She served with the Legal Aid Society in the Criminal Defense Division and with the Federal Defender Division, Eastern District of New York and most recently with the Federal Defenders of New York. [90][91][92] The Criminal Court was established effective 1 September 1962 by the New York City Criminal Court Act of the 173rd New York State Legislature and Governor Nelson Rockefeller, replacing the City Magistrates' Courts and the Court of Special Sessions. (Formerly appointed to the Interim Civil Court May 2017). The official home page of the New York State Unified Court System. Judge Robles is a graduate of St. John's University and received his J.D. [16], After notices are served, the prosecutor may ask the court to keep the accused in jail (remanded) or released on bail. Most recently, she served as Vice President and Executive Director/Assistant General Counsel for JPMorgan Chase & Co. Judge John T. Hecht, currently an Acting Supreme Court Justice, was appointed as a Criminal Court Judge in September 2011. Appointed June 2016. Prior to this, Judge Svetkey served as a prosecutor with the Kings and Bronx County District Attorney’s Office before establishing a partnership specializing in criminal defense, immigration and personal injury. Appointed December 2004; reappointed January 2012. Appointed January 2020. Reappointed November 2002; December 2012. (Formerly appointed to the Interim Civil Court June 2003). Felonies are heard by the Supreme Court. from St. John's University School of Law. She is a graduate of Emory University and received her J.D. Judge Alvarado previously served with the Bronx County District Attorney's Office for 12 years, holding various positions including Chief Assistant District Attorney. She is a graduate of Brooklyn College and received her J.D. He was subsequently appointed to the Criminal Court in September 2008. Judge Matthew Sciarrino, Jr. was first appointed to the bench as an Interim Civil Court Judge in January 2005. Judge Jane Tully, an Acting Supreme Court Justice, was appointed to the Criminal Court in January 2013. from New York Law School. [26] Once pretrial hearings are completed, the case is considered ready for trial and will usually be transferred to a courtroom that specializes in handling trials. [63] The Legal Aid Society is contracted as the city's primary provider of criminal legal aid, along with New York County Defender Services in Manhattan, Brooklyn Defender Services in Brooklyn, The Bronx Defenders in the Bronx, Queens Defenders in Queens, and the Neighborhood Defender Service in northern Manhattan. Judge David Frey was first appointed as an Interim Civil Court Judge in January 2017 and has been serving in Criminal Court. Judge Frederick Arriaga was elected to Civil Court in November 2007. [42], The Summons All Purpose Part (SAP) hears cases brought to court by universal summonses issued by law enforcement personnel. Judge Modica served as a Bureau Chief at the Queens County District Attorney's Office and as an Executive Assistant District Attorney at the Kings County District Attorney's Office. from Brooklyn Law School. from Fordham University School of Law. Judge George Grasso was first appointed to the Criminal Court in January 2010. Judge William Harrington has been a Criminal Court Judge since 2001. Judge Ralph Fabrizio, currently serving as an Acting Supreme Court Justice, was appointed to the Criminal Court in December 2001. [50] The summons court is sometimes called the "People's Court" because Criminal Court judges routinely authorize summonses and informations based upon the sworn allegations of private citizens who seek redress for criminal acts against them, and the entire proceeding is generally one of private or court-conducted trial. [30][31] A defendant must be released on bail or ROR'd if they are in jail after a specified time of pretrial detention (bail review): within 90 days for a felony, within 30 days for an at-least-3-months misdemeanor, within 15 days for a maximum-3-months misdemeanor, and within 5 days for a violation, subject to excluded periods. Reappointed January 2002; January 2012. He received his undergraduate degree from St. John's University and his J.D. New York City Criminal Court . Appointed January 2019. He previously served for 12 years with the New York County District Attorney's Office. Prior to that, she worked for two private firms. She graduated from Hampton University and received her law degree from George Washington University, National Law Center. [1] (The work and personnel of the New York County Court of General Sessions, and the County Court in Bronx, Kings, Queens, and Richmond counties, were transferred to the Supreme Court. City of New York. She was an associate for private law firms, a former prosecutor in Kings County, and held executive positions in city and state investigative agencies. NYC Criminal Court Call Center 646-386-4900 or email: . She graduated from Brandeis University and received her J.D.