in consequence of his mothers treachery, and lived afterward in a private station. The Jews, loyal to the dynasty of the Maccabees, accused Herod before the Roman court, but he was summarily acquitted by Antony. However Scripture uses leaven as an illustration of sin and not as a ‘code’ for sin, because this aspect of leaven is also used in a good manner to illustrate the spread of the kingdom of heaven Mat 13:33 and Lk 13:21. Leaven has a dramatic and radical effect upon dough to change its whole appearance and substance, so that the loaf is full of hot air, and it has an appearance of having more substance than it has in reality. 1. it is grammatically wrong because it turns the sentence round. Given the line of thought perhaps Jesus is saying there will be the three measures of flour (good) mixed with the leaven (bad) in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth? In this final spasm of the dying Asmonean house, Antigonus took Jerusalem by storm, and Phasael, Herod's oldest brother, fell into his hands. If we are a believer we know that often the facts lie. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. “If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. I have printed a copy of it . Antipater had great ambitions for his son. to a family of Idumean converts. molly, I am glad to be of assistance. As the waters of Callirhoe were unable to cleanse his corrupting body, those of time were unable to wash away the stains of a tyrant's name. There is a second idea in leaven. At that time Herod the tetrarch—Herod Antipas, one of the three sons of Herod the Great, and own brother of Archelaus (Mt 2:22), who ruled as ethnarch over Galilee and Perea. Salem Media Group. Donate Now. There is good reason to beware of it. Four years later (52 AD), Claudius extended the dominion of Agrippa by giving him the old "tetrarchies" of Philip and Lysanias. The second of these sons raised the family to its highest pinnacle of power and glory. HEROD PHILIP II. This has relevance to employment situations nowadays. All this, is to 1.gain control over men 2. maintain control over men and 4.increase control over men. Antigonus was slain and with him 45 of his chief adherents. They saw in him only a usurper of the throne of David, maintained by the strong arm of the hated Roman oppressor. He was the incarnation of brute lust, which in turn became the burden of the lives of his children. Lk 23:8 raises the possibility that Herod’s desire to see Jesus perform a miracle was quite widely known, so that there is some mileage in this suggestion. That changed from time to time depending on who could do the deal. heard of the fame of Jesus—"for His name was spread abroad" (Mr 6:14). Paul points out the danger of this in 1Cor 8:1 and 1Cor 10:13 and its damaging effect on oneself and upon others. Christians should make use of the freedom which democracy affords to speak up and act. I have found people are very passive where it comes to indentifing and resisting control. Metaphors are metaphors and not codes. And Herod proved equal to the greater task. James deals with the authoritarianism which grows up in those who are in positions of authority. It is better to comment on the relevant page. Of nearly all the kings of the house of Herod it may truly be said that at their death "they went without being desired," unmissed, unmourned. The only time he is mentioned in the New Testament is in Matthew 2 and Lu 1. (Ac 12:1-6, 18-23) His son, Herod Agrippa II, became ruler and reigned up to the time of the Jewish revolt against Rome.—Ac 23:35; 25:13, 22-27; 26:1, 2, 19-32. Just wondering if we can still view leaven in the same sense (false teaching, hypocrisy, double standards) for both the warnings Jesus gave concerning the religious and temporal leaders of His time and His parable of the Kingdom of Heaven? The currency of Herods leaven is loyalty, political loyalty However, contentment with Roman governance does not fully capture what Jesus means by leaven. ‘because we know what leaven represents in Scripture: the corruption of sin.’ repent of being the answer to all our problems. Agape . Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. The one was within the city, the other outside the walls. The will was contested by his brother Antipas before the Roman court. 1. Thus, he built the wall of Sepphoris and made the place his capital. Hope you can forgive me. ( Log Out / Aretas repaid this insult to his daughter by a destructive war (Ant., XVIII, v, 1). Pilate took occasion from our Lords residence in Galilee to bend him for examination, ( Luke 23:6 ) ff., to Herod Antipas, who came up to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. It happens all the time. They had double standards, proclaiming one thing while doing another. ‘Thus, in the New Testament leaven signifies wickedness and malice in contrast to sincerity and truth.’ God backed us, and incrementally over thousands of years we have expressed the nature of God out of our own mouths, by Faith. He was Philip apparently utterly unlike the rest of the Herodian family, retiring, dignified, moderate and just. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. ( Mt 2:22 ) Antipas was a tetrarch, popularly referred to as “king,” who ruled during Christ’s three-and-a-half-year ministry and through the period up to Acts chapter 12. Thus the leaven of Herod draws attention to the bifurcation of civil (Roman) law and moral law – in our day there are people who consider themselves very upstanding people if they have not broken the law of the land, but their morality is unchristian. Educated at Rome with Claudius (Ant., XVIII, vi, 1, 4), he was possessed of great shrewdness and tact. Afraid to leave a remnant of the Asmonean power alive, he sacrificed Mariamne his wife, the only human being he ever seems to have loved (28 BC), his mother-in-law Alexandra (Ant., XV, vii, 8), and ultimately, shortly before his death, even his own sons by Mariamne, Alexander and Aristobulus 7 BC (Ant., XVI, xi, 7). But what does the leaven signify? 19.8.2 §§343–52). Thank you for the brilliant explanation. After various changes of fortune, he gained the favor of the emperors Caligula and Claudius to such a degree that he gradually obtained the government of all Palestine, with the title of king. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. There were in him two distinct individualities, as was the case with Nero. 41 he was appointed by Antony tetrarch of Judea. At the death of his father he inherited Gaulonitis, Traehonitis and Paneas (Ant., XVII, viii, 1). (Mt 2:22) Antipas was a tetrarch, popularly referred to as “king,” who ruled during Christ’s three-and-a-half-year ministry and through the period up to Acts chapter 12. Every blessing in your Bible study. 14 Oct 2019: Code exegesis now available here. He had an open eye for two things--the unconquerable strength of the Roman power and the pitiable weakness of the decadent Asmonean house, and on these two factors he built the house of his hopes. In Jerusalem itself he built the three great towers, Antonia, Phasaelus and Mariamne, which survived even the catastrophe of the year 70 AD. Which communion was that sermon preached at? Who will we rely on? He ruled as "tetrarch" of Galilee and Peraea (Luke 3:1) from 4 BC till 39 AD. The latter was governor of the city, and foreseeing his fate, he committed suicide by dashing out his brains against the walls of his prison. In 2 Peter 2:1, the transition toward the subsequent ecclesiastical sense can be traced. He craftily chose the side of Hyrcanus II in his internecine war with Aristobulus his brother (69 BC), and induced him to seek the aid of the Romans. 37), and completely established his authority throughout his dominions. In a family like that of Antipus and Antipater, talent must necessarily be hereditary, and Herod inherited it more largely than any of his brothers. Since the latter was the daughter of Aristobulus, his half-brother, and therefore his niece, and at the same time the wife of another half-brother, the union between her and Antipas was doubly sinful. Jesus tells us to beware of this. All rights reserved. Here in the USA the idolatry of ‘nation’ dovetails nicely with the regional economic or commercial purposes of the wealthy in the local congregation. He died in the year 34 AD, and his territory was given three years later to Agrippa I, his nephew and the son of Aristobulus, together with the tetrarchy of Lysanias (Ant., XVIII, iv, 6; XIX, v, 1). Comments by the leader of the Scottish Christian Party on the secular, scientific, political and ecclesiastical scene and the application of Christianity to public life. Learn how your comment data is processed. The Saducees did this and many other things. Two powers struggled in him for the mastery, and the lower one at last gained complete control. Both were acquitted (Ant., XVI, iv, 4; XVII, vii, 1). since I am in a hurry didnt check for the permission. All over Herod's dominion were found the evidences of this constructive passion. Scripture draws attention to the spreading and pervasive influence of leaven 1Cor 5:6 and Gal 5:9, in which texts it is applied to the evil influence of sin, as is the use of leaven in the Old Testament. Antipatris was built by him, on the site of the ancient Kapharsaba, as well as the stronghold Phasaelus near Jericho, where he was destined to see so much suffering and ultimately to die. Paul there calls him "king" and appeals to him as to one knowing the Scriptures. In B.C. The gospel picture we have of him is far from prepossessing. Some of the Herodian princes were undeniably talented; but these talents, wrongly used, left no marks for the good of the people of Israel. His influence on his subjects was morally bad (Mark 8:15). I have commented briefly above on the leaven of the Sadducees. ( Matthew 14:4 ) ff. If the Herodian taste for architecture reveals itself here and there (Ant., XX, viii, 11; IX, iv), there is a total absence of the cold disdain wherewith the Herods in general treated their subjects. Joseph his younger brother had fallen in battle (Ant., XIV, xv, 10), and only Pheroras and Salome survived.