1 Chief Justice. Please note that the Massachusetts Appeals Court does not have direct appellate jurisdiction over decisions of the Department of Unemployment Assistance. Most housing cases are filed in either housing or district court. "The WISP sets forth the standards applicable to the Supreme Judicial Court, the Appeals Court and all departments of the Trial Court (“Courts”) for collecting, storing, using, transmitting, and protecting electronic and physical records containing personal information. US District Court: District of Massachusetts, US Bankruptcy Court: District of Massachusetts, SJC and Appeals Court docket information A "series of short video briefings offering practical and sage advice from more than forty active and alumni members of the Massachusetts Superior Court. Appeals Court Housing Court. Specialty courts are problem-solving court sessions that provide court-supervised probation and mandated treatment. Land Court. It has jurisdiction over (1) Mandatory Jurisdiction in civil, criminal, judge disciplinary, advisory opinion, and original proceeding cases. Reflections of the justices, Judith Fabricant, ed., SJC Historical Society, 2009. Includes Guide to Appeals, Entry of an Appeal, Direct Appellate Review, Further Appellate Review, Motion Practice, Single Justice Practice, Interlocutory Petitions, Motions to Stay Pursuant to RAP 6, Format for Briefs & Appendices, Oral Arguments, Moffett Filings, Impoundment Procedures, and Pilot Project - Docketing Statement, Massachusetts Court Reform Act of 1978. New content will be added above the current area of focus upon selection This page, Massachusetts law about the Massachusetts court system, is, Massachusetts law about the Massachusetts court system, Administrative office (no law library at this location), in the scale of 1, Strongly Disagree, to 5, Strongly Agree, Professional Training & Career Development, Action plan for hiring and promotion of Trial Court administrative employees, Action plan for hiring and promotion of employees of the Trial Court Recorder, Clerks and Registers of Probate, 2017 Massachusetts Trial Court report on the access and fairness survey, Final report of the Supreme Judicial Court on hiring in the judicial branch, The Report of the Chief Justice's Commission on the Future of the Courts-Reinventing Justice 2022, Report of the independent counsel [on the Massachusetts Probation Department] (The Ware Report), Statement of the justices of the Supreme Judicial Court relative to the report of the independent counsel, Report of the Massachusetts Court Management Advisory Board: legislative action required to achieve managerial excellence in the Trial Courts, Report of the Massachusetts court technology visiting committee, Report of the study committee on trial transcripts, Report of the Supreme Judicial Court's ad hoc committee on Bosch litigation, Report of the visiting committee on managing with data in the Massachusetts Trial Court, Report to the legislature on court relocations, Report to the Supreme Judicial Court [on acquittal rates in DUI cases], Separate and secure waiting area task force implementation progress report, Supreme Judicial Court study group on eyewitness evidence: report and recommendations to the justices, The visiting committee on management in the courts report to Chief Justice Margaret H. Marshall (the Monan report), Within our reach: gender, racial and ethnic equality in the courts, Boston Globe Media Partners v. Chief Justice of the Trial Court, A guide to public access, sealing and expungement of District Court records, Massachusetts Trial Court record retention schedule, SJC Rule 1:24: Protection of personal identifying information in publicly accessible court documents, Written information security program for non-public documents held by the Massachusetts courts (WISP), Checklist for preparation of brief and appendix, Featured practice tips from the Superior Court bench, Massachusetts Trial Court policy on juror use of personal communication devices, MUPC estate administration procedural guide, Ryan v. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Serving the self-represented litigant: a guide by and for Massachusetts court staff, History of the judiciary of Massachusetts,including the Plymouth and Massachusetts Colonies, the Province of the Massachusetts Bay, and the Commonwealth, A short history of the Massachusetts courts, Sketches of the judicial history of Massachusetts from 1630 to the Revolution in 1775, Massachusetts law about criminal law and procedure, Massachusetts law about electronic discovery, Massachusetts law about self-represented litigants.