This is a bilayer cylindrical minaret made of brick. Together with Takht-e Neshin, these are the only structures of the city that are made of granite-mortar-masonry. The single minarets have long body with few decorations, and in term of appearance they have three categories: cylindrical (Golpayegan Minaret), conical (Tarikhaneh Minaret in Damghan and Minaret of Semnan) and polygonal or prismatic (Minaret of Jame Mosque in Nain). Vous pouvez aider en ajoutant des liens vers [[Firuzabadi]] dans les articles relatifs au sujet. Please log in if you don't want to post modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata. anonymously (anonymous users cannot post links). Only the core of the structure remains today. We are sorry, we are still working on adjusting for Metro IE. Shaft found a great importance in Iranian architecture after Islam and it was quickly used as a decorative structure in a way that it became a place to show different decorative arts … Minaret (the malwiya) of Great Mosque of Samarra, Iraq, Minaret of Abu Dulaf Mosque, also in Samarra, Iraq, Minaret of the Mosque of Ibn Tulun, Egypt, inspired by the malwiya, Chapel of Thanksgiving at Thanks-Giving Square in Dallas, Texas, built in 1976, inspired by the malwiya. Sur, préparez votre voyage en Iran - Firuzabad en découvrant les meilleures photos des membres routard. MINARET (manāra), a tower, usually attached to a mosque, from which the muezzin (moʾaḏḏen) summons Muslims to prayer.In Arabic, manāra originally denotes a lighthouse or signaling tower at sea. These in turn may have been based on the ziggurats of the ancient Near East. Minar (Firuzabad) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Left: Khosrogerd Minaret, 12th century AD – Sabzevar, Khorasan Razavi Province, IranPhoto by Farnaz Ghandi via Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA-4.0Right: Sarban Minaret, 12th century A.D – Isfahan, Isfahan Province, IranPhoto by Haaft via Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA-4.0. | Shown within Iran. The Minar - or Minaret - was a spiral tower built in the center of the Sassanian circular city of Gōr, now the modern Firuzabad. Minaret of Mozafari Jame Mosque in Kerman and minaret of Goharshad Mosque are among the minarets of Ilkhante and Timurid minarets respectively. Today, among the attractions of Firuzabad are the Sassanid Ghal'eh Dokhtar, the Palace of … Please use another browser for the best experience with our site. It is located in south of Shiraz and is very easy to reach by public/private transport in about an hour The archeologists believe on the top of this minaret and on each side of it there used to be two rooms and a porch. © 2020 Persia Advisor | All Rights Reserved. Use the advanced tools below to narrow the parameters of your search. 1040-1100 Style period Seljuk of Iran (aka Great Seljuk) Building type religious Building usage minaret Associated collections. Ouvert par Christian-CLEMENT - Dernier message le 26/10/2017 à 13:13. The minaret was not part of the architecture of the early Islamic period. Archaeologists and those that study antiquities think that The Minar was part of a government building and symbolized the divine and centralist kingship. The tower-like structure of Terbal was located at the very centre of this circle. [5] Ernst Herzfeld (1907) had described it as a tower of a square ground plan with a spiral outer ramp. Il s'agit généralement d'une tour élevée dépassant tous les autres bâtiments. The Minar was a staged, tower-like structure built in the center of the Sasanian circular city of Gōr (modern Firuzabad, Iran). with this post, location or person. La ville est entourée d'une muraille de boue et d'un fossé. Gōr had a circular layout, and The Minar was at its center, is hollow, and constructed of granite and masonry. [4][7][5], It is hypothesised that the structure may have been part of a government building and symbolised the divine and centralist kingship introduced by Ardashir I. Des yourtes kirghizes aux steppes mongoles, Arthur Thouret et Moussa Bourekba ont... Enivrantes senteurs d'Orient, épices, échoppes débordant de merveilles, douceurs à la... Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra, certes… Mais que sait-on au juste sur le zoroastrisme, qui... La magie de l'Iran مهرآفرین، رضا؛ خراشادی، سرور؛ جامه بزرگ، عباس؛, مهرآفرين رضا، خراشادي سرور، جامه بزرگ عباس،, "Self-Guided Tour – Guide to Thanks-Giving Square", "Travel Tips: Thanks-Giving Chapel's Islamic Design a Visual, Spiritual Gem in Downtown Dallas",, Articles containing Persian-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 18 September 2020, at 13:49. [4], According to a newer study, the structure, as also described in medieval sources, may have functioned as a water tower, in such a way that water from nearby elevated sources would flow through tubes and Terbal's hollow core towards its dome, and from there it would be flowed to another tube to flow elsewhere in the town. According to Iranica, these two structures may have been confused in medieval Islamic sources, and it is unclear that the names Aywān kiyākhurra (ایوان کیاخوره) (Istakhri), Gunbad-i Kīrmān (or Gīrmān; گنبد گیرمان) and Īrān Garda/Girda[2] (ایران گرده) (Ibn al-Balkhi) mentioned in these sources refer to which structure. The minarets of Pamenar, Shah Abdul Azim, Fatima Masumeh Shrine and old Sepahsalar School from Qajar dynasty are exemplary as well. During Ilkhante and Timurid empires the minarets were tall. Les meilleures photo Firuzabad des internautes. Several theories have been proposed for its purpose. La ville est située à 115 km de Chiraz. Considering shafts and minarets of Iran as a structure, they can be divided into two categories of single and paired. [3][4] The remaining structure is hollow, according to the Qajar period writer Forsat-od-Dowleh Shirazi. Des professionnels du tourisme ayant conclu des accords avec ROUTARD.COM permettent l’accès à leurs offres et prestations directement via le site, sans frais pour les visiteurs. Timeline; Coordinates 28.8406429290771, 52.5705947875977. Minar (Firuzabad) - Minar (Firuzabad) Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Several theories have been proposed for its purpose. cache 4h 2m Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Only the core of the structure remains today. 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