There are different things you can do and strategized to decrease your grocery bill if budget is an issue and you want to still get organic items. Out of season foods are now available year round flown and trucked from miles away where harmful chemicals are used to keep these foods intact. Make sure you read ingredient labels and don’t purchase anything you wouldn’t be able to pronounce or buy to stock your pantry with. Making cheap, unsafe and poisonous food is a huge business and to make sure that the food and pharmaceutical industry can continue to do this is where lobbyists come into place. Real: True and actual; not artificial. A general conclusion that can be drowned is that reducing and modifying an unhealthy lifestyle will substantially decrease, if not eliminate, risk factors in developing chronic disease. If you must buy items like tomato sauce buy them organic and in glass containers. On the other hand, the pharmaceutical and health products industries have been one of the biggest and most powerful lobbies in Washington. By studying molecular genetics I was able to see this first hand. We are ultimately the ones to blame, but there are also contributing factors to this sick care society, these being the food and pharmaceutical industry for sure. If you need more help Eat Well Live Well can guide you in more detail. Processed food that is fake and junk that have little to zero nutritional value, are high in calories, highly processed, ready to eat and with little preparation. Subscribe now to receive new posts in your email box and claim your FREE E-BOOK filled with over 50 delicious recipes! You turn on genes that prevent disease and turn off genes that promote it and simply evolve your body in such a way that you maximize your body’s full potential. Coronary heart disease is the most common type of heart disease, killing more than 385,000 people annually. Cook your meals from scratch using whole ingredients. Here are other ingredients you should consider not eating that have been banned in the European Union since the 80’s. Shop for fruits and vegetables that are in-season and local since they will be freshest and cheapest. If you want to take action here are some things you can do. Becoming a member of a CSA farmers program can ensure that you are getting local, fresh produce for a fraction of the price. Food is not just a substance. Real food is grown by someone, raised by someone, cared for by someone. It’s said that real food is more expensive than processed food. The US is predominantly sick, and sick care is what we have upon us. You bet it does. The quality of food we eat has a huge impact on our well being as a whole. For example, if you like certain cookies you can try making them yourself by adding less sugar and of the unrefined kind, better fat alternative as well as using whole wheat flour in place of the processed kind and perhaps even making it grain free. Maybe back in the day when there was non GMO products existent in the market, different strains of fertilizers, and a different array of chemicals lingering in our food supply, I would probably wouldn’t care to buy organic items. Whole foods such as fruits and vegetables, and some preferably organic, dairy, also preferably organic, whole grains, wild caught fish (which are free of harmful chemicals), organic or grass feed meat (which are free of hormones and antibiotics), organic poultry, legumes, nuts, seeds, unrefined sweeteners (like raw honey and maple syrup), whole grains (like brown rice, 100% whole wheat bread and whole wheat pasta). If you buy pasta, rice, bread, couscous, flour etc make sure you get the whole grain kinds. Here you can obtain more information on my food philosophy and how it is that I keep at home. Plan well balanced meals that include plenty of whole grains, organic veggies and fruits as well as lean and organic or grass feed poultry and meat. Eat Good 4 Life e-book series with foolproof and nutritious recipes, Instruciones para ver Eat Good 4 Life en español dar aqui, ©2010-2020 Eat Good 4 Life. There is still a lot of controversy in whether or not certain products should be purchased organic. Look for local farmers markets, or ask your grocer what produce items are in season. Real food has a face and name. Plan out your meals to avoid several trips to the store, this will ensure you will have the ingredients you need to cook your meal for the week and help you avoid purchasing package processed food. I consider real food: Food that is as close to its natural and original state without any alteration of any kind. In some ways, this adage holds true. The FDA each year introduces a large amount of chemicals in our food supply, and yet hardly any are tested for their damaging risk to the human body. There is a total of 3.28 billion dollars spent by lobbyist each year in Washington making two of the biggest ten lobbyists the agribusiness and big pharma industry. Chronic diseases are the leading causes of death and disability in the U.S. Aren’t these statics scary? Can eating a healthy diet prevent chronic disease? Packaged high-calorie snack foods, like chips and cheese snacks, Convenience foods like frozen dinners and pizza, Boxed meal mixes, loaded with sodium and fat. In addition a corn feed cow will lack any omega 3’s, which is present in grass feed cows, have a much higher percentage of saturated fat and spread E-coli much rapidly. One of the dangers of highly processed food … All Rights Reserved. Real food is nourishment and should make you feel good. Design by. These two giant industries are profiting from a sick population. About 600,000 people die of heart disease in the United States every year–that’s 1 in every 4 deaths. Understanding that eating healthy should become a priority and not falling in the sick care trap is key. Do you want to guess how much money these lobbyists spend a year making sure you and I have a greater chance to be and remain sick? There are thousands and thousands of studies that have made the correlation that poor nutrition is linked to chronic disease and yet, after knowing this valuable information, there are still millions of people dying from it. Increasing health care costs, an obesity epidemic that is upon us, private industries that profit from a sick population, and suffering from a chronic disease that can decrease once quality and expectancy of life are reasons enough to want to turn things around, don’t you think? There are hormones, antibiotics and many other chemical substances utilized to grow cattle really fast. Slowly but shortly we are seeing more organic and natural products out there and sending a message that perhaps will reshape how these companies think in how they conduct business. Today, it is a different story. Drug companies enjoy more power and influence in America than with any other government in the world. Here is a simple guide to start you on the right path. This can be a daunting task for someone not used to cooking but you can start by cooking once or twice a week and increasing the number as you get comfortable in the kitchen.