In Sean Connery's very first 007 film, Dr. No, we find Bond innocently driving his car on a winding dirt road when, suddenly, he notices he's being followed. sell chips from all these casinos. I don’t know if you can have more fun with a Bond film than the filmmakers did with Diamonds. The result? As Mr. Wint and Bond fight back and forth, 007 gets the upper hand by yanking Mr. Wint's arms through his legs and upwards. Where's Goldfinger?" Meanwhile, Klebb, disguised as a maid, is trying one last time to eliminate Bond and retrieve a valuable device known as the Lektor. Diamonds Are Forever 1971 James Bond The Mint Downtown Las Vegas NV. Dr. Kananga inflates to several times his size, floats to the ceiling, and explodes. After the bad guy explodes, Bond says, "Well, he certainly left with his tails between his legs." Indeed they are! Hard to keep track. A great return to the series for Connery. The action and gadgets. See more ideas about James bond movies, Bond movies, Bond girls. Bond fails to lose them at first, but to his luck, there's a construction vehicle in the middle of the road doing who knows what. In Thunderball, our suave spy gets one of the smoothest kills in 007 history. Diamonds Are Forever (1971) from 23 Best (and Worst) James Bond Movies | E! By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies. Maar in die vijftig jaar ging Bond ook mee met zijn tijd, net zoals de filmposters. Sean Connery in the ocean liner fight (1871x2835 pixels). He's then warned by an ally that the drug lords will seek revenge and that he should leave immediately, but that just isn't the Bond way. Bond girl rating: 005. While Klebb has similarities with other Bond villains, she does have a rather unique weapon — shoes that conceal poison-tipped blades. Baddie rating: 006. She hides a hitman in her apartment, welcomes Bond in, and then does something very clever — she casually mentions that Bond's gun makes her uncomfortable, prompting the agent to take it off his person. The best comes at the end when faced with two assassins armed with flaming skewers. When Milovy asks Bond what happened to Necros, he simply says, "He got the boot.". Right then, a henchman finds him, but Bond uses some kung fu to throw the baddie into the bed of maggots, and then he shuts the drawer. The supporting cast. The car behind Bond is aggressively chasing him, even tapping his rear bumper a few times. Her wigs are top notch, but really, there’s nothing better about her than her one-liners and facial expressions. James Bond delivered this little quip after defeating one of the most difficult baddies in the entire 007 franchise — Oddjob. The music. To fully appreciate this one-liner, you have to understand something about the main villain of From Russia with Love. He discovers an incubator full of maggots, which are fed to fish. So Bond spills the news that Goldfinger is dead, but he does so with the clever one-liner, "Playing his golden harp." ), but he gets the job done. Synopsis: James Bond (Sean Connery) investigates a diamond smuggling racket that leads all the way to Ernst Stavro Blofeld (Charles Gray) in Las Vegas.Just what Blofeld intends to do with the diamonds is another matter…. The real supporting stars, however are Putter Smith and Bruce Glover (father to Crispin Glover, aka George McFly, as well as the Knave of Hearts in Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland movies) as Mr. Kidd and Mr. Wint, respectively. It’s Vegas. Well, later on, Bond gets into a brawl with Hans, one of Blofeld's strongest henchmen. At one point, Blofeld is scolding an underling named Helga Brandt for failing to kill Bond, and as punishment, Blofeld mercilessly activates a trap door that drops Brandt into the piranha tank. Bond's only remark is, "He always did have an inflated opinion of himself.". And here, for your enjoyment, are the best one-liners in Diamonds Are Forever (except when it’s an exchange between Wint and Kidd; it still works): Referring to a coffin heading to the crematorium: “Heartwarming, Mr. Wint.” “A glowing tribute, Mr. Kidd.”, James, to Tiffany: “That’s a nice little nothing you’re almost wearing.”, “I didn’t know there was a pool down there.”, “Who’s she? Conveniently, Bond's car is small enough to drive through a small opening, but the henchmen in the car behind Bond can't make it. Yikes. It's obviously painful given the sound he makes. Actie, mooie vrouwen en slechteriken komen altijd terug. After getting caught in that monstrosity, the snow blower shoots out red snow. Tiffany starts strong, but she tapers a bit at the end. And that's when Bond yells to Tracy, "He had lots of guts." There are some fun unnamed characters as well—Klaus Hergersheimer from G Section, Bambi and Thumper, and the dude at the end who does the countdowns. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. It's where your interests connect you with your people. vsthepomegranate: Diamonds Are Forever (1971) ... Op vijf oktober 1962 - vijftig jaar geleden - ging de eerste officiële James Bond-film in première. Diamonds Are Forever has so many tiny cogs inside it that just make it the perfect Bond film. Bond cuts his shoestrings, leading to Necros tumbling to the ground. But one thing that doesn't come with the job is delivering a witty one-liner afterward — that's just Bond's personality. And Bond replies, "He blew a fuse." The double Oscar winner, 58, has been cast as a baddie, with the name Franz Oberhauser, in the movie Spectre, starring Daniel Craig. Of course. Online, The Original Diamonds Are Forever Movie Poster The original poster artwork for Diamond Are Forever, the classic James Bond movie of 1971, starring the best Bond till date, Sean Connery, has sold at Christie's Vintage Film Posters. The narrative of Diamonds Are Forever hangs together, albeit somewhat loosely. It works both figuratively, in that the henchman was brave to chase after James freaking Bond, and also literally, in that ... well, you know. Anyway, the moral of the story is you don't want to fall into this water. That's what you get for trying to sneak up on James Bond. This movie is about the fun in spy films, though, and he fills the role very well. Domino, cool as a cucumber, casually tells Bond that the henchman is right behind him, and Bond, equally as cool, says, "Really?" These catchy phrases often cleverly pop up in different situations, like when Bond is flirting with a woman or taunting a bad guy. After she agrees to help, Bond begins instructing her on how to use some gadgets to get the job done, but that's when one of Largo's henchmen starts sneaking up on them. There are some great cameos: Sid Haig as one of Blofeld’s Vegas henchmen; Jimmy Dean as Willard Whyte; Bruce Cabot as Bert Saxby. The evil duo find our hero on a … Afterward, Romanova remarks, "Horrible woman." Hailing from the movie Goldfinger, Oddjob is a short but extremely formidable opponent, working for the main villain, Auric Goldfinger. This time, the villain will try to kill Bond and his girl by slowly lowering them into a pool full of sharks. James travels from London/MI6 base to Amsterdam, then Los Angeles (AngeLEEZ), then through the desert to Las Vegas, before ending up on an oil platform in Baja, California. And, of course, Goldfinger loves gold so much that he dedicates his entire criminal career to smuggling it and even gathers a small militia to rob Fort Knox. Bond hurls a heavy gold block at Oddjob, but it just bounces off his chest. Sexy Snark. That's what you'll feel watching this death sequence. Yeah, 007 would never let a bad guy die with dignity. The body jams up the printing press, and the newspaper flying through the machinery is stained red from the victim's blood. Bambi and Thumper are pretty great, if a tad staged, and Lana Wood really didn’t need to be there…wait. The major baddie in this 1963 action flick is Rosa Klebb, a former Russian counterintelligence higher-up who joins the mysterious organization SPECTRE as "No. And perhaps the best way these movies make us laugh is with the use of witty one-liners. Ever see an injury on-screen so painful that you feel it even as a viewer? He dodges the first attack, but from that point on, the two engage in a rather equal wrestling match in the hotel room. Before the spy hops on a plane home, he must first sleep with a woman that he's been courting, but little does Bond know that she plans to kill him. She’s pretty and she’s in charge, and she doesn’t care what people think. At the same moment Oddjob touches his bowler, Bond puts an open wire onto the bars, electrocuting Oddjob to death. Then Bond tries jumping on Oddjob and tackling him, but Oddjob picks up 007 and tosses him like he's a frisbee. The spy then attempts punching his foe, whacking him with a stick, and throwing a metal-ringed hat ... all of which fail. The bizarre kill happens at the climax, when the main villain, Dr. Kananga, captures 007 and the new Bond girl, Solitaire. Yeesh. At one point, the bad guy kills a woman and paints her whole body in gold because why not? They get all the best one-liners (see below), and their deliveries of said lines are absolutely incredible.