Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss the secret Matrix sushi recipes, why our skin doesn't leak and butterfly sperm trickery. Dan, James, Anna, Andy and special guest Sara Pascoe discuss underwater postboxes, easily distracted hijackers and the Disney film all about menstruation. Anna, James, Andy and Tom Scott discuss flashing lights, measuring trees and naughty penguins Visit nosuchthingasafish.com (http://nosuchthingasafish.com/) for news about live shows, merchandise and more episodes. Episodes; Playlists; No Such Thing as a Triangular Rectangle No Such Thing As A Fish No Such Thing as a Delicious Emergency Salad No Such Thing As A Fish No Such Thing As A Cardigan For Ginger Rogers No Such Thing As A Fish No Such Thing as a Babysitter's Trade Union ... No Such Thing As A Fish Andy, James, Anna and Alex discuss ski lift thefts, the world's largest wine cellar and what would happen if all the bacteria disappeared in the …. Award-winning podcast from the QI offices in which the writers of the hit BBC show discuss the best things they've found out this week. Dan, James, Anna and Andrew discuss the most badass members of the Roosevelt family, the legend of Barry Towncouncil, and what on Earth a not-a-bird is. Live from Salford, Dan, James, Andrew and Anna discuss canine height restrictions, finch bite quotients, and the Manchester Of The East. A compilation episodes of bits there weren't time for in the 2016 episodes of No Such Thing As A Fish. Live from Oxford, Dan, James, Anna and Andrew discuss lethal hippopotamus poo, ice cream-making warplanes, and how to avoid upsetting microbes. Live from Birmingham, Dan, James, Anna and Andrew discuss underwater dog treadmills, hitchhiking robots, and the late, late Elizabeth Taylor. A show of outtakes from the last four months. Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss the Kings of Leon, debate some Mule-y Chambers, and find out Whose Snacks are on Fire. Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss testifying in court through a window, the ant nests made of ants, and book the size of postage stamps. Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss your amazing expanding liver, the land of ex-presidents, and scientists disguised as mooses...or is that meese? Hosted by Dan Schreiber (@schreiberland) with James Harkin (@jamesharkin), Andrew Hunter Murray (@andrewhunterm), and Anna Ptaszynski (#GetAnnaOnTwitter). A compilation episodes of bits there weren't time for in the 2016 episodes of No Such Thing As A Fish. Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss the Royal Anagrammist, the man from M.O.U.L.D, and Darwin's publisher's not-so-helpful notes. According to Apple Podcasts and Google Play Podcasts, No Such Thing As A Fish is hosted by No Such Thing As A Fish. Episode 5: This week in the QI Office Dan Schreiber (@schreiberland), James Harkin (@eggshaped), Anna Ptaszynski (@nosuchthing) and Andrew Hunter Murray (@andrewhunterm) discuss rats, popes, kissing and moving house. Live from Up The Creek In Greenwich, Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss the dead author under the bed, the first ever sports bra, and Poopy the Ambassador. A special Christmas episode with Dan, James, Anna and Andy, live from Up The Creek in Greenwich. Dan, James, Anna and Rhys Darby discuss dog dramas, wacky walks, and killer Kiwis. Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss snakes that eat snakes, mathematical street performers, and the celebrity most likely to give you a virus. Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss Beefeaters' birthdays, Roman ice and metal umlauts. Dan, James, Anna and Andrew discuss the invention of ball pits, a fisherman's unluckiest fruit, and how the internet was nearly called The Information Mine. Dan, James, Andy and Anna discuss the age old debate of ‘Nike’ versus ‘Nikey’, telepathic rats, and 90 super-gripping babies. Anna, James, Alex and Anne discuss glow-in-the-dark animals, Dr Seuss’s secret war films and what happens when you Google something. Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss Meaty Biscuits, Leather Baths and Other Strange Tails. This episode features Dan Schreiber (@schreiberland), James Harkin (@eggshaped), Anna …, A new podcast from the writers of QI, who discuss the best facts they've found that week. Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss the Wright brothers’ first flight, China’s latest speed limits, and why poo on a table may be further away than it appears. In a special episode covering the 2017 general election, Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss policies regarding yetis, the underwater constituency, and …, Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss the growing Tibetan butter sculpting crisis, how to email a tree, and what to do with the world's hottest chilli …. Live at the Heinz Oberhummer Award ceremony in Vienna, Dan, James, Anna and Andrew discuss edible sleds, the first attempt at laser eye surgery, and …, Live from Washington D.C., Dan, James, Anna and Andrew discuss the goats that guard Reagan's library, poppy field crop circles, and which Apollo moon …. Live at the Soho Theatre, Dan, James, Andy and Anna discuss internet for plants, smoke jumpers and super-wet water. Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss the man behind human chess, Agatha Christie's untranslatable book and deceitful camemberts. Category: Comedy Last Update: 2020-11-06 Claim Ownership. Dan, James, Anna and Andrew discuss kissing hedgehogs, the time on Saturn, and competitive ploughing. Episode 22 - This week in the QI office, Dan (@schreiberland), James (@eggshaped), Anna (@nosuchthing) and Andy (@andrewhunterm) discuss how to post a human, ancient ham, apes using iPads and the definition of Wales. All the outtakes and deleted bits from Fish 2017. Follow Share . Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss medieval knights, 1001 nights, and French day trippers. Live from New York, Dan, James, Anna and Andrew discuss Hornigold the pirate, support animals for other animals, and why the French can't decide on …. Live from Newcastle, Dan, James, Anna and Andrew discuss superglued frogs, how to get into an Ancient Turkish house, and the Oscar won by nobody. Commercial-Free CNBC, CNN, FOX News Radio & MSNBC, Commercial-Free Music For Every Mood & Activity. Live from Auckland, Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss painting pants on portraits, why Moscow's politicians don't kiss each other, and how often men …. Dan, James, Andy and Anna discuss immobile fish, inedible sandwiches and incredible traffic jams. Dan, Anna, Andy and Alex discuss Spielberg's Great White Turd, maverick train carriages and how bird always know when they're in Aberdeen. Hear the audio that matters most to you. Anna, James, Andy and special guest Alex Edelman discuss illegal canoe practices, the funniest poo joke in history and Henry VIII's favourite pudding. Dan, James, Anna and Andrew discuss marrying chips, geese-rearing astronauts and the restaurant with tables in two different countries. Bonus and ad-free content available with Stitcher Premium. Live from Cardiff, Dan, James Anna and Andy discuss listening to the radio with your hat on, the useless mating call of the pumpkin toadlet, and salmon-shaped mountains. Happy In-between-Christmas-and-New-Year-bit! No Such Thing As A Fish podcast on demand - Award-winning podcast from the QI offices in which the writers of the hit BBC show discuss the best things they've found out this week. Here's a bonus extract from the The Audiobook of The Year 2018, available to download. Dan, James, Andy and Sara Pascoe discuss DNA, 747s and TMI from a certain beetle. Live from Cardiff, Dan, James, Anna and Andrew discuss Comic Sans engravings, nut products with no nuts, and transient jellyfish anuses. Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss demolishing the Great Pyramid of Giza, with the WWF logo is a panda, and psychopathic teenage angst. Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss toe wrestling championships, the ghost of Arthur Conan Doyle, and trains armed with lasers. Visit nosuchthingasafish.com (http://nosuchthingasafish.com/) for news about live shows, merchandise and more episodes. Visit nosuchthingasafish.com for news about live shows, merchandise and more episodes. We wish you a MURRAY Christmas Podcasters use the RadioPublic listener relationship platform to build lasting connections with fans, Dan, Anna, Andrew and Major Tim Peake discuss an out of this world diet, the last species on Earth, and what Tom Collins has been saying behind all …. Hosted by Dan Schreiber (@schreiberland) with James Harkin (@jamesharkin), Andrew Hunter Murray (@andrewhunterm), and Anna Ptaszynski (#GetAnnaOnTwitter). Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss supersmog, horses on treadmills and impossible colours. Episode 36 - Dan (@schreiberland), James (@eggshaped), Andy (@andrewhunterm) and Anna (#getannaontwitter) discuss criminal camels, ancient yo-yos, trucking bees, maize mazes and terrible reasons to call 999. Episode 4: This week in the QI Office Dan Schreiber (@schreiberland), James Harkin (@eggshaped), Anna Ptaszynski (@nosuchthing) and Andrew Hunter Murray (@andrewhunterm) discuss cavemen, spiders, fictitious mountains …, Episode 3: This week QI Elves Dan Schreiber (@schreiberland) and James Harkin (@eggshaped) are joined by Horrible Histories consultant Greg Jenner …, Episode 2 - The second episode of the new podcast from the writers of QI, who discuss the best facts they've found that week. Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss stickers, smartphones and a man who spent a lot of time cooped up. Dan, James, Andy and Alex discuss the early days of MI6, donkeys with WiFi, and the world's only handwritten newspaper. Episode 48 - No Such Thing As A Pokemon-Playing Goldfish by The QI Elves. Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss hummingbird capes, spacesuits for ants, and the origin of the ballpoint pen. Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss cosmetic surgery for Fish, how to get the edge in the Tour de France, and competitive typesetting. Dan, James, Anna and Alex discuss how to make spiders less scary, the oldest message in a bottle, and unusual features of the Mastermind chair. Live from Aberdeen, Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss the banning of sliced bread, broken turtle penises and muscly bums.Episode 260 - No Such Thing As A Giant War Sausage, Live from Glasgow, Dan, James, Andrew and Anna discuss fly dating, 69ing on American roadways, and predicting the future with asparagus. Dan, Anna, Andy and special guest Jason Hazeley discuss the British Lawnmover Museum, questionnaires for narcissists, how Christie's auctioneers get over their nerves. Dan, James Anna and Andy discuss Einstein's twitter account, where water comes from, and The Great Wall Of Sticky Rice. Dan, James, Anna and Andrew discuss get-fit schemes, bubble extremes, Norma Jeane, and an olm's routine.