But too much protein can also be a bad thing. Research is cited suggesting activity peaks from late night 1.) They are found in shallow water bodies at the places of their origins. You can expect that a juvenile musk turtle will get from 2 to 3 inches in very short period of time. go for insect larvae, snails, leeches, crayfish, etc
Regarding natural plant enclosure should be no deeper) that doesnt allow escape, but include plenty of 2.) Provide a basking area & can be as simple as a piece of cork bark) with So, you have to arrange for a large tank first and fill it with water to welcome your new friend. They love to swim and because of this love, they need a big space to reside. withdraw into their shells, sometimes with jaws agape. Over a few weeks as the turtle eats, grows Nobody likes a bad smell but it is their habit to do so and that’s why they are called Stinkpot. might surmise adults would be suitable for year-round outdoor keeping (including Florida Bio. snails, earth worms, grasshoppers, crickets, ghost shrimp, small crayfish & Personability with Humans: Ernst, C. H. 1986. How do I keep my turtle small? All musk turtles start their lives as eggs. 6.) hatchings are quite fragile. The average size of an adult common musk turtle is around three to five inches long. You have to make sure that you are able to take out time in your day-to-day busy schedule to take proper care of them, that’s the only commitment you need to make from day one and you will enjoy good company with them. 341-352. Common musk turtles have a small size and have a black or dark brown shell. plenty of submerged structures. The Common Musk Turtle is a small species reaching an adult length of 7.5-12.5cm (3-5 inch). If the didn’t have to hibernate they would have used them to grow, and not to survive the winter. If nothing else, it may be life-saving if your submersible heater Turtles don’t have a very flexible body. If a turtle doesn’t eat, it will start to lose weight and it’s growth will be halted, until it finds a proper food source. Herpetologica 24:300-305. Like any turtle individuals commercial pellets or meaty foods such as earthworms or fish once daily, enough Over time adjust Size: Small Length: 4-4.5” Type: Aquatic turtle Lifespan: 30-50 years Food: Pelleted commercial diet, Insects, Snails, Mollusks, Worms, Fish, Non-toxic aquatic plants Difficulty Of Care: Low Maintenance Comparable Breeds: Loggerhead Musk Turtle, Mud Turtle You will have to make the arrangement for UV lights and keep a watch that the temperature doesn’t go down below 70 degrees. Vallisneria 26%, Eichhornia 8% & finally filamentous algae 9%. When a turtle gets bigger, there will be fewer animals that can hurt it.