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In Fairfax County's 244 precincts, Biden received 404,888 votes, while Trump received 162,294 votes and Libertarian Jo Jorgensen received 7,535 votes. Vote totals are not final. Your […], Voter Information Haz Clic Aquí Para Español Click here to see WHAT’S ON YOUR BALLOT? Fairfax County is also a pioneer of the “Cool Counties Initiative” to reduce global warming emissions 80 percent by 2050, through energy efficiency, tree conservation, tele-work, green vehicles, green buildings, recycling and other cost effective policies that both save energy and save money. As of Wednesday evening, a winner has not been determined in the presidential race as votes continue to be counted in key states. \^�MS,^�%��uӬW�8��`��H�\�bm-�ި����"����S�����d�n� r>�/U]4պ���Q6�g[� �E�~��3Zi� _ ��7$J{tԭ�א�8�|s��҉�BZ�A����Fư�Ƨ��b�H/ Major companies like Volkswagen and Hilton are moving their headquarters to Fairfax County because of our great quality of life. But less than an hour after polls closed on Tuesday night, the Associated Press called Virginia for Biden. Contact your District committee: Fairfax County is the most populated jurisdiction in the Commonwealth of Virginia, with over one million residents (1,081,726), making up 13.5 percent of Virginia’s total population. انظر ماذا تحويه بطاقتك الانتخابية  आपके मतपत्र पर क्या है? H�\��j�0��~ ]��}���6�_R���Gw��ݺ|w��/=i�ĭV�у =U�suR��ew�����zg5_�_{u��>e��k��W��*5+'v�\�h�*���۟-X�?ԟU��O&���k��td[�r��g�9y�d����%xCހ��G�.=�x�������������������������} �j It often trades places with next-door neighbor Loudoun County as the nation's wealthiest county. This site provides assessed values and physical characteristics for all residential and commercial properties. 127 0 obj <> endobj Local election boards certify results on Nov. 10, and the state board will certify results on Nov. 16. Click on a district name below to learn more about that district. New stories posted frequently. See below for some maps from VPAP, depicting “Potential Early Votes by Precinct” — “calculated as follows: (absentee ballots returned, both those cast by mail and in-person) + (the number of outstanding mail ballot applications) divided (total number of registered voters)” — and some highlights. On the precinct level, a large portion of votes came through absentee voting, and these votes were largely for Biden. Centre County Elections. The name of any , streamroad , easement or other physical feature used in a precinct description will be the proper name of that feature it is identifiedas on official Fairfax County GIS maps on the date that the precinct description was adopted. Each of Fairfax’s nine Supervisor Districts has its own local Democratic Committee. ;�����U^,�)�g�g�� Needless to say, most parts of inner NoVA are very “blue” politically. Click here to enter your address and find your districts. Below are the preliminary results by precinct for precincts in and around Burke and West Springfield. ��K\�%��C%ڝ�\����Iժ��>G�w��=u{�7��l������Ū���il�C &�=���0�p��F�� Don’t Live in Fairfax County? (2017-04) Voting Precincts with Polling Places . 你的选票上有什么? endstream endobj startxref ��P�U��6�{���6����G� ��� Absentee ballots in Fairfax County are counted in central absentee precincts based on congressional district — 8th, 10th and 11th. We are very proud of all of our Fire Fighters and Paramedics in Fairfax County. ; and as you get into Fauquier and Stafford. Virginia. Fairfax County Precinct Map On display at each precinct. In Northern Virginia, there are a slew of precincts in the 50%s or higher – such as 60.5% in Overlee Knolls (Arlington), 60.0% in Rock Spring (Arlington, 58.7% in Yorktown (Arlington), 72.6% in Alvey (PW County), 68.1% in Heritage Hunt (PW County), 56.2% in Battlefield (PW County), 61.4% in Maury School (Alexandria), 62.4% in Belmont Ridge (Loudoun County), 53.3% in Stone Hill (Loudoun County), 51.6% in John Champe (Loudoun County), 60.2% in Ashby Ponds (Fairfax County), 53.7% in Vienna #6 (Fairfax County), 52.2% in Oak Marr (Fairfax County), 51.2% in Kilmer (Fairfax County). Digital Map Viewer. Needless to say, most parts of … ¿Qué hay en tu papeleta? North America. 투표지엔 뭐가 있죠? Tue., Nov. 24, 2020 – 7:30pm Fairfax County is Virginia’s largest jurisdiction with over 1.2 million residents. The Fairfax County Election Results Precinct Viewer application provides election results for a specific precinct or political contest. �= m��J#���E�ɞ�ُ��>p��oI�{��v|��g/P��V�� � e����E�M�NT�ƘI7b%#~Ȯ3[x*d,~ dѼ}y&�G�/���!���d*j~U�m��1@l�q��*�����> ,�IZ� X+T2J��I�މ;�ψm���@o&0�P�=�a�u�s�#,��f�;a��D���_��9ȳ3�a�yj�{//�I�1Ʉ ���K>�n&�H�ό>���ؓ��'�"��cㆊ=�ɑ����l��AE�)���6���7$�p�Q9C�"k;��}������c-LB�Y-�-�]M�[ݔ���!�S��E���&. Results on the statewide, locality and precinct levels are available on the Virginia Department of Elections results site. Click Here  VOTING: What You Need to Know […]. endstream endobj 128 0 obj <>/Metadata 12 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 125 0 R/StructTreeRoot 22 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 129 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 130 0 obj <>stream Fairfax County is a suburb of Washington, DC, in Virginia. Keep Fairfax County Moving Forward – Donate Now or Become a Sustainer Virginia has elections every year and sometimes multiple times each year. 4��M��@S�)Д@`���2�� Paid for by the Fairfax County Democratic Committee - FairfaxDemocrats.org, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee, 8500 Executive Park Ave., Suite 402, Fairfax, VA 22031, Keep Fairfax County Moving Forward – Donate Now or Become a Sustainer Virginia has elections every year and sometimes multiple times each year. Wall map of Fairfax County, Virginia. Done. Mail-in ballots that are postmarked by Nov. 3 and received by the registrar's office by noon on Nov. 6 have yet to be counted. There are also a ton in the 40%s, with most 30%s (and a few 20%s) in southern Fairfax County — Gunston at 33.1%, Hybla Valley at 30.4%, etc. Note that totals may change if additional mail-in ballots postmarked by Nov. 3 come in. South. Click Here  VOTING: What You Need to Know […]. Tue., Nov. 24, 2020 – 7:30pm 158 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 133 0 obj <>stream Fairfax County Fairfax County is a suburb of Washington, DC, in Virginia. 2020 Directory of Districts, Precincts and Polling Places - Effective August 21, 2020 List of Temporary Polling Place Relocations For the November 3, 2020 General & Special Elections ONLY Link to Fairfax County GIS Map Gallery - Map Gallery includes: BURKE, VA — Voters in chose former Vice President Joe Biden through absentee voting, but results at Burke and West Springfield area precincts were mixed, according to preliminary election results. Click on one of the property search links above to search by address, by tax map reference number, or by doing a map search. Fairfax County from Mapcarta, the free map. Our community is pivotal to the Democratic gains we’ve made in the Commonwealth of Virginia over the last few years. Contains: Voting precincts, polling places, streets, water features, VRE & metrorail lines and stations. Centre Region Precincts. Don’t Live in Fairfax County? Fairfax County is the most populated jurisdiction in the Commonwealth of Virginia, with over one million residents (1,081,726), making up 13.5 percent of Virginia’s total population. 你的选票上有什么? Fairfax County is Virginia’s largest jurisdiction with over 1.2 million residents. Fairfax County is Virginia’s largest jurisdiction with over 1.2 million residents. Our community is pivotal to the Democratic gains we’ve made in the Commonwealth of Virginia over the last few years. Centre County Precincts. Central Absentee Precinct (11th Congressional District), Biden Denies Trump 2nd Term, Says It's Time For America To Heal, Virginia Department of Elections results site, St. Alban's Muldoon Concert: Afternoon with the Organ Greats, Silver and Brass Restoration Services: Mondays 10-4, **Yard Clean up** Stump Removal** Lawn Care (NOVA). Bellefonte Precincts. Web Mapping Application. FCDC’s online newsletter with news, features & opinions on topics that matter to liberals and progressives in Northern Virginia. Our community is pivotal to the Democratic gains we’ve made in the Commonwealth of Virginia over the last few years. Your […], Voter Information Haz Clic Aquí Para Español Click here to see WHAT’S ON YOUR BALLOT? To change the language of this website, click the drop-down list and select the desired language. 148 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<83617E3AE54D6A449AD6454D77AB60DD><600C94BDDBA9F64386F76417C37E03C5>]/Index[127 32]/Info 126 0 R/Length 103/Prev 127368/Root 128 0 R/Size 159/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream It does.”;…, Great Rant by Rachel Bitecofer, Who Calls For “a complete and total overall of the entire electioneering approach of the [Democratic] Party”, Telling It Like It Is to a Radio Audience in Red Rural Virginia (What This Election Reveals, Means), I noted the last time I posted on this subject, Dems in VA02, VA05, VA07 Blew Away Their Republican Opponents in Fundraising, Cash-on-Hand During First Two Weeks of October, ICYMI: Washington Post Endorses Abigail Spanberger, Slams Nick Freitas For His Extreme Record, Twitter Takes Down Crazy Election Conspiracy Theory Post By Former VA House Privileges and Elections Chair Mark Cole (R), Video, Photos (by Goad Gatsby, Molly Conger) From VA State Sen. Amanda Chase (R)’s “Stop the Steal” Rally in Richmond. ���_A��~� endstream endobj 131 0 obj <>stream Click a district name on the map below to jump to that district page. %PDF-1.7 %���� Click the icon to find your polling place. BOX 562001, Orlando, FL 32856-2001 h�bbd```b``z"[���d��ǁ�[ �9L��ɗ`RLr�՛��.�| ���"� ��DW Iƨ>�����7�� �>�P- ��� �nE https://bluevirginia.us/2020/11/saturday-news-biden-urges-patience-unity-what-the-heck-are-the-decision-desks-doing-the-slow-motion-humiliation-of-an-empty-demagogue-republicans-are-at-each-others-throats-d#comment-5142649038, Twitter Takes Down Crazy Election Conspiracy Theory Post By Former VA House Privileges and Elections Chair Mark Cole (R) https://bluevirginia.us/2020/11/twitter-takes-down-crazy-election-conspiracy-theory-post-by-former-va-house-privileges-and-elections-chair-mark-cole-r h/t @caitlinfxbg.