The roughly 1,600 living species of sea stars occur in all oceans; the northern Pacific has the greatest variety. Sea stars with long-stalked, two-valved pedicellariae comprise the order Forcipulata—the “forceps carriers.” The pedicellariae have protective and, sometimes, food-taking functions.

Echinoderms are animals that you must be knowing. For other echinoderms of similar name, see brittle star; feather star. Primitive sea stars feed by sweeping organic particles that collect along the arm grooves into the mouth on the underside of the disk. Respiration usually is through skin structures. Members of the order have suction-tube feet; the anus may be lacking. Advanced forms either evert (turn outward) the stomach upon the prey (bivalve mollusks, coral polyps, other echinoderms) for external digestion or swallow the prey whole (see video of sea star preying upon a mussel). Often, as in sea urchins, rows of tube feet extend along the body surface, and arms are absent. The second main place to find Starfish is on coral because the starfish nearly always eats it!There are 2,000 species of sea stars living in the world's oceans. The spines are particularly well developed in sea urchins. Corrections?

Announcing our NEW encyclopedia for Kids! Echinoderms are common on the ocean bottom at all depths; in the deep sea they often make up the bulk of living material. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Common name: The Sea Egg Scientific Name: Tripneustes Ventricosus Class: Echinoidea Location: Found all throughout the Caribbean from Florida to Brazil and is also found on the coast of West Africa Habitat: Found in varying places such as rocky reefs, rocks along shorelines, and dense grass and algae patches on sand bottoms Interesting Facts: The sea egg does not like light. If you know a starfish, then you are well aware of what an echinoderm is. For a species of special interest, see crown-of-thorns starfish.

The largest West Indies sea star, Oreaster reticulatus, is sometimes 50 cm (20 inches) across. Pisaster brevispinus—at 65 cm (26 inches) one of the world’s largest sea stars—inhabits the western coast of North America; it preys on other echinoderms known as sand dollars, which burrow to escape it. Echinodermata are so named owing to their spiny skin (from the Greek echinos meaning spiny and dermos meaning skin), and this phylum is a collection of about 7,000 described living species.

Updates? They usually show a superficial five-part radial symmetry, and generally are equipped with peculiar tube feet. The name actually means spiny skin! Sun stars of the genera Crossaster and Solaster are found in northern waters; they have numerous short rays and a broad, often sunburst-patterned disk. The phylum name is derived from the spiny skin. The stalked or attached Pelmatozoa consist of the single class Crinoidea, or sea lilies and feather stars, with 650 species. Retrieved from A number of sea star genera distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere have longer, more pointed, spine-fringed arms; among these genera are Astropecten, Psilaster, and Luidia. Sea cucumbers and sea urchins are eaten by humans. An echinoderm such as the starfish typically has a mouth surrounded by five arms that bear minute, fleshy tube feet with which the animal clings and crawls. Some echinoderms, especially brittle stars, crawl or swim by moving their arms. 3). Echinoderms are animals that are invertebrates. Males produce many times that number of sperm. Light-sensitive spots occur at the tips of the arms. Spiny sea stars, order Spinulosa, typically have clusters of spines; they have suction-tube feet but rarely pedicellariae. The many-rayed sunflower sea star (Pycnopodia helianthoides) of Alaska to California has 15 to 24 arms and is often 60 cm (24 inches) across. Starfish and a few others are pests, as when found in oyster beds. Members of the chiefly Indo-Pacific genus Linckia can grow a new individual from a small piece of a single arm.

The gonads lie on each side….

Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, sea star - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), sea star - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Albatrossaster richardi has been taken at a depth of 6,035 metres (19,800 feet) near the Cape Verde Islands. Common name : sea lilies, Sea Stars(STARFISH), sea urchins, sea cucumbers, and brittle stars. Most species are 20 to 30 cm (8 to 12 inches) across; some are only 1 cm (0.4 inch), and others are as much as 65 cm (25 inches) across. Echinodermata are exclusively marine organisms.

Many authorities, however, unite Asteroidea and Ophiuroidea into a single class, Asterozoa (or Stelleroidea). Habitat Echinoderms occupy all habitats including coral reefs, mangroves, seagrass and soft-bottom areas. Sea stars (Figure 1), sea cucumbers, sea urchins, sand dollars, and brittle stars. So, echinoderms have spiny skin. Acornworms reproduce only sexually, and the sexes are generally separate. The order includes common shallow-water species worldwide—among them predators on bivalves such as clams, oysters, and mussels—such as Asterias rubens of northern Europe, A. vulgaris from Labrador to Long Island Sound, A. forbesi from Maine to the Gulf of Mexico, and A. amurensis from the Bering Sea to Korea.

The sea bat (Patiria miniata) usually has webbed arms; it is common from Alaska to Mexico. Sea star arms—typically five in number—are hollow and, like the disk, covered with short spines and pedicellariae (pincerlike organs); on the lower side are grooves with rows of tube feet (see video of tube foot anatomy and physiology), which may be sucker-tipped or pointed.

The widely distributed S. endeca is 10-rayed and sometimes 50 cm across; the very common spiny sun star (Crossaster papposus) has as many as 15 arms. They may be grazers (most sea urchins), feeders on small particles (many brittle stars), or predators (most starfish). So, echinoderms have spiny skin. They use their suction feet to force open the bivalve’s shell, then insert the stomach, and digest the prey. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Anatomy and physiology of starfish tube feet. …Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers), Asteroidea (starfishes, or sea stars), Ophiuroidea (basket stars and serpent stars, or brittle stars), and Concentricycloidea (sea daisies; discovered in the 1980s).…, In starfishes and other echinoderms, the deep part of the endomesodermal invagination forms two thin-walled sacs, one on each side of the gastrula. About 20 extinct classes are found in the fossil record. Sea stars belong to three orders: Phanerozonia, Spinulosa, and Forcipulata. The free-living Eleutherozoa consist of the classes Holothuroidae, or sea cucumbers, with 900 species; Echinoidea, or sea urchins and sand dollars, with 850 species; Asteroidea, or starfish, with about 1500 species; and Ophiuroidea, or brittle stars, with about 2000 species. Sea star, also called starfish, any marine invertebrate of the class Asteroidea (phylum Echinodermata) having rays, or arms, surrounding an indistinct central disk. Edged sea stars, order Phanerozonia, have distinct marginal plates and therefore tend to be rigid. A sea star can lose one or more arms and grow new ones. The phylum name is derived from the spiny skin. Most of the deep-sea sea stars belong to this order, and many are burrowers. Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription. Scientific classification: Echinoderms make up the phylum Echinodermata. Website navigation : home / PARTICULAR BIOLOGY / Superkingdom Eukaryotae / Kingdom Animalia / Phylum Echinodermata. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The living echinoderms are commonly divided into two subphyla. In most species the arms are long and rounded, and the disk is small. Starfish life cycle, showing the release of eggs and sperm, starfish embryos, a starfish larva, and an adult. The skeleton, made up of calcium carbonate, may form a large proportion of the body, or, as in some sea cucumbers, it may be greatly reduced. The most common are the ones with five arms.

The roughly 1,600 living species of sea stars occur in all oceans; the northern Pacific has the Echinoderms are slow-moving and without complex behavior patterns. Except for a few species which inhabit brackish waters, all echinoderms are benthic organisms found in marine environments. The larval stages of this distinct and highly modified group are rather like those of the acorn worm, suggesting a relationship to chordate animals. Its tube feet enable it to creep in any direction and cling to steep surfaces. Perhaps the most common sea star of the American Pacific coast is P. ochraceus, a five-rayed species sometimes 35 cm (14 inches) across; it is usually reddish but has other colour phases. The name Echinodermata has been widely attributed to Joseph Klein (~1734), but pre-1758 names have no nomenclatural standing under the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (Art. All the animals in Phylum Echinodermata exhibit spiny skin and hence are grouped together. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. The animals have a well-developed gut, but the nervous and circulatory systems are simple. Purely marine animals, there are no freshwater sea stars, and only a few live in brackish water. These are the rudiments of the mesoderm; the remaining part of the archenteron becomes the endoderm and produces the lining of the gut.…, Female starfishes have been known to release as many as 2,500,000 eggs in two hours; 200,000,000 may be shed in a season. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login).

The mud star (Ctenodiscus crispatus), about 10 cm (4 inches) across, with blunt, short arms and a broad, yellow disk, is abundant worldwide on mud bottoms of northern coasts. Common name: Sea Star Scientific name: Asteroidea Genus/Species: asterias Class: AsteroIdea Location: they live in warm and tropical places Habitat: The Starfish live mainly on the bottom of the sea but it also lives in small holes left by other creatures in rocks and coral reefs. In later development, however, the left side of the body grows at the expense of the right, and the adults are quite unlike any other animals. Cushion stars, of the circumboreal genus Pteraster, are plump five-rayed forms with raised tufts of spines and webbed, short, blunt arms. Sea star reproduction typically is heterosexual, but hermaphroditism (reproductive organs of both sexes in one animal) occurs, and a few sea stars reproduce asexually by division of the body (fragmentation). Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... …Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers), Asteroidea (starfishes, or sea stars), Ophiuroidea (basket stars and serpent stars, or brittle stars), and... High Arctic sea star found in the Canadian Basin of the Arctic Ocean. Despite their older common name, they are not fishes.

They have bony, calcified skin, which protects them from most predators, and many wear striking colors that camouflage them or scare off potential attackers.