This will help to prevent interruptions in the webcast if your Internet connection is slow. Crimson Circle Monthly Channel. Connect with Shaumbra through the CC Facebook page and many Shaumbra groups, remember the Silent Prayer, visit the Crimson Circle Library, discover the power of Self Love, learn about DreamWalking and Conscious Choice, enjoy Free Downloads and much more. The first channel of this series was presented on August 3, 2019 and will continue until July 2020. Adamus Saint-Germain Channel: Join the Crimson Circle monthly meetings without leaving the comfort of your home! When the transaction is complete, close the store window and come back to this page where you can continue listening to the audio or watching the video. If you would like to donate now to support the continuation of this great gift of Live Webcast, please click below. You can join the Crimson Circle meetings and you don't have to leave the comfort of your home. © Copyright 2020, Crimson Circle IP, Inc. All rights reserved. This will prevent interruptions in the webcast if your Internet connection is slow. View Since 2009, the messages have been coming from Adamus Saint-Germain. The first channel of this series was presented on August 3, 2019 and will continue until August 2020. If you have questions, click here to get audio/video help. The first channel of this series was presented on October 3, 2020 and will continue until August 2021. Spiritual messages from Tobias, Adamus Saint Germain and Kuthumi lal Singh, channeled through Geoffrey Hoppe of the Crimson Circle ( to support your spiritual awakening, evolution, integration and ascension. © Copyright 2020, Crimson Circle IP, Inc. All rights reserved. You can watch or listen while adding YOUR energy and love to this gathering. C Crimson Circle Crimson Circle Monthly Channel Posts. GET NOTIFIED WATCH AGAIN Donate. Shoud 1: "Passion 2020 Series" - August 3, 2019, Shoud 2: "Passion 2020 Series" - October 5, 2019, Shoud 3: "Passion 2020 Series" - November 2, 2019, Shoud 4: "Passion 2020 Series" - December 14, 2019, Shoud 5: "Passion 2020 Series" - January 4, 2020, Shoud 6: "Passion 2020 Series" - February 1, 2020, Shoud 7: "Passion 2020 Series" - March 7, 2020, Shoud 8: "Passion 2020 Series" - April 4, 2020, Shoud 9: "Passion 2020 Series" - May 2, 2020, Shoud 10: "Passion 2020 Series" - June 6, 2020, Shoud 11: "Passion 2020 Series" - July 4, 2020, Shoud 12: "Passion 2020 Series" - August 1, 2020. You probably already know what a channel is – that thing where an angel or entity conveys a message (or even a few jokes) through a human messenger. Now you can join in on the Crimson Circle meetings - and you don't have to leave the comfort of your home to be there. Ended Aug 1st at 03:00 PM . Join Geoffrey & Linda Hoppe and Adamus Saint-Germain as we broadcast 11 months every year, usually on the first Saturday. Click to Convert Time. 180 Posts. The monthly Crimson Circle meetings and Adamus Saint-Germain channelings, held near Denver, Colorado, are offered live on the Internet, … You can watch or listen while adding YOUR energy and love to this gathering. View this series 178 Posts. That’s the way it works for a Master. Grid Now you can join in on the Crimson Circle meetings - and you don't have to leave the comfort of your home to be there. Crimson Circle Monthly Channel. Visit us at © Copyright 2020, Crimson Circle IP, Inc. All rights reserved. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. C Crimson Circle. The monthly Crimson Circle meetings and Adamus Saint-Germain channels are broadcast live from the Crimson Circle Connection Center in Louisville, Colorado. Click to Convert Time.
If you missed the broadcast today you can already watch the rough edit of the video on LiveStream or listen to the audio recording on the Awakening Zone. It’s been quite a ride, an amazing journey of integration and realization, and a journey that you’ll probably recognize. C Crimson Circle. Thank you for your support! GET NOTIFIED WATCH AGAIN Donate. Ended Oct 3rd at 03:00 PM . If you wish to view today's Slides and Bulletin, it is best to download them before the live webcast begins. C Crimson Circle Crimson Circle Monthly Channel. Text updates, photos, video uploads and saved broadcasts will appear here after you’ve added them. We’ve been transcribing and/or recording the messages from the very beginning, so pull up a chair and browse through the extensive library of information contained in these pages and recordings. Now you can join in on the Crimson Circle meetings - and you don't have to leave the comfort of your home to be there. Walk On: The Powerless Life Series. (see below). Ended Aug 1st at 03:00 PM . Spiritual messages from Tobias, Adamus Saint Germain and Kuthumi lal Singh, channeled through Geoffrey Hoppe of the Crimson Circle ( to support your spiritual awakening, evolution, integration and ascension. By Clicking on one of the following Shoud links, you can go to the text, audio or video version of each Channel (Shoud), or you can listen to or download the audio file of each. Thank you for your support! C Crimson Circle. It all started in 1999 with a channel in a teepee in the Colorado mountains and it’s been going strong ever since. 178 Posts. If you would like to attend in person, visit the Live Events page to register for an upcoming webcast.
If you missed the broadcast today you can already watch the rough edit of the video on LiveStream or listen to the audio recording on the Awakening Zone. It’s been quite a ride, an amazing journey of integration and realization, and a journey that you’ll probably recognize. C Crimson Circle. Thank you for your support! GET NOTIFIED WATCH AGAIN Donate. Ended Oct 3rd at 03:00 PM . If you wish to view today's Slides and Bulletin, it is best to download them before the live webcast begins. C Crimson Circle Crimson Circle Monthly Channel. Text updates, photos, video uploads and saved broadcasts will appear here after you’ve added them. We’ve been transcribing and/or recording the messages from the very beginning, so pull up a chair and browse through the extensive library of information contained in these pages and recordings. Now you can join in on the Crimson Circle meetings - and you don't have to leave the comfort of your home to be there. Walk On: The Powerless Life Series. (see below). Ended Aug 1st at 03:00 PM . Spiritual messages from Tobias, Adamus Saint Germain and Kuthumi lal Singh, channeled through Geoffrey Hoppe of the Crimson Circle ( to support your spiritual awakening, evolution, integration and ascension. By Clicking on one of the following Shoud links, you can go to the text, audio or video version of each Channel (Shoud), or you can listen to or download the audio file of each. Thank you for your support! C Crimson Circle. It all started in 1999 with a channel in a teepee in the Colorado mountains and it’s been going strong ever since. 178 Posts. If you would like to attend in person, visit the Live Events page to register for an upcoming webcast.